Rudan be gone!

Rudan be gone!

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Like our licence I cant see him lasting if we don't sign a striker come Jan transfer window. I think he will walk away back to the NPL as the Nixs are just woeful and another year is just to much to bare on someone of his quality or lack of. How does 5 at the back leak so many goals?.

Wellington Phoenix FC

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Well your licence is gone anyway so wouldn’t worry about Ruden.

A League up to 11 clubs next year, one new and one to replace Nix.

Hopefully Nix find a place in the NZ set up, be a shame for them to die off.
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For the greater good. 
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Is this actually happening Waz?
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Waz - 26 Nov 2018 7:32 PM
Well your licence is gone anyway so wouldn’t worry about Ruden. A League up to 11 clubs next year, one new and one to replace Nix. Hopefully Nix find a place in the NZ set up, be a shame for them to die off.

What's Paul Lederer's position on the Nix? Seems unlikely that he would eagerly push to ditch the Nix while wanting to unite factions.

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Unity was needed to get Lowy out, now that’s done everyone finds out who their friends are.

An independent A League is now a given, it’s just what form it takes.

The factions are bigger than ever, the two Sydney clubs won’t want a new Sydney side until they’re back in their own stadiums, the two Melbourne sides want the new A League headquartered in Melbourne but bizarrely don’t seem to care if there’s a new team stationed there, and god knows what deals the other clubs have in mind.

Nix have few friends and nothing to negotiate with. Australian clubs can bring state Feds, local politicians along with them whereas Nix can’t. Fox don’t like them and right now Fox probably need listening too.

So is it a done deal? No not yet, and the new Board need to find two clubs first ... Canberra and a Melbourne team?
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Waz - 26 Nov 2018 10:27 PM
Unity was needed to get Lowy out, now that’s done everyone finds out who their friends are. An independent A League is now a given, it’s just what form it takes. The factions are bigger than ever, the two Sydney clubs won’t want a new Sydney side until they’re back in their own stadiums, the two Melbourne sides want the new A League headquartered in Melbourne but bizarrely don’t seem to care if there’s a new team stationed there, and god knows what deals the other clubs have in mind. Nix have few friends and nothing to negotiate with. Australian clubs can bring state Feds, local politicians along with them whereas Nix can’t. Fox don’t like them and right now Fox probably need listening too. So is it a done deal? No not yet, and the new Board need to find two clubs first ... Canberra and a Melbourne team?


You may well be right, but me thinks its three teams, if the Nix go.... Sydney, Melbourne & either Canberra or Brisbane....

Tis interesting to remember travelling costs, and having teams in Sydney & Melbourne reduce travelling costs a lot... just consider Sydney, Newcastle, Mariners & three Sydney teams only need a coach, no air fares no accommodation... same for Melbourne teams... and Canberra fly in coach out ...
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Rudan hasn't been given a squad that can win, so why would he abort his own career doing anything BUT park the bus?
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Wax, good point about Sydney and the Kogarah crowd surely was a bad look for SEX. Canberra must be a shoe in now, especially with the new lady on the board. But Fox sure is the elephant in the room. If they’re even in there.... what does cfg have up their sleave...
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@ Mid

You might be right about three teams, although not in Brisbane. That ones dead for a while I think unless Ipswich have an ace up their sleeve.

My understanding is the FFA were proposing 12 teams/22 rounds which the clubs have balked at. Membership prices coming down by 20% as a result represents a collective loss of $3m to the club owners even before a ball is kicked and a close season of just over 7 months unpalatable.

Meanwhile Fox won’t be too keen on more games overlapping with their star products and increasing their production costs so a 12 team/33 Round season might be too hard to sell.

Again, this is just another example of where the ffa appear not to have thought this through and not involved other stakeholders in planning and discussions

It’s been speculated on before but something like 11 teams/30 games then jump to 14 teams/26 games might suit everyone.

The fact a Dec 12th date is now being reported as decision day is really interesting - who’s making the decisions behind the decision? And on what basis have they seemingly decided to expand by two teams?

And with Nix on a 4 year licence ending after next season a decision has to be made soon on their future, even if just for the sanity of nomates and Co.

Personally I feel for Nix Supporters, it’s unfair on them, alas they have owners that appear content treading water which is not advisable when the rest of the game is struggling.
6 Years Ago by Waz
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i'd take rudan over joyce atm 
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Wtf. 11 teams? Madness...
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We had 11 teams once before, 10/11? Hated the bye weekend but it worked okay. I’d take that over a 22 round season though
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yeah but the bye for teams is horrible. Unless you plan it really well for those in the ACL.
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Burztur - 27 Nov 2018 8:30 AM
yeah but the bye for teams is horrible. Unless you plan it really well for those in the ACL.

It's probably a decent option to schedule it that way but yeah, the preference is definitely to have an even home and away competition.
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Coverdale - 27 Nov 2018 6:31 AM
Wax, good point about Sydney and the Kogarah crowd surely was a bad look for SEX. Canberra must be a shoe in now, especially with the new lady on the board. But Fox sure is the elephant in the room. If they’re even in there.... what does cfg have up their sleave...


Australia was opportunistic,” says CFG Chairman, Khaldoon Al Mubarak. “I mean, I don’t think we sat down and said, ‘You know what? We’ve looked around the world, and Australia is the first place we’re going to invest in.’ No, it wasn’t that. We had decided that the global idea made sense, and that the City Football Group concept needed to be tested, and Australia came up as an opportunity that was a relatively safe, manageable and risk-controlled testing ground for that new vision. It came up, we took the opportunity, and then it grew from there.”

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There is a massive disconnect between the NZ FA, the greater football community and Wellington as a whole. Ask anybody, Mr Hill, Mr Rudan - Rudes was trialling local players who didn't want to play in the a league so refused to sign as they'd rather be playing in the NZ premier league.

At which point you have to ask - what purpose do the Nix serve the competition? And what purpose do they serve Australian football as a whole? It's not our duty to give NZ a leg up. It's not like the TV money from NZ is good and there is a clear lack of interest with their dwindling crowds. The NZ experiment needs to end as soon as their licence is up...It's like trying to start a speedboat with an anchor hanging off the back of the damn thing.

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JayEss - 27 Nov 2018 10:50 AM
There is a massive disconnect between the NZ FA, the greater football community and Wellington as a whole. Ask anybody, Mr Hill, Mr Rudan - Rudes was trialling local players who didn't want to play in the a league so refused to sign as they'd rather be playing in the NZ premier league. At which point you have to ask - what purpose do the Nix serve the competition? And what purpose do they serve Australian football as a whole? It's not our duty to give NZ a leg up. It's not like the TV money from NZ is good and there is a clear lack of interest with their dwindling crowds. The NZ experiment needs to end as soon as their licence is up...It's like trying to start a speedboat with an anchor hanging off the back of the damn thing.

IIRC : Australia would not have been given FIFA ok to join AFC without NZ FA support.
Some trialled and did not get selected Other choose the "Give Me a contract and I will give up my day job and play for you"
Personal choices are allowed in life.
Without the Nix what club would Ozzy football fans hate on in forums. 
But those who travel to away games in Wgtn enjoy the trip.
NZ gives Fox a time Zone so you do not have Thursday/Friday games.
NZ FA problems - Well work in progress.

Clear Contact There

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Blew.2 - 27 Nov 2018 11:27 AM
JayEss - 27 Nov 2018 10:50 AM

IIRC : Australia would not have been given FIFA ok to join AFC without NZ FA support.

I wonder why NZ FA were happy to see Australia leave Oceania? :laugh: It wouldn't have anything to do with NZ getting an easier ride to the world cup.......

Without the Nix what club would Ozzy football fans hate on in forums. 

Ozzy fans would rather hate on clubs within Australia that provide something to the game. 

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nomates - 26 Nov 2018 6:56 PM
Like our licence I cant see him lasting if we don't sign a striker come Jan transfer window. I think he will walk away back to the NPL as the Nixs are just woeful and another year is just to much to bare on someone of his quality or lack of. How does 5 at the back leak so many goals?.

Alot of the leagues around the world are in season in January, buying a player in the Jan transfer window would usually mean you've got to pay their club a transfer fee.
A-League clubs are too poor to pay anyone a transfer fee. We usually just pick u the the scraps, ie. players that are out of contract.  (mind you some have been quite decent pick ups).
I might be wrong,,, but doesn't anyone know if an A-League club has payed a transfer fee for anyone?

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Waz - 26 Nov 2018 7:32 PM
Well your licence is gone anyway so wouldn’t worry about Ruden. A League up to 11 clubs next year, one new and one to replace Nix. Hopefully Nix find a place in the NZ set up, be a shame for them to die off.

the guy has started a thread about his club coach Rudan,,,  and it quickly turns into a NZ-be-gone discussion, and everyone is laying into the poor guy
his 'No-mates' nickname is appropriate... poor guy   :(

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lol newton 😂

Just thought it was relevant not to worry about the coach in such circumstances.

Staying on topic then ...

Ruden was a huge gamble, I can’t believe they didn’t go with someone local that might at least connect with the NZ football community. Rudan might come good but he’s had a desparate start and it’ll be interesting to see what he does now he’s lost a couple - he’s got real talent in the squad so he’s not without hope
6 Years Ago by Waz
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Waz - 27 Nov 2018 12:38 PM
lol newton 😂

Just thought it was relevant not to worry about the coach in such circumstances.

Staying on topic then ...

Ruden was a huge gamble, I can’t believe they didn’t go with someone local that might at least connect with the NZ football community. Rudan might come good but he’s had a desparate start and it’ll be interesting to see what he does now he’s lost a couple - he’s got real talent in the squad so he’s not without hope

I thought Rudan had success/experience at the NPL level?
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Waz - 27 Nov 2018 12:38 PM
Staying on topic then ...

Ruden was a huge gamble, I can’t believe they didn’t go with someone local that might at least connect with the NZ football community. Rudan might come good but he’s had a desparate decent start and it’ll be interesting to see what he does now he’s lost a couple - he’s got real talent in the squad so he’s not without hope

Ricky Herbert is only Kiwi with the FFA required Licence.
Chris Greenarce has an FFA dispensation to assist because FFA has delayed the required course.
Des Buckingham  and a few others in NZ have the licence but no Kiwi.
Rudan fits  with Ozzy quota LOL
The Australian Professional Football Clubs Association (APFCA) is a not-for-profit entity mandated to represent the interests of the ten professional football clubs that compete in Australia’s premier domestic football competition, the Hyundai A-League.

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Rudan hasn't cast his net wide for Kiwi talent since taking charge in May but expressed surprise during the pre-season at the lack of ambitious New Zealanders wanting to commit to a trial with the Phoenix.

Just three Kiwis were in the starting side against Adelaide - skipper Andrew Durante, defender Tom Doyle and midfielder Alex Rufer - while two more were on the bench.

Rudan also defended the lack of a natural playmaker in his XI, believing the inclusion of speedy front men Roy Krishna, Nathan Burns and David Williams was the best route to beating Adelaide."



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paulbagzFC - 27 Nov 2018 1:07 PM

Rudan hasn't cast his net wide for Kiwi talent since taking charge in May but expressed surprise during the pre-season at the lack of ambitious New Zealanders wanting to commit to a trial with the Phoenix.

Just three Kiwis were in the starting side against Adelaide - skipper Andrew Durante, defender Tom Doyle and midfielder Alex Rufer - while two more were on the bench.

Rudan also defended the lack of a natural playmaker in his XI, believing the inclusion of speedy front men Roy Krishna, Nathan Burns and David Williams was the best route to beating Adelaide."



And Durante is a naturalised Aussie I think - so really only 2.
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newton_circus - 27 Nov 2018 12:01 PM
nomates - 26 Nov 2018 6:56 PM

Alot of the leagues around the world are in season in January, buying a player in the Jan transfer window would usually mean you've got to pay their club a transfer fee.
A-League clubs are too poor to pay anyone a transfer fee. We usually just pick u the the scraps, ie. players that are out of contract.  (mind you some have been quite decent pick ups).
I might be wrong,,, but doesn't anyone know if an A-League club has payed a transfer fee for anyone?

I reckon Victory might have paid a transfer at some point. Cant think who for though. 

Was it Carlos Hernandez maybe?
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Now I want KFC
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This thread took an unexpected, but amusing turn. An anchor hanging off the boat really is the best analogy to describe the Nix.
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Just fold. It's going to be an interesting fall from grace. Haven't got up in awhile.


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