Inside Sport

Love thy Local: Winki Pop [Comments]

By TracksBot - 17 Mar 2017 11:40 AM

By Riseofthewaves2017 - 23 Mar 2017 10:09 PM

I Think I know that photo your talking (20years old easy) about as well? it's 8-10ft easy a photo looking down at Winki with that one bomb just starting to unload at uppers maybe a guy about to get badly caught inside! overcast steely and a little sandy! my fav days too and so nice to block out that early sun in the eyes down the line blues! and I think they should run more of those pics just break up that blue a bit.
A long time ago there was a 3-4 page thing in a mag and it was about how WinkiPop got it's name! Some amazing Angles and photos i just think the best pics at winki is a surfer just taking off,topturn,or trim line in the barrel so you can just mind surf and all that wall ahead. But apparently winkipop got it's name by a girl saying I want a Winkipop which in her language was she wanted a SHAG. That Mag is easy 30years old???