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By Hillbilly55 - 5 Apr 2023 9:56 PM

I have just had my first passover meal in the manner of which Jesus would have had one on the night he was betrayed. I am a Christian, but interested in the traditions and rituals of other Faiths, and also what makes people tick generally.
So my question is - What does Easter mean to you and yours? How relevant to your life is Jesus' death on the cross 2,000 years ago?
By Monoethnic Social Club - 19 Apr 2023 1:27 PM

Sorry Im late to the party, happy Easter to you all :)

Personally I enjoy the cultural aspect to Easter as a time of reflection and re-birth. A chance to connect with family and enjoy each other's company... 
There are many crossovers between Abrahamic and Polytheistic rituals in the Northern Spring and Easter/Pascha/Passover is the clearest example that we are ALL only partially right when it comes to explaining the true nature of God (if one exists at all that is)
Was always led to understand that the Resurrection occurred "on the third day" Thus midnight mass on Saturday leading into the dawn of the third day. Good Friday being the 1st day after death of Christ and his body taken down from the cross, anointed and placed in the tomb.   Incidentally Billy the betrayal by Judas (last supper) was on the Tuesday and i , culturally at least in Eastern Europe, why "Tuesday the 13th" is an ominous day and not the typical Western Friday 13th.... Interesting huh? Another wives tale about Easter with shades of paganism is that snakes are supposedly deadly fearful of donkeys and can be killed simply by hitting them over the head with a bamboo cane as supposedly Jesus was led in chains to the Romans to be tortured on a donkey while his hands where bound around a bamboo cane 

Great piece in the Age below I cam across, worth the read.