Ethics classes for primary school children.

Ethics classes for primary school children.

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Glenn - A-league Mad wrote:
People are getting way off track here. The problem is not that religion is an option. Many people welcome the option and want their children to participate in religious studies.

The problem is the religious bodies are putting pressure on the government to alter these applications to bias towards their option.

People dont intuitively know to write down an extra option if it is not displayed to them. If a menu says it has strawberry milkshakes, chocolate milkshakes and banana milkshakes only, it would be a very very slim margin of the public that would ask for a lime milkshake.

I'll have to respectfully disagree Glenn. The problem IS that religion is an option.

In a secular public school it should not even be offered as a subject. (And it's not even a subject. It's an opportunity to proselytise to young impressionable minds.) Western Australia and I think the ACT and South Australia have phased out these classes. It's time for NSW, Vic and QLD to get on board.

Want to teach your child about the bible and God well there are 2 places they could start straight off the bat. Church and Sunday school.

By the way your milkshake analogy is spot on.

Edited by MUNRUBENMUZ: 16/6/2015 10:27:06 PM

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Munrubenmuz wrote:
Glenn - A-league Mad wrote:
People are getting way off track here. The problem is not that religion is an option. Many people welcome the option and want their children to participate in religious studies.

The problem is the religious bodies are putting pressure on the government to alter these applications to bias towards their option.

People dont intuitively know to write down an extra option if it is not displayed to them. If a menu says it has strawberry milkshakes, chocolate milkshakes and banana milkshakes only, it would be a very very slim margin of the public that would ask for a lime milkshake.

I'll have to respectfully disagree Glenn. The problem IS that religion is an option.

In a secular public school it should not even be offered as a subject. (And it's not even a subject. It's an opportunity to proselytising to young impressionable minds.) Western Australia and I think the ACT and South Australia have phased out these classes. It's time for NSW, Vic and QLD to get on board.

Want to teach your child about the bible and God well there are 2 places they could start straight off the bat. Church and Sunday school.

or they could actually read the bible :roll:
these institutions are the problem, not the text itself
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Munrubenmuz wrote:
mcjules wrote:
Munrubenmuz wrote:
MvFCArsenal16.8 wrote:
And you think I belive any of them? Hell in the philippines we have lady boy priests and gay clergy.

Well evidently you're a "Catholic" in name only.

People identify with the church on many levels, it might be hard for someone that hasn't grown up in a Catholic family to understand but your local parish and the generous and caring people in that community can feel a million miles away from the doctrine of the papacy in Rome. Additionally, there's the school community as well that offer a good education at a decent price, charities and a bunch of other services.

I recognise this can seem hypocritical to someone that despises the church so I'm prepared for the criticisms of this but it's not black and white like you're trying to make out.

I'm afraid you're talking out of your hat.

I did grow up in a Catholic family. (And the extended family too). It says Catholic on my birth certificate, I've been baptised, done the confession bit and the Confirmation part. I was, until I renounced my religion, a full bottle 100% Catholic that prayed at night and went to church on Sundays.

Why I get annoyed at your "choose your own adventure types" like MV-ARSE is because they cheapen the religion for people like my mum who are still very devout and are very committed to the churches doctrine and dogma. For her sake I would hate to see the Catholic church change their stance on most of the issues brought up here because it devalues her beliefs and understanding of the church she knows.

And BTW It is hypocritical because they want all of the benefits that you mentioned above without any of the commitment. "I don't go to church because I worship God in my own way" or some other garbage is a line you hear trotted out constantly.

Weak as piss is what that is.

By way of a very clumsy analogy it's like me joining the yacht club and then complaining that they never put on ocean kayak racing. What about us poor ocean kayakers waah waah.

MV says he's not religious yet he's had his children baptised. (All the benefits without the commitment.) Hypocrisy of the highest order.
Edited by MUNRUBENMUZ: 16/6/2015 08:56:21 PM

I don't agree with what you're saying but your entitled to your opinion. I'm sure the church can excommunicate MVArsenal and the 10s of thousands of others like his family if they don't want him.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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Umm dont put words in my mouth man rub . I said I am religious I dont raise my children to be. Also I got my children baptised as I kept a promise to my dead grandmother so im a keep it. Fuck you you piece of shit seriously fuck off . You have no right to judge anyone you slimy piece of shit. You remind me why I dont say im religous to anyone due to the fact I get arse hats like you who critisize personal choice. Fuck you
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MvFCArsenal16.8 wrote:
Umm dont put words in my mouth man rub . I said I am religious I dont raise my children to be. Also I got my children baptised as I kept a promise to my dead grandmother so im a keep it. Fuck you you piece of shit seriously fuck off . You have no right to judge anyone you slimy piece of shit. You remind me why I dont say im religous to anyone due to the fact I get arse hats like you who critisize personal choice. Fuck you

How very Christian and tolerant of you.

Don't forget to ask for forgiveness this Sunday when you go to confession. "Forgive me Father for I have sinned and used bad words against another."

My whole family still asks me why my children aren't baptised. (Thinking they're destined for hell should they meet with an early end.)

Fortunately for my kids I don't let dead relatives run my very much alive life.

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Munrubenmuz wrote:
MvFCArsenal16.8 wrote:
Umm dont put words in my mouth man rub . I said I am religious I dont raise my children to be. Also I got my children baptised as I kept a promise to my dead grandmother so im a keep it. Fuck you you piece of shit seriously fuck off . You have no right to judge anyone you slimy piece of shit. You remind me why I dont say im religous to anyone due to the fact I get arse hats like you who critisize personal choice. Fuck you

How very Christian and tolerant of you.

Don't forget to ask for forgiveness this Sunday when you go to confession. "Forgive me Father for I have sinned and used bad words against another."

My whole family still asks me why my children aren't baptised. (Thinking they're destined for hell should they meet with an early end.)

Fortunately for my kids I don't let dead relatives run my very much alive life.

how dare you seriously fuck off. Using my dead grandmother as ammunition is low even for you.
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Mate if you are going to call me names, swear at me, call me a slimy piece of shit then don't call the waahbulance because someone threw a bit back your way.


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So using my deaď grandmother is ok? Or using my dead father as well ? Lucky I didnt say my dad as it was my dads 5 year anniversary and I dont want anything unpleasant said about him. Youve been reported to the mods about this so I suggest you hid
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MvFCArsenal16.8 wrote:
So using my deaď grandmother is ok? Or using my dead father as well ? Lucky I didnt say my dad as it was my dads 5 year anniversary and I dont want anything unpleasant said about him. Youve been reported to the mods about this so I suggest you hid

I look forward to them reviewing your incoherent rantings, insults and assorted homophobic slurs against me.

If you are going to sling insults around the place champ expect to get the occasional hand grenade back.

And because you evidently have a comprehension disorder no one insulted your dead grandmother. I said [size=6]my[/size] dead relatives don't run my life.

Anyway it's all there in black and white, at least temporarily so an "impartial" review does not concern me at all.

Edited by MUNRUBENMUZ: 1/7/2015 11:41:41 PM

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Homophobic :lol: man you are deluded . Seriously you have been reported to the mods. Again using my grandmother is a low blow . Seriously you have no right to judge me or why I chose to baptise my children. You know absolutely nothing
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Man you are really messed up. Im done arguing with a clearly deluded indivdual who cant fathom why people can be religious and choose what they want from their religion . Maybe you are relgious but are too afraid of the backlash from your hateful rants that you hide behind being a right old tossbag
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I'm pretty close to locking this thread.

No more personal name-calling, no more attacks, play the ball & not the man, but also understand that some people genuinely are playing the ball and not the man.

If I see one more post I'm not happy with, I'll lock this thread. The only reason I'm keeping it open is there has been some great discussion from a lot of varied sides on it, and it's quite interesting when done in a civil way.
Slobodan Drauposevic
Slobodan Drauposevic
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MvFCArsenal16.8 wrote:
Man you are really messed up. Im done arguing with a clearly deluded indivdual who cant fathom why people can be religious and choose what they want from their religion . Maybe you are relgious but are too afraid of the backlash from your hateful rants that you hide behind being a right old tossbag

Don't really see why anyone would want to choose to take things from a religion that thinks rape and slavery are good to be honest. Better to start from scratch.
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:lol: wow that deteriorated quickly
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Munrubenmuz wrote:

Why I get annoyed at your "choose your own adventure types" like MV-ARSE is because they cheapen the religion for people like my mum who are still very devout and are very committed to the churches doctrine and dogma. For her sake I would hate to see the Catholic church change their stance on most of the issues brought up here because it devalues her beliefs and understanding of the church she knows.

While I despise organized religion for reasons already mentioned, I do agree with this.

As mentioned the 'pick and choose your own doctrine' is what I think cheapens religion. While the doctrine is explicitly horrific, all it does is demonstrate the distance between society today and the society of the time period these religious texts were written in. This issue is not exclusive to Christianity but to Abrahamic religion in general.

It does amuse me how conveniently the religious leaders of all Abrahamic faiths pick and choose which contentious moral topics they foreground and which ones they conveniently bury as if they don't exist. I mean what was the big deal about slavery 300 years ago? Why is inter-racial marriage now acceptable? In many ways Islam is the one religion which is 'most true' to its roots and look how horrific some of the literal interpretations of the Quran are....
Glenn - A-league Mad
Glenn - A-league Mad
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Munrubenmuz wrote:
Glenn - A-league Mad wrote:
People are getting way off track here. The problem is not that religion is an option. Many people welcome the option and want their children to participate in religious studies.

The problem is the religious bodies are putting pressure on the government to alter these applications to bias towards their option.

People dont intuitively know to write down an extra option if it is not displayed to them. If a menu says it has strawberry milkshakes, chocolate milkshakes and banana milkshakes only, it would be a very very slim margin of the public that would ask for a lime milkshake.

I'll have to respectfully disagree Glenn. The problem IS that religion is an option.

In a secular public school it should not even be offered as a subject. (And it's not even a subject. It's an opportunity to proselytise to young impressionable minds.) Western Australia and I think the ACT and South Australia have phased out these classes. It's time for NSW, Vic and QLD to get on board.

Want to teach your child about the bible and God well there are 2 places they could start straight off the bat. Church and Sunday school.

By the way your milkshake analogy is spot on.

Edited by MUNRUBENMUZ: 16/6/2015 10:27:06 PM

I tend to agree with you. My family sent me to a christian primary school because it was known that the teachers were quite good. My parents went religious and we never went to church unless it was a school even. Then I went to a state High school and never saw religion again.

This year my Son started year 1 and I was almost bowled over when he came home talking about religious studies. I was naive and assumed they were not in state schools.

I would agree that the study of religion should be separated from the state run education system, but it is also a political tool which means it will be around long after I am gone.
Eastern Glory
Eastern Glory
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Catholicism in Australia is much more cultural than a practice. There are practicing 'evangelical' (if you like) Catholics, but for the most part it's a name and a community, rather than an adhered to practice of biblical or traditional teachings.

Islam in Australia is heading very much the same way with the generation of Muslims being born here. Increased education rates almost always correlate with a decrease in strict adherence.
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Eastern Glory wrote:
Catholicism in Australia is much more cultural than a practice. There are practicing 'evangelical' (if you like) Catholics, but for the most part it's a name and a community, rather than an adhered to practice of biblical or traditional teachings.

Islam in Australia is heading very much the same way with the generation of Muslims being born here. Increased education rates almost always correlate with a decrease in strict adherence.

Agreed. I have a muslim mate and didn't even know until he wrote his middle name on an exam paper (Muhammed).
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Sorry EG but tell us again how this sort of thing doesn't happen at schools.

Year 7 girls have been warned not to have multiple sex partners or risk becoming like overused sticky tape, in a Christian sex education program at a public Victorian high school.

The students at Fairhills High School, in Knoxfield in Melbourne's outer east, were also told that a chemical released in females' brains made them more needy than boys.

A booklet titled 'Science & Facts', that was given to the students, said that "girls are needier than guys in a relationship and always want to be close".

It said that a chemical called oxytocin, is released when "two people touch", and was produced by women more than men, making them needier.

"If a woman becomes physically close and hugs a guy for 20 seconds it will trigger the bonding process, creating a greater desire to be near him. Then if the guy wants to take the relationship further it will become harder for her to say no," the booklet said.

It warned that having too many relationships could break "this special chemical bond" and harm a woman's capacity to form future relationships.

"Having multiple sex partners is almost like tape that loses its stickiness after being applied and removed multiple times. So the more you have the harder it is to bond to the next," it said.

The booklet was given out during a weekly youth program run by Epic Youth, which is part of a Melbourne Pentecostal megachurch called CityLife, and was delivered during school hours in June.

A mother of one of the students, who did not want to be named, was shocked when her daughter came home with the booklet last week, after attending the classes for a month. The school had not sought parental consent to deliver the program.

"You try so hard to teach girls not to be ashamed and not to feel like men can take liberties with them ... it is dangerous and unhealthy to teach this to girls, especially whilst they're going through adolescence," the mother said.

When asked about the program, CityLife Church executive minister Peter Leigh said the organisation "cares a lot about seeing young people grow up well and engaged positively in every area of life".

"The purpose of our school-based programs is to, alongside what schools are already doing, build positive messages into young people around a range of different areas of life," he said.

Fairhills High School acting principal Russell Poulier said the school had cancelled the program and would cooperate with an investigation launched by the Education Department into why the program was run at the school.

"The program has been cancelled and we regret that these materials were distributed to students," he said.

"The school will work closely with the department to investigate the matter and make sure this can't happen again."

An Education Department spokesman said the materials were "completely inappropriate and in breach of department policy" and "totally out of step with department approaches to sexuality and relationships education".

Fairfax Media understands that the program is being offered at other public schools in the state.

Deputy convenor of Australian Women's Health Network, Dr Gwendolyn Gray Jamieson, called the literature "rubbish", and condemned the program for teaching girls "they had to be chaste, virginal and that they were responsible for what happens in a relationship".

"It is inherently unfair and sexist," she said.

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Eastern Glory wrote:
Catholicism in Australia is much more cultural than a practice. There are practicing 'evangelical' (if you like) Catholics, but for the most part it's a name and a community, rather than an adhered to practice of biblical or traditional teachings.

Islam in Australia is heading very much the same way with the generation of Muslims being born here. Increased education rates almost always correlate with a decrease in strict adherence.

Agree, most muslim friends I know eat pork and don't even observe rammadan.

I hardly ever see girls with hijabs or whatever its called.
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Manrubs progressive tolerance on show again :lol:
Les Gock
Les Gock
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Hmmm, interesting...
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^ not particularly interesting...

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

Slobodan Drauposevic
Slobodan Drauposevic
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mcjules wrote:
^ not particularly interesting...

Yeah I don't see the point. I suppose there's some conservative angle that could be argued around "marry as a virgin" or some crazy backwards shit like that.
Eastern Glory
Eastern Glory
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Les Gock wrote:

Hmmm, interesting...

This doesn't shock me in the slightest.

Not many people here like to heard cold truths, but it makes sense.
Eastern Glory
Eastern Glory
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Draupnir wrote:
mcjules wrote:
^ not particularly interesting...

Yeah I don't see the point. I suppose there's some conservative angle that could be argued around "marry as a virgin" or some crazy backwards shit like that.

Whilst I could never do this myself, having grown up in a community where this is the norm, I can say that it's not a bad thing. I've seen both sides of this. And whilst I personally have no interest in dog it myself, I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Christian marriage. It's a fantastic way for people to live.
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Eastern Glory wrote:
Draupnir wrote:
mcjules wrote:
^ not particularly interesting...

Yeah I don't see the point. I suppose there's some conservative angle that could be argued around "marry as a virgin" or some crazy backwards shit like that.

Whilst I could never do this myself, having grown up in a community where this is the norm, I can say that it's not a bad thing. I've seen both sides of this. And whilst I personally have no interest in dog it myself, I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Christian marriage. It's a fantastic way for people to live.

No disrespect intended but people living in an organized marriage under Sharia Law probably feel the same way because they don't know any different.
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Eastern Glory wrote:
Draupnir wrote:
mcjules wrote:
^ not particularly interesting...

Yeah I don't see the point. I suppose there's some conservative angle that could be argued around "marry as a virgin" or some crazy backwards shit like that.

Whilst I could never do this myself, having grown up in a community where this is the norm, I can say that it's not a bad thing. I've seen both sides of this. And whilst I personally have no interest in dog it myself, I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Christian marriage. It's a fantastic way for people to live.

It's not particularly interesting because it doesn't tell us anything surprising at all. People have different values.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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50% of Christian marriages end up in the divorce courts.

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