Inside Sport

My work here is done...

By Fozzie Bear - 10 Jul 2009 1:39 PM

After a few months of stearing this pommy football mag in the correct direction as far as technical and tactical world cllaarrsshh football is concerned it has now come to my notice that Australia 442 has just about got the message..

Here in Australia we football fans brought up on world clarrrsshhh technical analysis from SBS care more about technique,tactics,the mental side of football than kick and rush,hoof and run pommy crap!!!

In the last few issues we've had a South American special,a Johan Cruyff special and next month a world cllaarrsshh Lionel Messi special....

I all there is left to say is well done to ginger,big fella,kev the jock and everyone else working at 442 my work here is done!!!

See ya's around...;)
By Guest - 12 Jul 2009 11:41 PM

I will miss him....