Inside Sport

What Floats Ya Boat?

By marconi101 - 28 Oct 2009 2:20 PM

In essence it's the opposite of WGMG

WFYB: Knowing I'm not working until Friday and then having a major piss-up on Sat'day night

Edited by Bowden: 14/3/2014 11:46:07 PM

Edited by pv4: 13/4/2015 11:26:54 AM
By Munrubenmuz - 14 Nov 2022 10:45 AM


Old man Muz winning a gold medal in the over 50s at the Pan Pacific Masters (adult schoolies) at the Goldy.

Played for the mighty Dunrooten United for the first time and got the job done. 

Went in with plantar fasciitis in both feet but played all 5 matches. Hobbled every day before and after the matches but got through and did over the clowns in the final that beat us in the first match.

Winners are certainly grinners.