Jurgen Klopp's training methods injuring Liverpool players

Jurgen Klopp's training methods injuring Liverpool players

Damo Baresi
Damo Baresi
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Raymond Verheijen
Jurgen Klopp's training methods have injured by far the most players per game of all Liverpool managers since 2002.
These injury stats are very similar to Klopp's period at Dortmund. At some stage at Dortmund he had destroyed his squad to an extend that Borussia was fighting against relegation.
Even when a coach has by far the worst injury record in 15 years, people still focus on excuses & external factors.
This is the main reason why things only change slowly in football.
Excuses, emotions, blaming external factors, denial, denial & denial.
Pilot actions in a plane are recorded by a black box. Maybe it's time to put a black box in the coaching staff room of Premier League clubs.


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If the training differences between Brendan Rodgers and Jurgen Klopp were massive, there was always going to be injuries. Raymond Verheijen mentions Klopp's stats at Dortmund.. those figures would be interesting to see. 
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theFOOTBALLlover - 19 Aug 2016 9:11 AM
If the training differences between Brendan Rodgers and Jurgen Klopp were massive, there was always going to be injuries. Raymond Verheijen mentions Klopp's stats at Dortmund.. those figures would be interesting to see. 

 It appears that Klopp must be thrashing players. 

Verheijen is all about training for an optimum amount of  time to avoid injury. 

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