Inside Sport

Dear Mono.

By Munrubenmuz - 5 May 2021 2:33 PM

Sources of Neos Kosmos state that the postponement was deemed necessary so that the supporters of Preston Lions could be safely monitored, bearing in mind that there were supporters coming from Sydney to attend the Melbourne game. It was feared that supporters of the team would use the match to provoke using the Vergina Sun, a Greek symbol which North Macedonians wish to claim as their own. Others use the game to call out provocative anti-Greek slogans. It was feared that Greek fans would also react to the provocations, hence the match was postponed.
By Monoethnic Social Club - 21 Sep 2021 10:06 AM

Munrubenmuz - 21 Sep 2021 9:45 AM
Monoethnic Social Club - 21 Sep 2021 9:13 AM
Munrubenmuz - 20 Sep 2021 4:54 PM

Fair enough. If you are so desperate, a deal is a deal I suppose.
Send me your postal details and Ill mail out some curlies for your pleasure.

PM sent.
No it hasn't.... Nothing in my inbox?