Inside Sport

2020 American Election Megathread

By Aljay - 2 Feb 2020 7:51 PM

I haven’t seen a thread on this topic yet (mods please delete if wrong). I expect this will be a significant topic throughout the year, as the Democratic primaries come to a head, Trump’s impeachment trial continues and the election draws closer. 

Will Bernie get the nod?
Will Trump stand again (or be in gaol)?
How do you pronounce Buttigieg?
What part will Hillary play?
Most of all, how is this going to affect us here in Australia?

By patjennings - 22 May 2020 11:58 AM

Trump even though he is being in the polls is still a 50/50 chance.

Biden will win 224 votes
Trump will win 125 votes

Trump however will win a large swathe of other 189 electoral college votes. He is likely to get 133 and Biden is likely to get 56. This would mean a small Biden victory. However For instance Trump would only have to hold Pennsylvania (which he won last times) to win the presidency   

The other thing in Trump's favour is that his base will vote. Not all dems are that fanatical for Biden. What will hurt Trump is that the independents, who swung to him heavily last time, have deserted him in droves.