martyB wrote:The Web Guy wrote:So you're saying KA can't do his job, mk? Is there a 'right' answer to this question? :P When did I stop beating my wife?? If anyone is interested in being a blogger, send me a sample column using the email button on my profile. Good spelling and grammar is just the start though - everyone can do one decent blog...the hard part is keeping it up again and again, so I will ask you for another sample and probably another one after that before making any decisions. I'm not going to take bloggers on just for the sake of it though. You have to have something new and interesting to say, preferably with some humour. And mk, no, there isn't any payment involved. In boots or anything else. Just pride in having your own personal column on Australia's ultimate football website that is read by everyone in the industry. If that's not enough for you, it's understandable so don't apply.