WC Final. Croatia vs France

WC Final. Croatia vs France

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Captain Haddock - 16 Jul 2018 10:31 AM
lukerobinho - 16 Jul 2018 3:37 AM
Captain Haddock - 16 Jul 2018 3:32 AM

The idea that sport will solve complex social issues is just ridiculous. If it were true surely Brazil would be tracking much better by now ? 


And lol at Pussy Riot getting busted. They've got a track record of pulling stunts like this. Hope it's the last time we hear of them.

I understand you’re anti-SJW and a libertarian and all that, and I often find myself agreeing with your views despite my socialist tendencies, but surely you can see that Pussy Riot do have a point? 

Without getting into ‘whatboutism’ the facts are Putin and his goons lock up, obstruct, construct barriers and assassinate political opposition on a regular basis. 

Perhaps the WC final was not the best place for the protest, then again maybe it was if you’re talking about maximum impact.

I can’t help but feel that your ‘disdain’ and contempt for the protest is partly due to the fact that this was orchestrated by women.  You seem to have a particular bee in your bonnet about them.  (Reading between the lines of your posting history.)

Australia and in fact 99% of Western democracies, despite all of their faults, would never lock up anyone for peaceably protesting the government of the day the way Russia does.

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And by the way.  Congratulations to France.  Their football was awful to watch but effective and it’s them celebrating instead of the plucky Croatians.  If justice was served based on chances, opportunity and possession then Croatia would be standing as champions today.
But they’re not and that’s a shame. 

I’ve really enjoyed Croatia’s run, their proactive attacking football and their never say die attitude.  (Something apparently only Australians possess.)  They’ve been terrific.

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Munrubenmuz - 16 Jul 2018 12:25 PM
Captain Haddock - 16 Jul 2018 10:31 AM

I understand you’re anti-SJW and a libertarian and all that, and I often find myself agreeing with your views despite my socialist tendencies, 

Really? How can you hold 'socialist tendencies' and still agree with anything he says? The dude is an unashamed far right wing extremist. I think he even hates Sweden because they have a strong welfare system! Some of the shit he spouts is just disgusting. 
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Derider - 16 Jul 2018 12:34 PM
Munrubenmuz - 16 Jul 2018 12:25 PM

Really? How can you hold 'socialist tendencies' and still agree with anything he says? The dude is an unashamed far right wing extremist. I think he even hates Sweden because they have a strong welfare system! Some of the shit he spouts is just disgusting. 

Because I can agree with the principle of 'universal health care' and still get the shits when people say John McEnroe should apologise for saying men are better tennis players than women.

I'm a 'lefty' but that doesn't mean extreme left wing nut jobs don't piss me off.

Just like I can't stand right wing nutjobs.

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6 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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lukerobinho - 16 Jul 2018 4:25 AM
highkick05 - 16 Jul 2018 4:06 AM

Ah, yes those 5 world cups really helped Brazil socioeconomically

Sport is sport, it helps people become fit and develop healthier thinking about life.

It by no means helps politicians. 

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Barca4Life - 16 Jul 2018 7:33 AM
A Bizarre game, Croatia dominated the first half and first part of the 2nd half but France scored 3 goals from about 3 shots with an own goal which could have been offside if a French player touched it and a penalty which was dodgy given VAR took too long to decide.

But anyway that’s football, it was entertaining to watch compared to previous finals.

Croatia should hold there head up high they played a brilliant tournament just to get to the final with some nice football to boot and France whom weren’t at there best but with the tactical and pragmatic approach from Deschamps got the best out of this talented team and made them world champions is a credit to the coach, it wasn’t pretty but it was effective.

Clearly he deliberately set out a team that wanted to play to his tactical strengths and not the best team/or talented team which he could have done and knew he had enough talent to execute it to a highest degree with a ounce of a luck of course.

But well done to France, 2nd world title now.

I felt Russia was quite entertaining just how it was in Brazil in 2014 they have been great world cups to watch but I do fear the fun won’t continue to Qatar and the 48 team marathon in 2026 (hope I’m wrong of course!)

Croatia have played solid football for years now , with a roundabout that same squad.

They've been building up to this outstanding performance.  Credit to them

Three extra time finals might just have taken its toll. Brain fade by Purisic , lapses in concentration for the last 2 goals.

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Munrubenmuz - 16 Jul 2018 12:25 PM
Captain Haddock - 16 Jul 2018 10:31 AM

I understand you’re anti-SJW and a libertarian and all that, and I often find myself agreeing with your views despite my socialist tendencies, but surely you can see that Pussy Riot do have a point? 

Without getting into ‘whatboutism’ the facts are Putin and his goons lock up, obstruct, construct barriers and assassinate political opposition on a regular basis. 

Perhaps the WC final was not the best place for the protest, then again maybe it was if you’re talking about maximum impact.

I can’t help but feel that your ‘disdain’ and contempt for the protest is partly due to the fact that this was orchestrated by women.  You seem to have a particular bee in your bonnet about them.  (Reading between the lines of your posting history.)

Australia and in fact 99% of Western democracies, despite all of their faults, would never lock up anyone for peaceably protesting the government of the day the way Russia does.

This is far more complex than a simple idea of being anti Russian government. The basis of the propaganda the soviet republics put up with for generations was that of sides - us v them, East v West, when the silent majority didn't want a bar of it. To put it as simply as possible; outside the propaganda there was no such damned thing as sides. But as a lowly citizen, just sitting there and knowing it makes no difference when your government is constantly telling you there are. And so, for many of us, Pussy Riot is bad news. Because certain political figures like using their antagonism to illustrate that sides are at play and they are somehow  relevant. In CR our president Milos Zeman loves using their protests as evidence that "anti Russian government" sentiment is immature and provocative, and that therefore the "old" ways were better. They achieve the complete opposite of what they are attempting to do. Their antagonism stokes anti-anti Russian government sentiment a hell of a lot more than anti-Russian government sentiment. And that's why, no matter how much I empathise with their position, I can't support them.

To use a basic example involving our pro Russian, "ex" communist president Milos Zeman, he did a radio interview recently and blatantly manipulated the audience over a simple thing of what the band was named. Between English and Czech, the word "pussy" has no translation. So, he went on this 10 minute rant saying the band is called "kunda" - a word which is unambiguously derogatory, unambiguously rude, and certainly not a correct translation nor even a half honest attempt at one. Everything that pussyriot does is interepreted through that lens - that they are named a word that you're not allowed to say in any social context, and they are therefore shit stirrers and antagonisers who prove why old school soviet order was better. Oh, you think liberal media, free elections, rule of law and human rights are a good thing? I suppose you're one of those ones that yell kunda at everyone too!
6 Years Ago by bohemia
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Derider - 16 Jul 2018 12:34 PM
Munrubenmuz - 16 Jul 2018 12:25 PM

far right wing extremist

Words which, thanks to the bullies on social media, no longer have any meaning whatsoever
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2 killed in post match France violence/celebrations. Ffs just enjoy it. 
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A 50-year-old France fan is believed to have died after breaking his neck jumping into a canal in the Alpine town of Annecy at the end of the team's 4-2 triumph over Croatia in Moscow on Sunday, according to the Mirror.

Another man in his 30s also died, when he crashed his car into a tree in Sant-Felix when reportedly celebrating the win, reports said.

Well not exactly the violence deaths headlines say.

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johnszasz - 16 Jul 2018 8:12 PM
A 50-year-old France fan is believed to have died after breaking his neck jumping into a canal in the Alpine town of Annecy at the end of the team's 4-2 triumph over Croatia in Moscow on Sunday, according to the Mirror.

Another man in his 30s also died, when he crashed his car into a tree in Sant-Felix when reportedly celebrating the win, reports said.

Well not exactly the violence deaths headlines say.

Was about to call that one out. The articles in NEWS were accompanied with the scenes of celebration in central Paris, trying to make the lazy readers who don't bother with the article think that they must have caught a fist or a flare from some fan. No, some guy jumped in a river and another guy crashed his car. They truly were doing what we demand of them - enjoying the win :)
Bundoora B
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Munrubenmuz - 16 Jul 2018 12:25 PM
Captain Haddock - 16 Jul 2018 10:31 AM

Perhaps the WC final was not the best place for the protest, 

i think the WC is the best place to protest.  people just have to pretend that russia isn't completely fucked while the world is watching??  

did having to notice their suffering upset someone's comfy little night time viewing? 


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inala brah - 16 Jul 2018 10:03 PM
Munrubenmuz - 16 Jul 2018 12:25 PM

i think the WC is the best place to protest.  people just have to pretend that russia isn't completely fucked while the world is watching??  

did having to notice their suffering upset someone's comfy little night time viewing? 

Apart from the fact it derailed Croatia a bit, Lovren on pitch invaders: "I really was mad because we'd been playing at that moment in good shape. We'd been playing good football and then some interruption came. I just lost my head and I grabbed the guy and I wished I could throw him away from the stadium."
6 Years Ago by City Sam
Enzo Bearzot
Enzo Bearzot
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inala brah - 16 Jul 2018 10:03 PM
Munrubenmuz - 16 Jul 2018 12:25 PM

i think the WC is the best place to protest.  people just have to pretend that russia isn't completely fucked while the world is watching??  

did having to notice their suffering upset someone's comfy little night time viewing? 

No doubt they will be doing the same in Qatar.
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inala brah - 16 Jul 2018 10:03 PM
Munrubenmuz - 16 Jul 2018 12:25 PM

i think the WC is the best place to protest.  people just have to pretend that russia isn't completely fucked while the world is watching??  

did having to notice their suffering upset someone's comfy little night time viewing? 

Some selective out-of-context quoting going on.  This is the full sentence.  Perhaps the WC final was not the best place for the protest, then again maybe it was if you’re talking about maximum impact.

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It's amazing that Pussy Riot got through security. Would have thought they were on a watch list.

Bundoora B
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Enzo Bearzot - 16 Jul 2018 10:25 PM
inala brah - 16 Jul 2018 10:03 PM

No doubt they will be doing the same in Qatar.

it would be interesting to see.  i wonder which country is harsher on dissidents? 



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