Inside Sport


By kaufusi - 23 Nov 2016 3:57 PM

So this was posted on Facebook earlier today...


Hello FCFC Members

Its been a work in progress for some time now and on behalf of the FCFC I'm ready to share the subject line bid to the public at large within the next 2 weeks and without going into the detail here of all elements of the model, I wanted to share the part where the WA football clubs and their members (including our own) play their part as stakeholders and where you can be a part of it.

The model is strictly a "Fan First" one, and I am looking for Foundation Football Club Members (FFCM) from where these fans will come from to support the new Fremantle City A League club.

The model is reverse engineered to put in place what every club wants, sufficient supporter numbers to underpin revenues to avoid reliance, in the A leagues case, to wealthy investor owners and corporate sponsors, who form a part of the model but will not be the difference whether the club survives financially or not.

The FFCM invest no money, are exposed to no financial risk and on the contrary - share in revenue paid directly in proportion to the individual members of the A League club who are also members of the FFCM,

A % of the A League clubs profit will also be distributed to the FFCM (under the same formula above) as the second bonus income payment.

The model will be unique for the A League, I do have a desire to see funds flow back from the top competition of the game to the grass root not for profit clubs as is the case with the AFL, it's not going to happen with the FFA anytime soon and I hope this small initiative, if supported, may be the start of something greater for our game here in WA and the supporters of it.

I will be conducting meetings next week with a number of clubs outside of the FCFC who have expressed an interest to be a part of it, from the FCFC Member perspective, if you support the idea of a second WA A League license and want to receive information on a regular basis on how to be a member of this new A League Club, then if you have not done so already register with TeamApp, select the Fremantle City Football Club and then select the access group of FCFC A League Club.

You are welcome to share this post for this is a new A League Club Model for the person who counts as # 1, you, the fan.

Thanks everyone, and good luck to us all.

Maurice Oteri
By Draupnir - 24 Nov 2016 11:47 AM

There is no chance on Earth this is going to happen. It sounds like a mad pyramid scheme though so I might try get in at the top.