Antony Golec joins CSL club Liaoning Whowin

Antony Golec joins CSL club Liaoning Whowin

Rising Star
Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)Rising Star (860 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 683, Visits: 0
According to the Chinese news the club will announce the signing soon

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greenlionii - 9 Years Ago
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lukerobinho - 9 Years Ago
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greenlionii - 9 Years Ago
greenlionii - 9 Years Ago
JonoMV - 9 Years Ago
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scott21 - 9 Years Ago
greenlionii - 9 Years Ago
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Griffindinho - 9 Years Ago
nickk - 9 Years Ago
The Maco - 9 Years Ago
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sydneycroatia58 - 9 Years Ago
     Dat cross tho
TheSelectFew - 9 Years Ago
pv4 - 9 Years Ago
socceroo_06 - 9 Years Ago
dr. bellows - 9 Years Ago

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