Sportsmen dropping like flies, no explanation ...

Sportsmen dropping like flies, no explanation ...

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NicCarBel - 17 Jun 2024 1:39 PM
johnsmith - 17 Jun 2024 1:02 PM
That's all well and fine - but there's still no released figures in what you said is there? It's just a concept/theory.

Just remember before engaging with this peanut that Mr 'Truth seeker' literally believes the earth is 6000 years old and echidnas and platypus's walked 14000km to Australia.

Peer reviewed studies from dozens of different scientific fields regarding the billions of years the earth has been around for mean nought to him. They're only worth referring to IF they're related to an argument he is positing. 

This is the type of brain dead moron you're talking to.

Member since 2008.

3 Months Ago by Munrubenmuz
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OMG having not ventured here for quite a while - ok I knew the thread was still active but never bothered ducking in to read/catch up the last couple of pages.

So am I reviewing this right :
GP's are a no go zone.
Pharma is the germ/cancer to humans.
Panadol/Aspirin do not use.
Is voltarin ok so I can play on weekends ?

Mr Smith, so what am I to do IF I need medical help or my wife or kids let alone 2 aging parents in their 90's ?
Who/where can I take them with confidence they will actually help and no drugs will help them ?

Love Football

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LFC. - 17 Jun 2024 4:42 PM

Mr Smith, so what am I to do IF I need medical help or my wife or kids let alone 2 aging parents in their 90's ?
Who/where can I take them with confidence they will actually help and no drugs will help them ?

Go to his church, and pray. 

For the best results be sure to leave a donation on the way out please. 
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tsf - 17 Jun 2024 5:47 PM
LFC. - 17 Jun 2024 4:42 PM

Go to his church, and pray. 

For the best results be sure to leave a donation on the way out please. 

You could. Or you could just kill yourself because if you believe, you truly believe, then you are going to go somewhere better and, to be honest, all life on earth is nothing more than a waiting room for the real show.

Those that aren't really keen on topping themselves can wait until the rapture when they'll ascend in good order.

The rest of you are fucked though.

Member since 2008.

3 Months Ago by Munrubenmuz
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Munrubenmuz - 17 Jun 2024 4:03 PM
NicCarBel - 17 Jun 2024 1:39 PM

Just remember before engaging with this peanut that Mr 'Truth seeker' literally believes the earth is 6000 years old and echidnas and platypus's walked 14000km to Australia.

Peer reviewed studies from dozens of different scientific fields regarding the billions of years the earth has been around for mean nought to him. They're only worth referring to IF they're related to an argument he is positing. 

This is the type of brain dead moron you're talking to.

tsf - 17 Jun 2024 5:47 PM
LFC. - 17 Jun 2024 4:42 PM

Go to his church, and pray. 

For the best results be sure to leave a donation on the way out please. 

It's funny. Because to be 100% honest, I consider myself to be quite conservative (and low-level religious).
But I am still baffled at the discourse.

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NicCarBel - 17 Jun 2024 6:12 PM
Munrubenmuz - 17 Jun 2024 4:03 PM

tsf - 17 Jun 2024 5:47 PM

It's funny. Because to be 100% honest, I consider myself to be quite conservative (and low-level religious).
But I am still baffled at the discourse.

My missus is religious but would be in the same boat as you. 
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tsf - 17 Jun 2024 1:31 PM
What’s really concerning that despite having access to the best medical minds and resources all over the world, the sporting clubs, national teams,  media and organisations have managed to make sure the tens of thousands people that need to be involved with covering it up stay silent and don’t reveal all the players dropping like flies. Or yet, don’t warn the players. 

The only people willing to risk bringing us this top secret info is John smith and the gateway pundit. 

History might just look back at them and say they were heroes. 

No, the real heroes are the Australian doctors and medical professors who lost their jobs for taking a stand against the dangers of the MRNA substances.

Here are Australian doctors who lost their jobs due to opposing covid vaccines

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NicCarBel - 17 Jun 2024 1:39 PM
johnsmith - 17 Jun 2024 1:02 PM
That's all well and fine - but there's still no released figures in what you said is there? It's just a concept/theory.

The paper by the Melbourne University academics was a review paper, and hence - for each point they make - they cite other papers that have data and figures to back up each point.

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LFC. - 17 Jun 2024 4:42 PM
OMG having not ventured here for quite a while - ok I knew the thread was still active but never bothered ducking in to read/catch up the last couple of pages.

So am I reviewing this right :
GP's are a no go zone.
Pharma is the germ/cancer to humans.
Panadol/Aspirin do not use.
Is voltarin ok so I can play on weekends ?

Mr Smith, so what am I to do IF I need medical help or my wife or kids let alone 2 aging parents in their 90's ?
Who/where can I take them with confidence they will actually help and no drugs will help them ?

In this day and age, it's difficult to find the right advice. But you will agree with this: DO NOT trust any G.P. who would rather keep their job than put their patient's health as first priority. Here are doctors who lost their jobs taking a stand against drugs that they saw were harmful to the population:

Ask your GP this plain question: If you believed that a drug would be dangerous for me, but TGA ordered you to give it to me, upon penalty of you losing your job if you resisted, what would you do?

Simple question.

3 Months Ago by johnsmith
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Munrubenmuz - 17 Jun 2024 4:03 PM
NicCarBel - 17 Jun 2024 1:39 PM

Just remember before engaging with this peanut that Mr 'Truth seeker' literally believes the earth is 6000 years old and echidnas and platypus's walked 14000km to Australia.

Muz, your thinking is like this: (a) the notion of God is ridiculous, therefore (b) johnsmith is a peanut.

You've used the accusation that I must be a nut because, as you say, how did the kangaroos hop to Australia from the Ark in Ararat in Turkey?

An answer:

"One accusation thrown at biblical creationists is that kangaroos could not have hopped to Australia, because there are no fossils of kangaroos on the way. But the expectation of such fossils is a presuppositional error. Such an expectation is predicated on the assumption that fossils form gradually and inevitably from animal populations. In fact, fossilization is by no means inevitable. It usually requires sudden, rapid burial. Otherwise the bones would decompose before permineralization. One ought likewise to ask why it is that, despite the fact that millions of bison used to roam the prairies of North America, hardly any bison fossils are found there. Similarly, lion fossils are not found in Israel even though we know that lions once lived there."

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johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 11:23 AM
Munrubenmuz - 17 Jun 2024 4:03 PM

Muz, your thinking is like this: (a) the notion of God is ridiculous, therefore (b) johnsmith is a peanut.

You've used the accusation that I must be a nut because, as you say, how did the kangaroos hop to Australia from the Ark in Ararat in Turkey?

An answer:

"One accusation thrown at biblical creationists is that kangaroos could not have hopped to Australia, because there are no fossils of kangaroos on the way. But the expectation of such fossils is a presuppositional error. Such an expectation is predicated on the assumption that fossils form gradually and inevitably from animal populations. In fact, fossilization is by no means inevitable. It usually requires sudden, rapid burial. Otherwise the bones would decompose before permineralization. One ought likewise to ask why it is that, despite the fact that millions of bison used to roam the prairies of North America, hardly any bison fossils are found there. Similarly, lion fossils are not found in Israel even though we know that lions once lived there."

Amazingly though there are fossils of kangaroos in Australia.

Link anything that's not from christian website and I MIGHT pay it some attention.

You cannot claim 'the science' on your sides regards MRNA vaccines and ignore it on the other when it comes to the age of the earth.

You are a ridiculous idiot.

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johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 11:23 AM
Munrubenmuz - 17 Jun 2024 4:03 PM

One ought likewise to ask why it is that, despite the fact that millions of bison used to roam the prairies of North America, hardly any bison fossils are found there. 


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3 Months Ago by Munrubenmuz
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Munrubenmuz - 17 Jun 2024 6:06 PM
tsf - 17 Jun 2024 5:47 PM

You could. Or you could just kill yourself because if you believe, you truly believe, then you are going to go somewhere better and, to be honest, all life on earth is nothing more than a waiting room for the real show.

Those that aren't really keen on topping themselves can wait until the rapture when they'll ascend in good order.

The rest of you are fucked though.

Suicide is a mortal sin Muzzie no heaven for those looking to top themselves    :P
Monoethnic Social Club
Monoethnic Social Club
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johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 11:23 AM
Munrubenmuz - 17 Jun 2024 4:03 PM

Muz, your thinking is like this: (a) the notion of God is ridiculous, therefore (b) johnsmith is a peanut.

You've used the accusation that I must be a nut because, as you say, how did the kangaroos hop to Australia from the Ark in Ararat in Turkey?

An answer:

"One accusation thrown at biblical creationists is that kangaroos could not have hopped to Australia, because there are no fossils of kangaroos on the way. But the expectation of such fossils is a presuppositional error. Such an expectation is predicated on the assumption that fossils form gradually and inevitably from animal populations. In fact, fossilization is by no means inevitable. It usually requires sudden, rapid burial. Otherwise the bones would decompose before permineralization. One ought likewise to ask why it is that, despite the fact that millions of bison used to roam the prairies of North America, hardly any bison fossils are found there. Similarly, lion fossils are not found in Israel even though we know that lions once lived there."

Jesus Christ a 5 year old can debunk your bible thumping... why dont you stop?

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Monoethnic Social Club - 18 Jun 2024 12:14 PM
johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 11:23 AM

Jesus Christ a 5 year old can debunk your bible thumping... why dont you stop?

Think systematically and logically. Not many people are trained to do this - that is why so many people are fooled by trick arguments used by politicians and the Media.

By me thinking this through systematically, I see that:

- the discovery of contents of this ancient cave is "physical evidence".

- whereas, the assertion of the dates as being in a period far off from recorded human history, that is the interpretation and speculation part.

Recorded human history only goes back about 6,000 years. Hence, when you find evidence in the form historical statements, you can peg the time period by matching it to similar events described elsewhere. For example, the birth of Jesus was during a census, and we can see if this matches other historical records.

For example:

Whereas, when people find things inside a cave and assert that these are 45,000 to 20,00 B.C., that is asserting that it happened before any recorded history.

This assumes that for all those tens of thousands of years, mankind was not intelligent enough to learn to keep records. Whereas, if you see the read the writings ancient Egypt etc. you see that people thought with the intelligence of typical human beings. e.g. ability to make grand architectural structures like the pyramids found in many civilisations. So you're siding with the crowd that says, before that, for tens of thousands of years, mankind didn't have that intelligence, and suddenly 6,000 years ago - zap - everyone has the ability to start recording their history in writing?

This is the level of blind-faith that people like you have in believing everything that is fed to you.

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johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 2:55 PM
Monoethnic Social Club - 18 Jun 2024 12:14 PM

Think systematically and logically. Not many people are trained to do this - that is why so many people are fooled by trick arguments used by politicians and the Media.

By me thinking this through systematically, I see that:

- the discovery of contents of this ancient cave is "physical evidence".

- whereas, the assertion of the dates as being in a period far off from recorded human history, that is the interpretation and speculation part.

Recorded human history only goes back about 6,000 years. Hence, when you find evidence in the form historical statements, you can peg the time period by matching it to similar events described elsewhere. For example, the birth of Jesus was during a census, and we can see if this matches other historical records.

For example:

Whereas, when people find things inside a cave and assert that these are 45,000 to 20,00 B.C., that is asserting that it happened before any recorded history.

This assumes that for all those tens of thousands of years, mankind was not intelligent enough to learn to keep records. Whereas, if you see the read the writings ancient Egypt etc. you see that people thought with the intelligence of typical human beings. e.g. ability to make grand architectural structures like the pyramids found in many civilisations. So you're siding with the crowd that says, before that, for tens of thousands of years, mankind didn't have that intelligence, and suddenly 6,000 years ago - zap - everyone has the ability to start recording their history in writing?

This is the level of blind-faith that people like you have in believing everything that is fed to you.

Yes, but if there's science that supposedly backs up your vaccine stance (I'm not going to comment either way on that right now, but just the line of thinking), why can't there be science that debunks 'blind-faith'?

Again, I'm saying that as a quasi-religious person as well, so I too have skin in that game on your side.

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Monoethnic Social Club - 18 Jun 2024 12:09 PM
Munrubenmuz - 17 Jun 2024 6:06 PM

Suicide is a mortal sin Muzzie no heaven for those looking to top themselves    :P

Yeah I remember that now. You can kill each other though. 

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Munrubenmuz - 18 Jun 2024 11:46 AM
johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 11:23 AM


Don't just ignore this like you always do. This is a direct refuting of your claim. 

Address it.

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Munrubenmuz - 18 Jun 2024 7:57 PM
Munrubenmuz - 18 Jun 2024 11:46 AM

Don't just ignore this like you always do. This is a direct refuting of your claim. 

Address it.

I address it as follows:

In every controversial area, there are experts on both sides. You gotta navigate the jungle ideas with a heart that seeks truth. Here's an article:

"A recent review paper proposed a controversial claim—that the vast majority of animal species arose contemporary with modern humans. Not surprisingly, this claim was met with backlash from the evolutionary community. On what basis did the authors make this wide-reaching claim? ... The main focus of Stoeckle and Thaler’s paper is genetics."

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johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 9:32 PM
Munrubenmuz - 18 Jun 2024 7:57 PM

I address it as follows:

In every controversial area, there are experts on both sides. You gotta navigate the jungle ideas with a heart that seeks truth. Here's an article:

"A recent review paper proposed a controversial claim—that the vast majority of animal species arose contemporary with modern humans. Not surprisingly, this claim was met with backlash from the evolutionary community. On what basis did the authors make this wide-reaching claim? ... The main focus of Stoeckle and Thaler’s paper is genetics."

I like to eat oranges
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Munrubenmuz - 18 Jun 2024 7:55 PM
Monoethnic Social Club - 18 Jun 2024 12:09 PM

Yeah I remember that now. You can kill each other though. 

Only if you get a priest to bless you on the battlefield first :P lol
Monoethnic Social Club
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johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 2:55 PM
Monoethnic Social Club - 18 Jun 2024 12:14 PM

Think systematically and logically. Not many people are trained to do this - that is why so many people are fooled by trick arguments used by politicians and the Media.

By me thinking this through systematically, I see that:

- the discovery of contents of this ancient cave is "physical evidence".

- whereas, the assertion of the dates as being in a period far off from recorded human history, that is the interpretation and speculation part.

Recorded human history only goes back about 6,000 years. Hence, when you find evidence in the form historical statements, you can peg the time period by matching it to similar events described elsewhere. For example, the birth of Jesus was during a census, and we can see if this matches other historical records.

For example:

Whereas, when people find things inside a cave and assert that these are 45,000 to 20,00 B.C., that is asserting that it happened before any recorded history.

This assumes that for all those tens of thousands of years, mankind was not intelligent enough to learn to keep records. Whereas, if you see the read the writings ancient Egypt etc. you see that people thought with the intelligence of typical human beings. e.g. ability to make grand architectural structures like the pyramids found in many civilisations. So you're siding with the crowd that says, before that, for tens of thousands of years, mankind didn't have that intelligence, and suddenly 6,000 years ago - zap - everyone has the ability to start recording their history in writing?

This is the level of blind-faith that people like you have in believing everything that is fed to you.

Get thee behind me Satan..... Our lord Jesus Christ warned us about the powerful message of false prophets like jon smith (lower case), the Lord of Lies.... twisting and subverting God's truth.

P.S no matter how old or even if these lions died yesterday, you claim that there are no fossils of lions in Judea and I yet I presented you with an articel describing physical proof.. Now go and find me a reference to some sort of universal census that happened during the reign of Herod (not even going to mention the laughable assertion that it required people to "travel home" tot their birthplaces) in ANY of the other written historical accounts NOT in the bible.... Any of the other contemporary histories of the era will do, Greek, Roman, whatever you want.


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Monoethnic Social Club - 19 Jun 2024 9:48 AM
johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 2:55 PM

Get thee behind me Satan..... Our lord Jesus Christ warned us about the powerful message of false prophets like jon smith (lower case), the Lord of Lies.... twisting and subverting God's truth.

P.S no matter how old or even if these lions died yesterday, you claim that there are no fossils of lions in Judea and I yet I presented you with an articel describing physical proof.. Now go and find me a reference to some sort of universal census that happened during the reign of Herod (not even going to mention the laughable assertion that it required people to "travel home" tot their birthplaces) in ANY of the other written historical accounts NOT in the bible.... Any of the other contemporary histories of the era will do, Greek, Roman, whatever you want.


This is turning into a mob. Stop. You need to carefully read what I wrote above.

I never said there are no physical remains. I said that the interpretation of the age/years of the remains is merely speculative interpretation.

e.g. I can find a McDonalds burger carton in your garden, and I assert that it is 40,000 years old. That's a wild example, but the assertions of the number of years old makes prior assumptions often in the carbon-dating process.

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"New Zealand Super Rugby player Connor Garden-Bachop has died at the age of 25 ... "following a medical event" on Monday, New Zealand Rugby said."

Remember, when we refer to "sportsman dropping like flies", we're really referring to the phenomenon of young people dying over and above historical norms. I think people like tsf and Muz have not grasped that fact yet.
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johnsmith - 19 Jun 2024 11:02 AM
Monoethnic Social Club - 19 Jun 2024 9:48 AM

This is turning into a mob. Stop. You need to carefully read what I wrote above.

I never said there are no physical remains. I said that the interpretation of the age/years of the remains is merely speculative interpretation.

e.g. I can find a McDonalds burger carton in your garden, and I assert that it is 40,000 years old. That's a wild example, but the assertions of the number of years old makes prior assumptions often in the carbon-dating process.

Then anyone can say anything about anything and say anything from anything resulting in anything

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johnsmith - 19 Jun 2024 11:02 AM
Monoethnic Social Club - 19 Jun 2024 9:48 AM

This is turning into a mob. Stop. You need to carefully read what I wrote above.

I never said there are no physical remains. I said that the interpretation of the age/years of the remains is merely speculative interpretation.

e.g. I can find a McDonalds burger carton in your garden, and I assert that it is 40,000 years old. That's a wild example, but the assertions of the number of years old makes prior assumptions often in the carbon-dating process.

You can assert whatever it is you want although you would be hard pressed to claim something was 40,000 years old and still believe the universe was only made in 6 days (and one RDO) 6000 years ago.

No by preachy, self righteous, false prophet friend you stated above that:

Similarly, lion fossils are not found in Israel even though we know that lions once lived there.

I showed you fossils... dont care how old they are or where or are claimed to be... they are LION bones no?

Just a friendly observation if you will allow me? You will gain alot more credibility if you stick to a reasonable method of presenting your argument and not change the conversation to suit your needs.... carry on.
Monoethnic Social Club
Monoethnic Social Club
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johnsmith - 19 Jun 2024 11:08 AM
"New Zealand Super Rugby player Connor Garden-Bachop has died at the age of 25 ... "following a medical event" on Monday, New Zealand Rugby said."

Remember, when we refer to "sportsman dropping like flies", we're really referring to the phenomenon of young people dying over and above historical norms. I think people like tsf and Muz have not grasped that fact yet.

Here is another one ... maybe you are right after all?

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johnsmith - 18 Jun 2024 9:32 PM
Munrubenmuz - 18 Jun 2024 7:57 PM

I address it as follows:

In every controversial area, there are experts on both sides. You gotta navigate the jungle ideas with a heart that seeks truth. Here's an article:

"A recent review paper proposed a controversial claim—that the vast majority of animal species arose contemporary with modern humans. Not surprisingly, this claim was met with backlash from the evolutionary community. On what basis did the authors make this wide-reaching claim? ... The main focus of Stoeckle and Thaler’s paper is genetics."

Address it by linking a non Christian website clown.

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Monoethnic Social Club - 19 Jun 2024 12:59 PM
johnsmith - 19 Jun 2024 11:02 AM

Similarly, lion fossils are not found in Israel even though we know that lions once lived there.

MSC, be precise. The mere finding of lion-bones in a cave are not "fossils". Fossils are remains of animals that have turned into rock. Fossils are found embedded in the rock material. Whereas finding bones in, or buried in, a cave, that's not "fossils".

So that all the world can see how insane are your arguments, below is the link to the article on which you're attacking me. The word "fossil" does not appear once. I repeat: merely finding lion-bones in a cave does not equal lion-fossils being found.

3 Months Ago by johnsmith
Monoethnic Social Club
Monoethnic Social Club
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johnsmith - 19 Jun 2024 10:44 PM
Monoethnic Social Club - 19 Jun 2024 12:59 PM

MSC, be precise. The mere finding of lion-bones in a cave are not "fossils". Fossils are remains of animals that have turned into rock. Fossils are found embedded in the rock material. Whereas finding bones in, or buried in, a cave, that's not "fossils".

So that all the world can see how insane are your arguments, below is the link to the article on which you're attacking me. The word "fossil" does not appear once. I repeat: merely finding lion-bones in a cave does not equal lion-fossils being found.

Your far too impatient johnsmith, the universe is only 6 thousand years old, youve gotta give these lion bones a bit more time to eventually turn into stone mate....

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