Roar Articles.

Roar Articles.

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Eastern Glory wrote:
Yay!!!! The stifling of more opinions on a forum that already has its own football subculture where everyone agrees on 90% of things and bully those who disagree!!!!!

Never thought of it like that.

I've thought of it usually as approximately 25 percent for and against issues raised, with 50% sitting on the fence.

What is that subculture, EG?
aussie scott21
aussie scott21
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"9GABmeme420" wrote:
If we are not gonna ban them, can we at least have a roar article alert in the titles so we can avoid them?

Can we do the same for anything written by Safro. Just put his name at the start of the title.
Eastern Glory
Eastern Glory
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Draupnir wrote:
Eastern Glory wrote:
Yay!!!! The stifling of more opinions on a forum that already has its own football subculture where everyone agrees on 90% of things and bully those who disagree!!!!!

Don't worry m8, I'll help fellate Lucas Neill and Holger with you.

Only if you grow your beard back. Then you bring someone to the table that I could never offer them :lol:
Slobodan Drauposevic
Slobodan Drauposevic
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Eastern Glory wrote:
Yay!!!! The stifling of more opinions on a forum that already has its own football subculture where everyone agrees on 90% of things and bully those who disagree!!!!!

Don't worry m8, I'll help fellate Lucas Neill and Holger with you.
Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)Legend (16K reputation)

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paulbagzFC wrote:
Eastern Glory wrote:
Yay!!!! The stifling of more opinions on a forum that already has its own football subculture where everyone agrees on 90% of things and bully those who disagree!!!!!

Can't fuck wit dis clique brahhhh.


Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
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Eastern Glory wrote:
Yay!!!! The stifling of more opinions on a forum that already has its own football subculture where everyone agrees on 90% of things and bully those who disagree!!!!!

Can't fuck wit dis clique brahhhh.


Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)

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Eastern Glory wrote:
Yay!!!! The stifling of more opinions on a forum that already has its own football subculture where everyone agrees on 90% of things and bully those who disagree!!!!!

They are welcome to post their opinions to FFT.
Eastern Glory
Eastern Glory
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 20K, Visits: 0
Yay!!!! The stifling of more opinions on a forum that already has its own football subculture where everyone agrees on 90% of things and bully those who disagree!!!!!
Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)

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paulbagzFC wrote:
Kevin Airs wrote:
I'm happy to ban the non-pro ones - the rest are just the equivalent of forum posts. Let them come in here and post their views.

Is there any easy way to tell the difference?


The articles on their website are literally split into two columns - 'From the experts' and 'The Roar of the crowd', and are even colour-coded orange and blue respectively.
Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)

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Kevin Airs wrote:
I'm happy to ban the non-pro ones - the rest are just the equivalent of forum posts. Let them come in here and post their views.

It's official! Thanks, Kev! :D
Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)

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Kevin Airs wrote:
I'm happy to ban the non-pro ones - the rest are just the equivalent of forum posts. Let them come in here and post their views.

Is there any easy way to tell the difference?


Kevin Airs
Kevin Airs
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I'm happy to ban the non-pro ones - the rest are just the equivalent of forum posts. Let them come in here and post their views.
Eastern Glory
Eastern Glory
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Bowden wrote:
Agree - A ban on Roar articles as new threads unless they're "Pro" i.e. real journalist.

KA please approve thx.

Is it necessary?!

They're shit and all, but are we really that precious about it?

Just a little 'Roar:' at the start is fine. Those who want to read it can, and the precious ones can remain precious?
Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)Legend (17K reputation)

Group: Moderators
Posts: 16K, Visits: 0
Agree - A ban on Roar articles as new threads unless they're "Pro" i.e. real journalist.

KA please approve thx.
World Class
World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)World Class (8.5K reputation)

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Machine wrote:
+ 1 but I'm happy if it's only the amateur journo articles. The pro ones are fine.

Yep orange roar only.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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aussie scott21
aussie scott21
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Its not so much roar articles, its the fact that they are given threads. They are just rants. It would also be very easy to find a thread that already exists and post it there eg. Brisbane expansion , should go in expansion thread.
Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)Pro (2.4K reputation)

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+ 1 but I'm happy if it's only the amateur journo articles. The pro ones are fine.
Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)Legend (45K reputation)

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"9GABmeme420" wrote:
If we are not gonna ban them, can we at least have a roar article alert in the titles so we can avoid them?


Save my poor virgin eyes from that filth.


Jong Gabe
Jong Gabe
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Posts: 2.8K, Visits: 0
If we are not gonna ban them, can we at least have a roar article alert in the titles so we can avoid them?



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