Bernie Ibini to Sydney?

Bernie Ibini to Sydney?

Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)Pro (2.5K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2.4K, Visits: 0
We are hearing Graham Arnold is looking at bringing Bernie Ibini to @SydneyFC with him. Exciting times for the club. #SST


Edit: saw the thread in AF, lock this thread if you want mods.

Edited by BRFC_92: 8/5/2014 03:59:06 PM

Edited by BRFC_92: 8/5/2014 04:00:44 PM

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