Julian Assange: Captured, What now?

Julian Assange: Captured, What now?

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The most sensitive information was us two-timing china with the US shit over NoKo. And evne that seems to have been swept under the rug.
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He hasn't leaked anything of much importance so far. Just he said, she said diplomat stuff.

I doubt if anyone cares what a US public servant thinks of K-Rudd.
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The people are only complaining because the establishment tells them to. It's the ultimate irony of the whole scenario.
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this is what i hate. this man has given us a platform to get the truth out there and people are complaining. i hate the fact we live in a very controlled world where free speech and the truth have become obsolete.
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It's funny when Government leaks a CIA operative nothing is done, but some weirdo leaks diplomatic information he's the most evil man in the world.
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This. He has already mentioned documents they have relating to BP and Guantanamo Bay.

Even if he is jailed for the "alleged" sex offences, it won't stop wikileaks (or some other replacement site).

I'd happily step into his place. The authorities need to realise that people will take his place, and that the truth is what the people want.
macktheknife wrote:
I'd just shoot him. Anyone else wants to bignote themselves by leaking confidential and classified information, they'll get a bullet in the brain as well.

I hate traitors.

Spies are one thing, but deliberately leaking information is despicable. If I were in charge, we'd have the death penalty for rape, murder and treason.

Assange isn't at fault here, he's simply collecting and ordering leaks that are happening already. It's better that they fall into public hands than a secretive organisation's hands, taht way they know WHERE the information is, and what threats are common knowledge. Better the devil you know, etc.

What Assange is doing is beneficial in so many ways. But the greater public are too stupid, too naive, too retarded and too fool-hardy to understand the greater picture.
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I'd just shoot him. Anyone else wants to bignote themselves by leaking confidential and classified information, they'll get a bullet in the brain as well.

I hate traitors.

Spies are one thing, but deliberately leaking information is despicable. If I were in charge, we'd have the death penalty for rape, murder and treason.
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He does look like a geek, an evil geek.

But I agree with his principle, and it is nice to see the politicians squirm. I am a realist though, diplomatic cables will change, and a new generation of diplomats will resume the same approach. This truth is temporary.
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He was a man of specific quirks. He believed that all meals should be earned through physical effort. He also contended, zealously like a drunk with a political point, that the third dimension would not be possible if it werent for the existence of water.

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afromanGT wrote:
Felixx_17 wrote:
Erebus wrote:
You guys do realise he just founded Wikileaks right?

He doesn't go and find these documents, they are submitted to the website by anonymous people out there. He is just the guy that came up with the concept and made a website for it.

Getting rid of him isn't going to stop the leaks and these documents getting uploaded for the public to see.

Yea I recon they'll torture him until they find out where the hidouts are then they'll 'clean up' everything.

Torturing a man with that kind of information is just fucking stupid. He's a very clever man. He'd have a system where if he doesn't report in for a week to a certain person, then certain pieces of 'highly classified' information will be released. Wikileaks is leaking all kinds of information, but you can bet your arse that it's not the worst of it, he'd be saving that as his own personal insurance policy to guarantee his freedom and life.

This. He has already mentioned documents they have relating to BP and Guantanamo Bay.

Even if he is jailed for the "alleged" sex offences, it won't stop wikileaks (or some other replacement site).

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Felixx_17 wrote:
Erebus wrote:
You guys do realise he just founded Wikileaks right?

He doesn't go and find these documents, they are submitted to the website by anonymous people out there. He is just the guy that came up with the concept and made a website for it.

Getting rid of him isn't going to stop the leaks and these documents getting uploaded for the public to see.

Yea I recon they'll torture him until they find out where the hidouts are then they'll 'clean up' everything.

Torturing a man with that kind of information is just fucking stupid. He's a very clever man. He'd have a system where if he doesn't report in for a week to a certain person, then certain pieces of 'highly classified' information will be released. Wikileaks is leaking all kinds of information, but you can bet your arse that it's not the worst of it, he'd be saving that as his own personal insurance policy to guarantee his freedom and life.
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Erebus wrote:
You guys do realise he just founded Wikileaks right?

He doesn't go and find these documents, they are submitted to the website by anonymous people out there. He is just the guy that came up with the concept and made a website for it.

Getting rid of him isn't going to stop the leaks and these documents getting uploaded for the public to see.

Yea I recon they'll torture him until they find out where the hidouts are then they'll 'clean up' everything.
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You guys do realise he just founded Wikileaks right?

He doesn't go and find these documents, they are submitted to the website by anonymous people out there. He is just the guy that came up with the concept and made a website for it.

Getting rid of him isn't going to stop the leaks and these documents getting uploaded for the public to see.
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afromanGT wrote:
Benjo wrote:
zimbos_05 wrote:
get him to do FIFA

Now why the fuck didn't we think of that before?

I said that the day after the announcement #-o

i remember you saying, thought it need to be reiterated.
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Benjo wrote:
zimbos_05 wrote:
get him to do FIFA

Now why the fuck didn't we think of that before?

I said that the day after the announcement #-o
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He's a shoe-in for the next Bond villain.
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zimbos_05 wrote:
get him to do FIFA

Now why the fuck didn't we think of that before?
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get him to do FIFA
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Benjo wrote:
I can just imagin all the movie producers in hollywood licking their lips at what a good movie this will make.

With Matt Damon playing the lead...
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I can just imagin all the movie producers in hollywood licking their lips at what a good movie this will make.
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Actually...having thought about it...the information that he's privy too puts him in a very powerful position. If he dies or things don't go his way, all kinds of 'secrets' will hit the press. It's in the establishment's best interests to keep him alive and free or more classified information could well find its way into the limelight. If they think that wikileaks is the only place that this information will come from, they're very, very naive. Assange is a clever man and he'd have contingency plans in case something like this happened.
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With a dress sense like that, doesn't suprise me

He was a man of specific quirks. He believed that all meals should be earned through physical effort. He also contended, zealously like a drunk with a political point, that the third dimension would not be possible if it werent for the existence of water.

Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)Legend (77K reputation)

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Yeah, there's a possibility he'll have an 'accident' in custody.

Things don't look good for him.
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Julian Assange arrested
December 7, 2010 - 9:37PM

London police arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange following an international request by the Swedish police for the detention of the Australian in a rape investigation.

Assange, who had a warrant for his arrest on suspicion of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion, was arrested at 9.30 am London time (8.30pm Melbourne time), the Metropolitan Police Service's Extradition Unit said.

Interpol put Assange on its wanted list after a Stockholm district court issued a warrant for his arrest on November 18 at the request of prosecutor Marianne Ny, who said she had been unable to question him.
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The Svea Court of Appeal on November 24 upheld the warrant while reducing the case to a "less serious" rape charge.

On December 2, the Supreme Court rejected Assange's request to review the matter.

WikiLeaks, created in 2006, drew condemnation from the US for posting thousands of classified State Department documents on its website.

WikiLeaks.org receives confidential material and posts the information on the internet "so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth," the organisation says on its website.

I recon he'll he assassinated.
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mus-28 wrote:
If wikileaks ever goes under, there'll always be work available for him as the bad guy in the next Die Hard film.

=d> Can't wait!


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If wikileaks ever goes under, there'll always be work available for him as the bad guy in the next Die Hard film.
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The hate for him is simply establishment inspired. But there's still something not quite right about him.
Slobodan Drauposevic
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Hawks wrote:
Guest wrote:
On 18 November, Stockholm District Court approved a request to detain Assange for questioning on suspicion of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion.[91] Director of Public Prosecutions Marianne Ny, who had reopened the investigation in September, said she had requested the warrant because, "so far, we have not been able to meet with him to accomplish the interrogation."[91][92] Assange's British legal counsel Mark Stephens disputed this saying "we were willing to meet at the Swedish embassy or Scotland Yard or via video link" and that "all of these offers have been flatly refused by a prosecutor who is abusing her powers by insisting that he return to Sweden at his own expense to be subjected to another media circus that she will orchestrate".[93][94] On 20 November an international arrest warrant was issued via Interpol by Sweden's National Criminal Police force. In addition an EU arrest warrant was issued through the Schengen Information System. "We made sure that all the police forces in the world would see it", a spokesman for the National Criminal Police said.[95][96][97][98]
Stephens dismissed the charges,[93] issuing a statement in which he called the allegations "false and without basis" and said "even the substance of the allegations, as revealed to the press through unauthorized disclosures do not constitute what any advanced legal system considers to be rape".[97][99] Assange's Swedish lawyer, Björn Hurtig, claimed that the evidence against Assange was "very meager. It's not enough to get him convicted for crime."[100]
On 24 November 2010, Assange lost an appeal against his detention, and thus remains under arrest in absentia and under an arrest warrant. The Svea Court of Appeal rejected his appeal and upheld the decision to remand him by the Stockholm district court.[92][101] Assange's lawyer Björn Hurtig said that he would appeal to the Supreme Court of Sweden.[101] Assange filed an appeal to the Supreme Court in late November.[102]

Seems like a real top shelf bloke.

Don't believe everything you read.

All that shit was going on when I was over there, and he got acquitted, then had to return to court. More than 90% of everyone that heard about it and read all the facts about it thought immediately that it was a setup - It happened with 2 women, and they both magically came out at the exact same time.

Even if it were true and he's not a "top shelf bloke", what's to hold against him? He is revealing secrets that people deserve to know. Does one keep ones money in a shoebox, or a bank? Does one join an army not knowing what they are even trying to accomplish?

He's already been arrested for hacking in the late 80's, in melbourne, if I remember correctly. I don't understand the hate for him at all.

Edited by Draupnir: 1/12/2010 01:12:43 AM
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Guest wrote:
On 18 November, Stockholm District Court approved a request to detain Assange for questioning on suspicion of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion.[91] Director of Public Prosecutions Marianne Ny, who had reopened the investigation in September, said she had requested the warrant because, "so far, we have not been able to meet with him to accomplish the interrogation."[91][92] Assange's British legal counsel Mark Stephens disputed this saying "we were willing to meet at the Swedish embassy or Scotland Yard or via video link" and that "all of these offers have been flatly refused by a prosecutor who is abusing her powers by insisting that he return to Sweden at his own expense to be subjected to another media circus that she will orchestrate".[93][94] On 20 November an international arrest warrant was issued via Interpol by Sweden's National Criminal Police force. In addition an EU arrest warrant was issued through the Schengen Information System. "We made sure that all the police forces in the world would see it", a spokesman for the National Criminal Police said.[95][96][97][98]
Stephens dismissed the charges,[93] issuing a statement in which he called the allegations "false and without basis" and said "even the substance of the allegations, as revealed to the press through unauthorized disclosures do not constitute what any advanced legal system considers to be rape".[97][99] Assange's Swedish lawyer, Björn Hurtig, claimed that the evidence against Assange was "very meager. It's not enough to get him convicted for crime."[100]
On 24 November 2010, Assange lost an appeal against his detention, and thus remains under arrest in absentia and under an arrest warrant. The Svea Court of Appeal rejected his appeal and upheld the decision to remand him by the Stockholm district court.[92][101] Assange's lawyer Björn Hurtig said that he would appeal to the Supreme Court of Sweden.[101] Assange filed an appeal to the Supreme Court in late November.[102]

Seems like a real top shelf bloke.

Don't believe everything you read.
Slobodan Drauposevic
Slobodan Drauposevic
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I got to meet him over in Sweden. One of the most intelligent people you'd ever meet.

I agree 100% with what he's doing, although I understand why people may frown upon it.

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