Julian Assange: Captured, What now?

Julian Assange: Captured, What now?

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I really am not sure whether what this guy is doing is good or bad.

On one hand he is exposing evil and making them pay benefiting a country (ie Finland (watch vid below), on the next information is released that can comprise relationships between countries such as US and China.

Im all for liars and cheats being exposed for taking from everyone else unfairly but I'm not sure its right when the information that is being released has the ability to bring down big organizations such as one of America's big banks, if this happened the country could plunge back into a deep recession or worse. He could release somthing that is not meant to be seen by the public let alone other countries and it could spark wars.

This video highlights to me the good qualities of what hes doing:

but then on the other hand theres this:


Next WikiLeaks could 'take down a bank or two'
November 30, 2010 - 1:08PM

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has claimed a fresh "megaleak" will target a major US bank "early next year", according to an interview published on Monday.

Speaking to Forbes magazine, Assange said that he was ready to unleash tens of thousands of documents that could "take down a bank or two".

Comparing the documents to the emails that exposed Enron's dealings amid its collapse, the controversial Australian said an existing "big US bank" was the subject of a pending data dump.

Asked about any future leaks, he said: "Yes. We have one related to a bank coming up, that's a megaleak. It's not as big a scale as the Iraq material, but it's either tens or hundreds of thousands of documents depending on how you define it."

The interview was conducted early this month, before Sunday's publication of about a quarter of a million leaked United States embassy cables from WikiLeaks that have caused consternation in Washington and capitals around the world.

Assange said the bank leak would "give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume.

"Usually when you get leaks at this level, it's about one particular case or one particular violation."

Amid the economic crisis a handful of "too big to fail" US banks have come under scrutiny for their dealings, particularly with mortgaged-backed securities that helped fuel the meltdown.

Executives from Goldman Sachs and the now-defunct Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns have been hauled before Congress to explain their banks' actions.

Assange mentioned Goldman Sachs by name in the interview, but did not confirm the Wall Street giant would be the target of the leak.

Goldman has recently agreed a $US550 million settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to settle fraud charges.

Facing allegations of defrauding investors, the investment bank admitted it had made a "mistake" and given "incomplete" information to clients.

Assange said that "about 50 per cent" of the documents that the nonprofit organisation holds relate to the corporate world.

http://www.theage.com.au/technology/technology-news/next-wikileaks-could-take-down-a-bank-or-two-20101130-18emh.html (Video on link also)

I'm just curious as to what others think on this topic as it could become a significant one. Im not sure if this information should remain secret or it should be put into the spot light, its a really interesting situation.

Edited by Felixx_17: 7/12/2010 09:56:28 PM

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