By Bryan - 28 Aug 2010 6:17 PM
I've bit my tongue for far to long about this but it irks me seeing the article - Give rhys a chance up there on the main page for more than half a year *according to the article its been there since dec 09*. No offence but im sick of seeing it up there.
There was a bit of movement since that article was posted but it really isn't something to shout out about esp with the section named "latest features". Can we please get rid of this section as its just taking up space or is the plan to update this every quarter... of a century?
Yeah I know its not hurting anyone but the latest was from march 2010. ](*,)
Edited by Bryan: 28/8/2010 06:24:59 PM
By Erebus - 29 Aug 2010 7:53 PM
That section of the website are taken from parts of the mag. Its hardly ever updated because of that. But then, probably a 442 employee can give you a better answer.