Football books

Football books

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Posts: 22K, Visits: 0
I've just realised we've let this thread slide into oblivion, beyond 6 months. I've also realised I've lent a few football books to others and cannot remember which ones I've lent!#-o

I've just about finished a book. Gazza Paul Gascoigne

It is quite interesting to see how he started football and his football career.

Later in the book I've just about had enough of poor Gazza's insecurities and mental instability. He seems like a child who has never grown up.

One point I found interesting, was that when he played in the English Championship, Gazza thought the football played was blatant kick and rush. He also said he struggled to keep up with the play and was unsuited to the league!

He was at his happiest when training for and playing football.

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