Sportsmen dropping like flies, no explanation ...

Sportsmen dropping like flies, no explanation ...

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ErogenousZone - 16 Feb 2022 5:17 PM
cesspit - 16 Feb 2022 1:33 PM

Your username starts with L.  

Would you like to know more? 

272 posts all in ET.

I guess he's got remote control for Aus football


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sydneyfc1987 - 16 Feb 2022 11:02 AM
tsf - 16 Feb 2022 9:19 AM

Meanwhile, a massive study involving 150k people the US shows a significant increase in heart attack and disease risk following COVID-19, even for young otherwise healthy individuals who experienced mild illness:

"No explanation". What a load of absolute horseshit.

Unfortunately my missus is one. Heart issues from getting covid. 
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tsf - 16 Feb 2022 8:42 PM
sydneyfc1987 - 16 Feb 2022 11:02 AM

Unfortunately my missus is one. Heart issues from getting covid. 

Sorry to hear. 

It's a scary thought what we may be facing as a society in years to come.


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Update on a league and epl player death toll? 
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tsf - 2 Apr 2022 2:51 PM
Update on a league and epl player death toll? 

Lol. Crickets.

Mind you an AFL dickhead came out the other day spruiking this garbage with the addition of Bells Palsy as a new 'side effect'.

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Instead of speculating what the side effects are from the MRNA vaccines, it's best to go directly to the document written by Pfizer itself. Here is the link:

Pfizer intended to keep this document secret - but a group of scientists took Pfizer to court, forcing them to hand over the trials data under Freedom of Information. Initially, Pfizer petitioned the court to allow them to take 75 years to hand over the data -- by which time everyone who had a Covid vax would mostly be gone -- but the Court forced them to hand all the data over progressively within a year.

Once you see what's in the Pfizer data - which can be seen as it emerges on - you realise why Pfizer and CDC wanted to keep this secret, or at best, take 75 years to hand it over.

For example, you can see with your own eyes on page 23 that "stroke" occurred in 0.6% of people that suffered side effects. And yet, on the official Pfizer product sheet for the Covid vaccines, "stroke" is not an admitted side effect. This absence of "stroke" on the official data sheet is how TGA waves it hands, and says the massive number of side effects are not from the vax. Literally, anything not listed on the official product sheet as a side effect is denied.

This is how Melbourne man, who got a stroke 2 days after the vax, was denied compensation by TGA - because TGA said it wasn't linked to the vax because stroke is not mentioned on the official product sheet. Hence, when the product sheet is silent on "stroke" -- but Pfizer's own secret document lists stroke at 0.6% of the data set -- you can fully understand why Pfizer fought in court, unsuccessfully, to hide this information for 75 years. I'm assuming none of you will be alive in 75 years time. Hence, Pfizer fought to hide this information from you.

It is personally sad for me because a close friend recently got a massive brain bleed, initially given only a few days to live, but now it appears it could lead to long term incapacity. The brain bleed happened 2 days after the person took the boosters. But, as usual, everyone is saying it is a "coincidence".

But on page 24 of the above Pfizer document, it says that the onset of stroke after the Pfizer jab has a median onset latency of 2 days. And yet people will insult you if you question that it was just a coincidence. Now that the scientific data is there for the world to see, the hurdle still remains that the vast majority of people are militantly against anyone who tries to point people to this data. If you think the people in Russia are blinded by their Media, you just have to see our own people's behaviour when it comes to Media cover-ups.

2 Years Ago by johnsmith
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johnsmith - 18 May 2022 11:11 AM
It is personally sad for me because a close friend recently got a massive brain bleed, initially given only a few days to live, but now it appears it could lead to long term incapacity. The brain bleed happened 2 days after the person took the boosters. But, as usual, everyone is saying it is a "coincidence".

I stubbed my toe 2 days after I got my booster. Coincidence? I think not.

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Munrubenmuz - 18 May 2022 11:50 AM
johnsmith - 18 May 2022 11:11 AM

I stubbed my toe 2 days after I got my booster. Coincidence? I think not.

John Smith list


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Day 1: Take vaccine
Day 2: Die

2 Years Ago by tsf
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coincidence could be questioned re any injury/or is that why I got a runny nose when it started raining ffs.........

By the way Erickson doing well in EPL at Brentford and looking to sign up for a Club contesting Champs League for next season.
Shit happens coming back from the dead.

Love Football

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Headline of article: "Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome - as doctors seek answers through a new national register. People aged under the age of 40 being urged to go and get their hearts checked. May potentially be at risk of having Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS):

Here's the next phase we're entering.

Doctors are now noticing the unusual number of deaths from heart attacks in young people, but the doctors not allowed to say what they think it is, so they say they have no idea why it's happening. Note that even if the doctors don't know the reason, they don't dare discuss all the possibilities. In the last 12 months, doctors would lose their jobs for expressing their medical opinion. Below is a video of several Australian doctors who lost their jobs for saying the nMRA vaccines are dangerous:

This means, now when you guys are given data of young people dying out of the ordinary, you should, at a minimum, follow the Medical Profession and acknowledge it is happening, even if you don't know why.

Of course, for over a year since early 2021, there have been doctors like Dr. Peter McCullough who predicted this, based on the mechanism of the MRNA messenger RNA's action on the cells. In simple layman's terms, the MRNA vaccines contain a "messenger RNA" (mRNA) that uses genetic manipulation to make the cells of your body do something totally weird that's never been done before. The messenger mRNA manipulates your body to manufacture a poisonous protein (a spike protein). Note that human cells do not naturally manufacture poisonous proteins. It requires GMO genetic modification to make your cells do something that dangerous.

The idea was that, once your cells manufacture the spike proteins, then this would trigger your body's immune system to fight against these spike proteins that your cells were responsible for manufacturing.

Which cells in your body were co-opted to make these dangerous spike proteins? The vaccinologists assumed that it would be just the cells near the jab area that would do this. But later studies found that much of the manufacturing of these spike proteins was happening in the cells of the person's heart.

You know the concept of "auto-immune"? It is when the body attacks its own cells, because it wrongly sees its own cells are foreign agents. Hence, when the body sees that there are cells doing weird things, it attacks those cells of your body, thinking it is a foreign entity. That is what freaked out those doctors a year ago when they predicted danger from these mRNA vaccines. The reason is, when the cells of your body begin doing weird things - like manufacturing artificial spike proteins - the body recognises that this is totally weird cell-behaviour, and so it begins to attack those cells that are doing this bad thing, i.e. making spike proteins. Imagine the body attacking the cells in the person's heart. That is why there were a string of studies that showed that vaccinated people had a higher risk of heart disease going forward.

In summary, when you start to see a string of younger people dying of heart attacks, we're now beyond the phase of mocking and jeering that this is nothing unusual. The doctors are saying something unusual is happening. If you want to remain ignorant, just say you don't know the reason. But don't say it's not happening.

A personal note to people who have relatives to whom this is happening: If you start to acknowledge something is up, then you can find information of how people are being treated for this. But if you just dismiss it as nonsense, then you won't be open to receiving information of what can potentially be done to remedy this. So I urge you to be open to evidence and information.
2 Years Ago by johnsmith
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Dailymail 🤣

You're using a porn rag as a source fmd
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tsf - 9 Jun 2022 2:43 PM
Dailymail 🤣

You're using a porn rag as a source fmd

Ok, I don't mind you being skeptical of the sources. So here's the information from NATURE journal, which is a respected scientific journal, dated 28 April 2022. Hence, it is recent information:

and reported in the Israeli media, headlined: "New study links COVID vaccines to 25% increase in cardiac arrest for both males & females"

The article said it's not due to Covid aloine:
"A new study by Israeli researchers and published in Nature has revealed an increase of over 25 percent in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in the young-adult population, following the rollout of COVID vaccines, among both males and females. No similar increase was found due to COVID infection alone."

The formidable power, that the Media has over the general Masses of the population, is extremely strong. All the Media has to do is call something "misinformation", and the average bloke will snap into line, and even refuse to see evidence from respected scientific journals. Remember, if you start heeding this information, the mob is going to turn on you, and start insulting you. Are you the type of person who can stand that, in the quest for truth. Or is it easier for you just to be part of the flock?
2 Years Ago by johnsmith
Monoethnic Social Club
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johnsmith - 9 Jun 2022 3:58 PM
tsf - 9 Jun 2022 2:43 PM

Ok, I don't mind you being skeptical of the sources. So here's the information from NATURE journal, which is a respected scientific journal, dated 28 April 2022. Hence, it is recent information:

and reported in the Israeli media, headlined: "New study links COVID vaccines to 25% increase in cardiac arrest for both males & females"

The article said it's not due to Covid aloine:
"A new study by Israeli researchers and published in Nature has revealed an increase of over 25 percent in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in the young-adult population, following the rollout of COVID vaccines, among both males and females. No similar increase was found due to COVID infection alone."

The formidable power, that the Media has over the general Masses of the population, is extremely strong. All the Media has to do is call something "misinformation", and the average bloke will snap into line, and even refuse to see evidence from respected scientific journals. Remember, if you start heeding this information, the mob is going to turn on you, and start insulting you. Are you the type of person who can stand that, in the quest for truth. Or is it easier for you just to be part of the flock?

Hey Jon Smith, kudos to you for not being part of the "flock" Can I ask you simply if perhaps a football forum is NOT the right media for you to get your truth out?  I respect your passion, I question the conclusions you draw and also some of your sources however that is neither here nor there. Why a football forum for all this?
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Monoethnic Social Club - 9 Jun 2022 4:18 PM
johnsmith - 9 Jun 2022 3:58 PM

Hey Jon Smith, kudos to you for not being part of the "flock" Can I ask you simply if perhaps a football forum is NOT the right media for you to get your truth out?  I respect your passion, I question the conclusions you draw and also some of your sources however that is neither here nor there. Why a football forum for all this?

My thinking is that a football forum is a good place to get "a finger on the pulse" of how the typical Aussie is thinking. Football together brings people from all across society into a shared forum. So I benefit from seeing how the typical Aussie thinks.
Monoethnic Social Club
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johnsmith - 9 Jun 2022 4:30 PM
Monoethnic Social Club - 9 Jun 2022 4:18 PM

My thinking is that a football forum is a good place to get "a finger on the pulse" of how the typical Aussie is thinking. Football together brings people from all across society into a shared forum. So I benefit from seeing how the typical Aussie thinks.

That post is the furthest from the truth of all your posts to date and that is saying something. Perhaps be a little less "evangelical" (my favourite comment of yours is below --- nice) in your postings and you will be a lot more effective in your auditing of the "pulse" of internet soccer fans.... good luck.

"A personal note to people who have relatives to whom this is happening: If you start to acknowledge something is up, then you can find information of how people are being treated for this. But if you just dismiss it as nonsense, then you won't be open to receiving information of what can potentially be done to remedy this. So I urge you to be open to evidence and information."

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Monoethnic Social Club - 10 Jun 2022 10:15 AM
johnsmith - 9 Jun 2022 4:30 PM

That post is the furthest from the truth of all your posts to date and that is saying something. Perhaps be a little less "evangelical" (my favourite comment of yours is below --- nice) in your postings and you will be a lot more effective in your auditing of the "pulse" of internet soccer fans.... good luck.

"A personal note to people who have relatives to whom this is happening: If you start to acknowledge something is up, then you can find information of how people are being treated for this. But if you just dismiss it as nonsense, then you won't be open to receiving information of what can potentially be done to remedy this. So I urge you to be open to evidence and information."

Ok, I take your point on tuning down the sales-talk.

But I'll explain what I meant.

There are two approaches:

1 - If a person thinks this whistleblower information -- of dangers of the mRNA -- is false, then a person will do nothing to attempt to address the potential problems.

2 - Whereas, if a person thinks there's a possibility that the whistleblower doctors may have a point with their evidence, then I've seen two schools of thought: (a) that it's too late, and nothing can be done, and (b) there are certain foods and supplements that may assist in some way. Given that these foods and supplements are not dangerous, why not take preventative steps?

As for me, I've been taking all the foods and supplements (not the medicines) that the FLCCC has recommended as preventative, and so far haven't gotten Covid. I'm not downplaying the danger of Covid. But so far I haven't gotten it.

The vast majority of my couple of dozen un-vaxed friends (except two) managed to get over Covid in around 7-10 days, with their worst symptoms subsiding usually after 2-3 days. So, for them, being un-vaccinated was not an issue. There was one unvaxed acquaintance who went to ICU, but was very elderly with massive number of comorbidities. Another un-vaxed middle-aged friend got pneumonia, but turned the corner when the person started to take Ivermectin (which was obtained by legal prescription from an Australian doctor before TGA banned it). In summary, my un-vaxed community has managed to navigate Covid with mostly no fuss.

Given that virtually all my un-vaxed friends got over their Covid with no long term effects, the spectre of growing evidence -- that was there from Day One -- of degradation to the health and immune system, I am so thankful that I did not take the Covid jabs.

On the other hand, several friends I've spoken to each have about half a dozen or more anecdotes of people damaged by the vax. A friend's relative died 2-3 days after the booster. A close friend got a massive brain stroke 2 days after the 4th booster. People can mock that this is a "coincidence" -- but we can see the effect of propaganda on simple folk when they can view Pfizer's document for themselves (link below) which states on page 23 that the average latency period of stroke was 2 days after the vax:

The above Pfizer document was forced out of Pfizer under Freedom of Information in December 2021, about 5 months ago. Before that, as in the link below, TGA has dismissed the hundreds of stroke cases in Australia as not being linked to the vax. But when Pfizer was forced to divulge its side effects data under Freedom of Information, there it is in Pfizer's own document that, out of all people who suffered side effects, 0.6% were stroke, and 2.6% were heart-problems.

Hence, it is a travesty that people have been forced out of jobs, and businesses destroyed because the government largely followed a "do nothing" approach, i.e. if you get Covid, do nothing, rest, take a pain-killer. Whereas, there have been doctors who have outlined early-treatment procedures that have had an efficacy rate that compares very favourably with the Covid vaccines.

When there has been a steady stream of research papers saying that high Vitamin D blood levels (above 125 mol/L) can be beneficial, people can either mock and jeer, and not flow it.

Or they can say, "Hey, it can't hurt". That's the approach I've taken, in view of the following medical research, and so far haven't got Covid. I'm not saying I won't get it eventually, but so far it's evaded me.

Vitamin D, theoretical zero risk of death if reach 125 mol/L

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Everyone has moved on. 

There have been ZERO cases of people in Aussie sport having a heart attack from a covid Vaccine despite the huge numbers of vaccinated and those playing sport.

Time to move on to another part of the conspiracy theory. 
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Monoethnic Social Club - 10 Jun 2022 10:15 AM
johnsmith - 9 Jun 2022 4:30 PM

That post is the furthest from the truth of all your posts to date and that is saying something. Perhaps be a little less "evangelical" (my favourite comment of yours is below --- nice) in your postings and you will be a lot more effective in your auditing of the "pulse" of internet soccer fans.... good luck.

For some inexplicable reason it's important that he 'converts' the 4 sad plebs that visit ET on a semi seldom basis.

What a sad life this bloke leads.

Member since 2008.

2 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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johnsmith - 10 Jun 2022 1:04 PM
Monoethnic Social Club - 10 Jun 2022 10:15 AM

Ok, I take your point on tuning down the sales-talk.

But I'll explain what I meant.

There are two approaches:

1 - If a person thinks this whistleblower information -- of dangers of the mRNA -- is false, then a person will do nothing to attempt to address the potential problems.

2 - Whereas, if a person thinks there's a possibility that the whistleblower doctors may have a point with their evidence, then I've seen two schools of thought: (a) that it's too late, and nothing can be done, and (b) there are certain foods and supplements that may assist in some way. Given that these foods and supplements are not dangerous, why not take preventative steps?

As for me, I've been taking all the foods and supplements (not the medicines) that the FLCCC has recommended as preventative, and so far haven't gotten Covid. I'm not downplaying the danger of Covid. But so far I haven't gotten it.

The vast majority of my couple of dozen un-vaxed friends (except two) managed to get over Covid in around 7-10 days, with their worst symptoms subsiding usually after 2-3 days. So, for them, being un-vaccinated was not an issue. There was one unvaxed acquaintance who went to ICU, but was very elderly with massive number of comorbidities. Another un-vaxed middle-aged friend got pneumonia, but turned the corner when the person started to take Ivermectin (which was obtained by legal prescription from an Australian doctor before TGA banned it). In summary, my un-vaxed community has managed to navigate Covid with mostly no fuss.

Given that virtually all my un-vaxed friends got over their Covid with no long term effects, the spectre of growing evidence -- that was there from Day One -- of degradation to the health and immune system, I am so thankful that I did not take the Covid jabs.

On the other hand, several friends I've spoken to each have about half a dozen or more anecdotes of people damaged by the vax. A friend's relative died 2-3 days after the booster. A close friend got a massive brain stroke 2 days after the 4th booster. People can mock that this is a "coincidence" -- but we can see the effect of propaganda on simple folk when they can view Pfizer's document for themselves (link below) which states on page 23 that the average latency period of stroke was 2 days after the vax:

The above Pfizer document was forced out of Pfizer under Freedom of Information in December 2021, about 5 months ago. Before that, as in the link below, TGA has dismissed the hundreds of stroke cases in Australia as not being linked to the vax. But when Pfizer was forced to divulge its side effects data under Freedom of Information, there it is in Pfizer's own document that, out of all people who suffered side effects, 0.6% were stroke, and 2.6% were heart-problems.

Hence, it is a travesty that people have been forced out of jobs, and businesses destroyed because the government largely followed a "do nothing" approach, i.e. if you get Covid, do nothing, rest, take a pain-killer. Whereas, there have been doctors who have outlined early-treatment procedures that have had an efficacy rate that compares very favourably with the Covid vaccines.

When there has been a steady stream of research papers saying that high Vitamin D blood levels (above 125 mol/L) can be beneficial, people can either mock and jeer, and not flow it.

Or they can say, "Hey, it can't hurt". That's the approach I've taken, in view of the following medical research, and so far haven't got Covid. I'm not saying I won't get it eventually, but so far it's evaded me.

Vitamin D, theoretical zero risk of death if reach 125 mol/L

It is perhaps the most misunderstood creed in all of society, the fabled Hippocratic oath to "Do no Harm" What you, my friend (not singling you out btw there are many thousands who think the way you do evidently) fail to acknowledge is the simple fact that the last, nearly 30, months have seen the global coordination of medical/scientific/political/financial response to a serious health issue that caused crippling financial, mental and sociological damage to the world. The fact that this was so swiftly combated (although far from perfectly and sadly, in the 3rd world not at all) together is a minor miracle.
You have every right to take your food and supplements, your whistle blowing, bleach, horse tranquilliser and what ever else your independent research leads you to, I don't begrudge you the choices you need to make to protect yourself and your loved ones any way you want. You CLAIM to be opposed to the "propaganda" of the big bad pharmaceutical industry and malign the sheep that are influenced by it yet choose an alternative view that is somehow more credible and somehow NOT propaganda because .....?
This is a football forum and Ill try and explain it in a way you're football loving self may resonate with:
A team is NOT effective when 3 of the players on the team decide they won't listen to the coach's instruction, instead will take instruction from the guy who once watched an episode of Ted Lasso and play FIFA on the Xbox religiously.... These 3 players are HARMING the team and odds are their tactics will result in them never playing again.
Draw from that what you will.
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At what point do the anti-vaxxers here concede that maybe they got it wrong? I mean, there's been billions of vaccines administered, over a year in and crickets.

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Update on death count anybody? Must be massive now. Two years in....
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tsf - 16 Aug 2022 9:15 AM
Update on death count anybody? Must be massive now. Two years in....

Well hardly anyone posts here anymore, so I think we can 100% confirm that most forum regulars have died after taking the vaccine no?

I miss this thread lol


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sydneyfc1987 - 16 Aug 2022 5:19 PM
tsf - 16 Aug 2022 9:15 AM

Well hardly anyone posts here anymore, so I think we can 100% confirm that most forum regulars have died after taking the vaccine no?

I miss this thread lol

Or they were kidnapped by the new world order because they knew too much!
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sydneyfc1987 - 16 Aug 2022 5:19 PM
tsf - 16 Aug 2022 9:15 AM

Well hardly anyone posts here anymore, so I think we can 100% confirm that most forum regulars have died after taking the vaccine no?

I miss this thread lol

This must be the case. 

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Burztur - 22 Aug 2022 8:13 PM
sydneyfc1987 - 16 Aug 2022 5:19 PM

This must be the case. 

It also provides a great excuse for declining A-League crowds.


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You'd think, all things being equal, that Bill Gates et al would be targeting those plucky anti-vaxxers rather than the compliant, go along with whatever the government says, folk. 

If you were trying to establish a World government, full scale socialism, wokeism, human/animal marriage rights, Agenda 21 and a UBI wouldn't you want to take out the non sheep first?

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Munrubenmuz - 23 Aug 2022 4:18 PM
You'd think, all things being equal, that Bill Gates et al would be targeting those plucky anti-vaxxers rather than the compliant, go along with whatever the government says, folk. 

If you were trying to establish a World government, full scale socialism, wokeism, human/animal marriage rights, Agenda 21 and a UBI wouldn't you want to take out the non sheep first?

Here's that nutjob Alex Jones ranting with other conspiracy theories - the presenter poses the same question as you. If you know so much about this secret powerful deep state cabal - why have they never tried to shut him up/take him out?

Hows how they just humour him 
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tsf - 23 Aug 2022 4:34 PM
Munrubenmuz - 23 Aug 2022 4:18 PM

Here's that nutjob Alex Jones ranting with other conspiracy theories - the presenter poses the same question as you. If you know so much about this secret powerful deep state cabal - why have they never tried to shut him up/take him out?

Hows how they just humour him 

Hahahaha. How's the last 30 seconds of that clip?!

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Munrubenmuz - 23 Aug 2022 4:46 PM
tsf - 23 Aug 2022 4:34 PM

Hahahaha. How's the last 30 seconds of that clip?!



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84% increased risk from the vaccines among 18-39 year olds - that's massive!!!!!

Dated: October 7, 2022

Florida's State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo Issues New mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance:

(Quote) "This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination." (Quote from the Florida health bulletin)

(Quote) "In the 28 days following vaccination, a statistically significant increase in cardiac-related deaths was detected for the entire study population" (page 2)

(Quote) "Results from the stratified analysis for cardiac-related death following vaccination suggests mRNA vaccination may be driving the increased risk in males, especially among males aged 18 - 39." (page 3)

Comment: Over the last 2 years, when you point out the numerous stories of sportspeople suffering heart problems, you can detect a person's bias when their instant split-second response is: "It's a coincidence". People like that are locked into the "safe and effective" mantra, rather than being open to emerging scientific evidence.

Test your friends. Say to them: "There's been a lot of news reports of sportspeople getting heart attacks". Test what percentage of your friends instantly say, "It's a coincidence. Lots of young people get heart problems all the time". Then you will have a gauge of the cultural community you live in.

Now, ask yourself, in view of the Florida October 2022 report, when the Australian Bureau of Statistics puts out graphs and charts showing historically high deaths in the month of January 2022. This directly coincides with (a) spike in Covid cases and (b) the peak shoulder of the vaccine rollout. Did the excess non-Covid deaths come from the vaccine or from Covid? There’s enough data for people to take both sides of the debate.

The Florida October 2022 report is merely one in a steady stream of medical journal articles, and evidence, of the danger of heart problems resulting from the MRNA Covid vaccines.

This is why, it is scientifically irresponsible, when you see healthy people from ages 18-39, who were vaccinated, and suddenly dying from heart attacks - to instantly, split-second say, “It’s a coincidence”.

As per the Florida report, just because a vaccinated person doesn’t drop dead within the 28 day peak period - Dr Gundry’s journal article indicated that the vulnerability to heart disease could carry on for a longer period following vaccination.

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