The Australian Politics thread: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

The Australian Politics thread: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

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Article of the week for me :laugh:

Hello, Elon? It’s Malcolm

“Hey, it says here that Jay Weatherill has been talking to Elon Musk about sticking a whole lot of batteries in South Australia so they don’t have blackouts any more. Is that true?”
“Yes, Prime Minister. Apparently Mr Musk made an offer on the Twitter that he would solve the state’s energy problems in 100 days or it would be free. So Mr Weatherill rang him up.”
“Good grief. How does Elon Musk even know that South Australia exists? Let alone that it’s been having blackouts! Who told him?”“It seems to have been that young Michael Cannon-Brookes sir.”
“Cannon-Brookes! That man’s an absolute nuisance. He’s been causing Arthur problems with our 457 visa plans, and now he’s trying to mess up the nice little wedge we’ve got going with Shorten and Weatherill over renewables and blackouts in Adelaide.”

“Yes Prime Minister”.

“Get that Elon Musk on the phone! I can’t let Weatherill have this to himself — he and Shorten will be insufferable.”

“Er it’s the middle of the night in California, Prime Minister.”

“Wake him up! Doesn’t he know who I am? Bloody Jay Weatherill, getting in first. Bloody Cannon-Brookes.”

“I really think we should wait till tomorrow sir. Mr Musk is richer than you. It might not be a constructive conversation if you wake him up.”

“Oh all right. Get hold of his phone number and tweet or email them or something and tell his people I want to talk to him.”

“Yes Prime Minister.”


“Hello? Elon? It’s Malcolm Turnbull here, Prime Minister of Australia.”

“Hi Malcolm, great to talk to you. Jay said you might call.”

“He did, did he? Yes I’d heard you had spoken to him. Look, he’s only Premier of a state, Elon, and a very small one, you know, out of the way, right down the bottom of Australia. Do you know there are twice as many people in Silicon Valley as there are in South Australia? It’s a terribly small place, very unimportant.”

“Really? I got the impression it was Australia’s most dynamic state, very innovative. Anyway, Jay is a nice man. We had a great chat, and I’m going to fix his blackouts.”

“Yes, well that’s what I need to talk to you about Elon. I just want you to know that as Prime Minister I am very much in favour of batteries. I have always said batteries are the future. Always said it. Terribly important. Batteries and renewable energy. But look, we need to make this a national plan, not just for one state.”

“Oh? Jay told me you were against renewables and in favour of coal. In fact, he said that you said that anyone who likes renewable energy was coalophobic.”

“Oh no, no, no. That was Scott Morrison, our bean counter. Heh, heh. He does rather get carried away sometimes Elon. Nobody takes any notice of him anymore.”

“Well, sure, Malcolm, but you do know that our batteries are designed to work with solar and wind power?”

“Yes, I know, Elon, but they could work with coal couldn’t they? I mean batteries don’t care what sort of electricity they are storing do they? Eh? It’s all the same electrons, isn’t it?”

“Well of course, electricity is the same no matter how it’s generated, Malcolm, but coal generators don’t need storage — they go all the time. The whole point of batteries is that solar energy stops at night and when the wind isn’t blowing, so that’s when you need the batteries.”

“Yes, yes, but hypothetically they could work with coal power couldn’t they? I mean, there’d be nothing in theory to stop you storing coal electricity in Tesla batteries as well?”

“Well, no, nothing in theory, but I can’t see the point.”

“It’s just that I’ve got this problem with some chaps in my party who made me promise I wouldn’t be in favour of renewable energy, and now I’ve got bloody Tony Abbott making a pest of himself and calling for the RET to be abolished.”

“Yes, Jay told me about that Abbott guy. He sounds like a real piece of work. But Mike Cannon-Brookes was telling me this morning that the right-wingers got beat up pretty badly in the Western Australian election, and that nobody has to worry about them any more?”

“Well, you are up with the latest news Elon! Yes, you’re right, our lot has come a bit of a gutser in WA, and the anti-climate change types have had a setback, that’s for sure ...”

“…and Jay texted me this morning that the result in Western Australia means the opposition to renewables is finished.”

“Well, I don’t know about that Elon. It’s a bit early for Weatherill and Cannon-Brookes to declare victory for the greenies just yet. Australian politics is complicated you know. But help me out here, Elon — I need to say I’m in favour of your batteries, so that Jay Weatherill doesn’t get you all to himself, without saying I’m in favour of renewables. Can we do that?”

“Look, Malcolm, how about this: you tweet that we had a great in depth discussion. You say something nice about batteries, but don’t even mention renewables. When I respond, I’ll mention renewables, not you. And then you’re not saying it.”

“Great idea, Elon. Thank you. I’m so glad we had this talk.”

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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I think the main issue of the wa election was the economy, the mining boom is over and the economy has tanked and we're in record debt. Theres a surplus of skilled workers due to all the abroad workers brought in during the boom.

One nation did worse than expected because of their preference deal with Liberal. Everyone I spoke too knew that a bloodbath was coming so idk why the media is surprosed.

I think Peter Katsambanis has a screw loose too.
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Iridium1010 - 13 Mar 2017 2:46 PM
I think the main issue of the wa election was the economy, the mining boom is over and the economy has tanked and we're in record debt. Theres a surplus of skilled workers due to all the abroad workers brought in during the boom. One nation did worse than expected because of their preference deal with Liberal. Everyone I spoke too knew that a bloodbath was coming so idk why the media is surprosed.I think Peter Katsambanis has a screw loose too.

yeh me too. He just looks a but unhinged to me. 
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Liberal MPs in marriage equality debate sponsored by Coopers beer, Bible Society

Ebony Bowden 
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Two colleagues debating marriage equality over a couple of beers is not unusual. Throw in a Bible, TV camera and a parliamentary lawn, and things start getting a little, well, strange. Federal Liberal MPs Tim Wilson and Andrew Hastie are the unlikely stars of a debate sponsored by the Bible Society of Australia and Coopers Brewery.
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Pubs boycott Coopers 'Bible' beer

Some hotels have stopped serving Coopers beer after they produced 10,000 commemorative light beers to celebrate 200 years of the Australian Bible Society.The moderated debate was shot in the grounds of Canberra's Parliament House, and shows Mr Wilson, an openly gay agnostic, and Mr Hastie, a Christian conservative, debating marriage equality while drinking Coopers Premium Light beer.Titled "Keeping it Light", the video is part of a  joint campaign between the Adelaide brewer and Bible Society Australia "to reach even more Australians with God's word"."Australia's national conversation has become fraught with shallowness and contempt for those who have a differing opinion," states the campaign's website."To speak into this, Bible Society Australia has teamed up with Coopers Premium Light to ask Australians to try 'Keeping it Light' - a creative campaign to reach even more Australians with God's word - and this time we're doing so in a rather unexpected way."Touted as the first in a series, Mr Hastie and Mr Wilson discuss the merits of marriage equality in a debate interlaced with shots of Coopers beers on the table in front of them.At one point, Mr Hastie says Australians need to "tread lightly" on the issue, and the camera cuts to a lingering close up of his beer.At the end of the debate, the men 'cheers' each other and smile uncomfortably as host Matt Andrews thanks Coopers.While the video is meant to be light-hearted, with Mr Hastie and Mr Wilson joking about the Bible's message of loving thy neighbour, it is unusual to see MPs promote a cause with such a heavy commercial influence.But neither of the men appeared to be concerned when contacted by Fairfax Media."I don't relive history, I move on," Mr Wilson, MP for the Melbourne seat of Goldstein said, adding he hadn't watched the video filmed a month ago.When asked if he knew beer would appear so heavily in the video, Mr Wilson said: "I don't know or care.""My preferred beer is a Mornington Peninsula [Brewery] Pale Ale so I would rather that."Mr Hastie, who represents the WA seat of Canning, was equally unconcerned, saying he had "no issue" with the video and highlighted the tradition of brewing in the evangelical movement."The only issue I have is that it was light beer and not a Thorny Devil from Canning," the former SAS soldier said."Let's not forget that Arthur Guinness, the famous brewer who started the Guiness Corporation, was an evangelical Christian who was converted to preaching by [Methodism founder] John Wesley.""Ultimately the video was about disagreeing in a civil and respectful way. I thought this showed it could be done."The campaign website claims the men were able to enjoy their debate "because there was both a Bible and good beer on the table".The partnership between the brewer and Christian non-profit organisation coincides with Bible Society Australia's 200th birthday.Coopers has produced 10,000 cases of beer printed with Bible verses as part of the deal.Tim Cooper, a fifth-generation Cooper and managing director of the company, said both brewing and the Bible boasted long histories."Part and parcel of doing a good job is reflecting on the gifts that we have and using them to God's best purpose," he said.

What in the fuck rofl?


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They've apologised. Money motivated I'm sure but it's a good outcome. Also shows that boycotts really do work.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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I reckon the federal LNP are a decent chance of fucking up the state Lib's chances of winning the unloseable election again.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

7 Years Ago by mcjules
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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 9:17 PM
They've apologised. Money motivated I'm sure but it's a good outcome. Also shows that boycotts really do work.

What exactly is the point of a boycott here? 


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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 9:19 PM

I reckon the federal LNP are a decent chance of fucking up the state Lib's chances of winning the unloseable election again.

In SA?

Shame the SA Government didn't take him up on his offer.

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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 9:17 PM
They've apologised. Money motivated I'm sure but it's a good outcome. Also shows that boycotts really do work.

Absolutely ridiculous situation.  No way should they have apologised.  I'm a 7th dan atheist and I still think this is idiotic.  Just because someone holds an opinion that doesn't align with yours doesn't mean you should scream, wail, stamp your feet and pout like spoilt brats until you get your own way.  


The discussion was a civilised airing of differing opinions between 2 blokes.  It's how debate should be conducted.

I'm over all this faux, confected outrage all of the time.

Poor bloody Coopers.  They've been pilloried from pillar to post and they've actually done nothing wrong except somehow been complicit in 2 blokes have a respectful disagreement.

Where's the mass protests against Sanitarium, the makers of weet-bix, for being Seventh Day Adventists who no doubt hold the same, and probably more, conservative opinions than Coopers.

The whole thing is SJW's gone mad. 

These paragons of virtue who call for tolerance and understanding for any lefty garbage that makes the pages of the Socialist Alternative are the first to squeal like stuck pigs if someone so much as strays from the song sheet one dot.  

It's rubbish like this that got that idiot Trump elected. and why Hanson is so popular. People are over it.

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7 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:11 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 9:17 PM

Absolutely ridiculous situation.  No way should they have apologised.  I'm a 7th dan atheist and I still think this is idiotic.  Just because someone holds an opinion that doesn't align with yours doesn't mean you should scream, wail, stamp your feet and pout like spoilt brats until you get your own way.  


The discussion was a civilised airing of differing opinions between 2 blokes.  It's how debate should be conducted.

I'm over all this faux, confected outrage all of the time.

Poor bloody Coopers.  They've been pilloried from pillar to post and they've actually done nothing wrong except somehow been complicit in 2 blokes have a respectful disagreement.

Where's the mass protests against Sanitarium, the makers of weet-bix, for being Seventh Day Adventists?

The whole thing is SJW's gone mad. 

People are entitled to boycott a product if they feel the company's values don't align with theirs. Politicising an issue like this opened them to criticism and they copped it.

This "SJW gone mad" bullshit is tiresome.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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sydneyfc1987 - 14 Mar 2017 10:48 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 9:17 PM

What exactly is the point of a boycott here? 

See above.

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Adani's planned Carmichael coal mine to shift millions to Cayman Islands controlled company

Exclusive by Stephen LongUpdated Federal Court challenge against AdaniPHOTO: The shell company's payment rights over the Carmichael coal mine could see it receive about $120 million per annum. (ABC News)RELATED STORY: Adani director appointed to body overseeing mining giant's coal portRELATED STORY: Reef authority warns of widespread coral bleaching again this yearRELATED STORY: Indigenous council calls for Adam Bandt not to use Native Title Act in Adani debateRELATED STORY: Agency assessing $1b Adani loan blocks FOI request for board meeting timesMAP: Bowen 4805Up to $3 billion from Adani's planned Carmichael coal mine will be shifted to a subsidiary owned in the Cayman Islands if the controversial project goes ahead, an analysis of company filings shows.

Key points:

  • 'Royalty deed' gives shell company rights to recieve $2-a-tonne payment beyond first 400K tonnes mined for two decades
  • Entitlement owned by company registered in Cayman Islands, controlled by Adani family
  • Carmichael coal mine's production capacity means payment ammounts to about $120 million per year
An "overarching royalty deed" gives a shell company rights to receive a $2-a-tonne payment, rising yearly by the inflation rate, beyond the first 400,000 tonnes mined in each production year for two decades.The company with this entitlement is ultimately owned by Atulya Resources Limited, a secretive entity registered in the Cayman Islands, and controlled by the Adani family."In plain English, the upshot for the Adani family is [that] if the mine goes ahead, they receive a $2-a-tonne payment, so up to $3 billion, via a Cayman Islands company, a company owned in a tax haven," says Adam Walters, principal researcher and Energy Resource Insights.With a production capacity of 60 million tonnes or more a year, that amounts to about $120 million per annum in payments, increasing each year in line with the CPI, potentially flowing offshore."I would describe it as a structure that means that the Adani family enriches themselves if the mine goes ahead but that other shareholders are impoverished," associate professor Thomas Clarke, director of the Centre for Corporate Governance at UTS told the ABC."The worry is that this may be just the beginning.
"That the Adani family have the ability to shift cash and assets around at will and in the future they may well do so at the cost of shareholders and the Queensland economy."
He said the billions flowing to the Adani private company would come at the expense of minority shareholders in the company listed on the Bombay stock exchange which ultimately owns the Carmichael mine.Media player: "Space" to play, "M" to mute, "left" and "right" to seek.VIDEO: Giant Indian conglomerate Adani has a complex network of companies ultimately owned in the Cayman Islands(ABC News)How Adani acquired the right to this multi-billion-dollar revenue stream is a tale in itself.In 2010, Adani Mining Pty Ltd bought the coal tenement that is set to become the Carmichael mine from the now defunct Linc Energy.Part of the sale involved Adani Mining giving Linc Energy an "overriding royalty deed" which entitled it to receive $2-a-tonne for all coal mined beyond the first 400,000 tonnes in any production year.Linc Energy informed investors at the time could be worth "over $120 million per annum" and up to $3 billion over the course of the royalty right.But in August 2014, in dire financial straits, Linc Energy agreed to sell the royalty deed back to Adani at a fire sale price: just $150 million.The obvious course would have been to extinguish the royalty deed, because it represented a multi-billion-dollar liability for the mine which is ultimately owned by Adani Enterprises Ltd, the Bombay-stock exchange listed company.Instead, the royalty deed "was assigned by Linc Energy Limited to Carmichael Rail Network Pty Ltd as trustee for Carmichael Rail Network Trust," notes in financial reports of Adani Mining Pty Ltd say.Carmichael Rail Network is one of a group of companies behind the proposed North Galilee Basin rail line, which Adani is currently seeking a subsidised loan of up to $1 billion from the Federal Government's Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility to build."What this means is that one of the companies currently seeking up to $1 billion in public subsidy is going to profit to the tune of up to $3 billion if the mine goes ahead," Mr Walters said.Queensland Government meet Adani Group representatives in TownsvillePHOTO: The Queensland Government insists Adani's arrangement is perfectly legal. (AAP)Adani Mining Pty Ltd, the proponent of the Carmichael mine and the holder of its environmental approvals, appears to have lent Carmichael Rail the funds to buy the royalty deed.A spokesman for the Adani Group said the subsidiary assigned to the royalty right was an Australian registered and regulated company and "as such it pays all applicable Australian taxes charges".Last year Resources Minister Matt Canavan dismissed the ABC's investigation into Adani's web of companies leading to tax havens as "fake news".He rejected concerns about the web of companies and trusts, many owned in tax havens, that Adani had set up for its Australian operations, says resources companies such as Rio Tinto and BHP also had complex company structures.Dr Clarke said that is nonsense."This is a classic third-world pyramid structure, with the Adani family having a controlling interest in all of the different companies, publicly listed, privately listed and the offshore companies which are its private properties," he told the ABC."It can freely move cash or assets between the different entities to the benefit of its own family interests."But according to the Minister, the advice from his department is that it is all perfectly legal.Adani's spokesman did not respond to a series of questions.


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paulbagzFC - 14 Mar 2017 10:53 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 9:19 PM

In SA?

Shame the SA Government didn't take him up on his offer.

They're putting a tender out. I'm not an expert in this area obviously but from my understanding there isn't a lot of competition that can output the capacity that Tesla can at the speed and price so it's bound to be a strong contender.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:18 PM
Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:11 PM

People are entitled to boycott a product if they feel the company's values don't align with theirs. Politicising an issue like this opened them to criticism and they copped it.

This "SJW gone mad" bullshit is tiresome.

They can do whatever the fuck they want but the screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth is more tiresome than any statement I make.

It's madness.  Can you not see it's people like this that cause people to get pissed at the establishment and then vote for your Trump and Hanson types.

It's blokes like you, and these screaming SJW's, that are responsible for the rise of the Looney left and the Far right.  Can you not see that?

Instead of Coopers standing their ground all they've done by capitulating is embolden the next bunch of squawking idiots to take their hashtag activism to the next 'issue' of the day. 

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7 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:20 PM
paulbagzFC - 14 Mar 2017 10:53 PM

They're putting a tender out. I'm not an expert in this area obviously but from my understanding there isn't a lot of competition that can output the capacity that Tesla can at the speed and price so it's bound to be a strong contender.

The sad thing about this is that there's at least half a dozen Australian companies that can do exactly what Musk is proposing but of course they're ignored until some billionaire tweets another billionaire about it.

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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:20 PM
paulbagzFC - 14 Mar 2017 10:53 PM

They're putting a tender out. I'm not an expert in this area obviously but from my understanding there isn't a lot of competition that can output the capacity that Tesla can at the speed and price so it's bound to be a strong contender.

Thought Jay had already decided on a gas plant?

From the sounds of it Turnbull and Co are looking into weather or not it's even legal to disrupt the energy market operator like that.

Could see challenges against it as it is.


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Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:25 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:18 PM

They can do whatever the fuck they want but the screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth is more tiresome than any statement I make.

It's madness.  Can you not see it's people like this that cause people to get pissed at the establishment and then vote for your Trump and Hanson types.

It's blokes like you, and these screaming SJW's, that are responsible for the rise of the Looney left and the Far right.  Can you not see that?

Instead of Coopers standing their ground all they've done by capitulating is embolden the next bunch of squawking idiots to take their hashtag activism to the next 'issue' of the day. 

I see no issue with political activism. People feel strongly about an issue they're entitled to express it. If a company chooses to listen to them, that's their choice.

If you want (or Hanson-ites) want to be "triggered" by it and vote for a simpleton so be it.

On the flipside, the anti-halal people are more than entitled to not purchase products that don't fit their values. I'll call them idiots and that is my right.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:29 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:20 PM

The sad thing about this is that there's at least half a dozen Australian companies that can do exactly what Musk is proposing but of course they're ignored until some billionaire tweets another billionaire about it.

Did you even read my post? IMO pretty much what you criticize Beth for.

It's going out to tender for that exact reason. Personally I'd like to see Redflow to win the contract but they themselves have admitted that they're not capable of producing batteries as quickly as Tesla I think you'll find that they're not Robinson Crusoe in Australia. Maybe if we had a functioning ETS that could generate revenue to invest in these Australian companies they could have been better placed...

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:39 PM
Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:25 PM

I see no issue with political activism. People feel strongly about an issue they're entitled to express it. If a company chooses to listen to them, that's their choice.

If you want (or Hanson-ites) want to be "triggered" by it and vote for a simpleton so be it.

On the flipside, the anti-halal people are more than entitled to not purchase products that don't fit their values. I'll call them idiots and that is my right.

We'll have to agree to disagree.  The Halal idiots are ridiculous but by the same token I don't see Vegemite apologising to them for religiously certifying their own product.

The irony is those that squeal the loudest for tolerance are the least tolerant of all.

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7 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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paulbagzFC - 14 Mar 2017 11:29 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:20 PM

Thought Jay had already decided on a gas plant?

From the sounds of it Turnbull and Co are looking into weather or not it's even legal to disrupt the energy market operator like that.

Could see challenges against it as it is.


Gas plant is only one part of the solution. You can read more about it here

I feel part of this is a ploy to allow more fracking in SA but apart from that it's a brilliant plan IMO.

I don't know if it'd break any rules but pursuing that would not be popular at all here gauging from the reaction of people I know of a variety of political backgrounds.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

7 Years Ago by mcjules
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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:45 PM
Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:29 PM

Did you even read my post? IMO pretty much what you criticize Beth for.

It's going out to tender for that exact reason. Personally I'd like to see Redflow to win the contract but they themselves have admitted that they're not capable of producing batteries as quickly as Tesla I think you'll find that they're not Robinson Crusoe in Australia. Maybe if we had a functioning ETS that could generate revenue to invest in these Australian companies they could have been better placed...

I did read your post.  You said there isn't a lot of competition.  On RN and Newsradio today they spoke to Australian companies lining up to quote.  (For a cheaper price and roughly the same timeline too.)

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7 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:39 PM
Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:25 PM

I see no issue with political activism. People feel strongly about an issue they're entitled to express it. If a company chooses to listen to them, that's their choice.

If you want (or Hanson-ites) want to be "triggered" by it and vote for a simpleton so be it.

On the flipside, the anti-halal people are more than entitled to not purchase products that don't fit their values. I'll call them idiots and that is my right.

I'd understand the protest more if Coopers took out a full page ad in the newspaper or ran an ad at night or put a giant billboard up on the side of the highway that said "we're against marriage equality" but all they did was sell beer to 2 blokes airing 2 sides of an issue.  (And according to the Bible Society mob Coopers didn't even know they were going to do it.)

You're looking for offence where none was offered.  (As are the other squawkers.)

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Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:48 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:45 PM

I did read your post.  You said there isn't a lot of competition.  On RN and Newsradio today they spoke to Australian companies lining up to quote.  (For a cheaper price and roughly the same timeline too.)

Yes I know Tesla won't be the only ones tendering, this is a good thing.

I agree it's sad, however it was even sadder that SA was getting wedged by the Libs and their media lackies about the issue. Some one with the profile of Elon Musk has completely reframed the discussion and this can only be a good thing for all these startups here in Australia.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:45 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:39 PM

We'll have to agree to disagree.  The Halal idiots are ridiculous but by the same token I don't see Vegemite apologising to them for religiously certifying their own product.

The irony is those that squeal the loudest for tolerance are the least tolerant of all.

You know why they don't? They probably don't have an issue with islam but even more so because they'd lose a lot more money by pulling their certification. Economics my friend.

People are tolerating it. They aren't asking for Coopers execs to go to jail or anything. People chose to not purchase their products and were telling people about their decision not to. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:58 PM
Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:48 PM

Yes I know Tesla won't be the only ones tendering, this is a good thing.

I agree it's sad, however it was even sadder that SA was getting wedged by the Libs and their media lackies about the issue. Some one with the profile of Elon Musk has completely reframed the discussion and this can only be a good thing for all these startups here in Australia.

I'm with you.  It's the kick up the arse Australia needed.  Let's hope it's actually more than words this time.

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mcjules - 15 Mar 2017 12:02 AM
Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:45 PM

You know why they don't? They probably don't have an issue with islam but even more so because they'd lose a lot more money by pulling their certification. Economics my friend.

People are tolerating it. They aren't asking for Coopers execs to go to jail or anything. People chose to not purchase their products and were telling people about their decision not to. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I still don't understand what Coopers actually did that was wrong.  They donated money to the Bible Society and the Liberal Party.  It's not like their company website sprouts hate against Jews and black people.

I think this 'protest' is symptomatic of the hyper sensitivity that abounds in Australia at the moment and it need s to stop or no one will be game to saying anything in the future.  

Coopers were basically cyber bullied into acquiescence.  Are those people proud of themselves?

People need to calm the hell down.  Whatever happened to saying 'look I don't agree with your view on XYZ but I can't see why we still can't be friends'.   

Member since 2008.

7 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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Munrubenmuz - 14 Mar 2017 11:57 PM
mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:39 PM

I'd understand the protest more if Coopers took out a full page ad in the newspaper or ran an ad at night or put a giant billboard up on the side of the highway that said "we're against marriage equality" but all they did was sell beer to 2 blokes airing 2 sides of an issue.  (And according to the Bible Society mob Coopers didn't even know they were going to do it.)

You're looking for offence where none was offered.  (As are the other squawkers.)

No one was offended. People decided that a company's political view point disagreed with theirs and they weren't going to purchase their product. Completely legitimate.

The hysterics are coming from people criticising it.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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Munrubenmuz - 15 Mar 2017 12:08 AM
mcjules - 15 Mar 2017 12:02 AM

I still don't understand what Coopers actually did that was wrong except donate money to the Bible Society and the Liberal Party.  It's not like their company website sprouts hate against Jews and black people.

I think this 'protest' is symptomatic of the hyper sensitivity that abounds in Australia at the moment and it need s to stop or no one will be game to saying anything in the future.  

Coopers were basically cyber bullied into acquiescence.  Are those people proud of themselves?

People need to calm the hell down.  Whatever happened to saying 'look I don't agree with your view on XYZ but I can't see why we still can't be friends'.   

What they did "wrong" was they sponsored a video with a political debate in it. That opens them up to criticism.

In my opinion, well at least in this case, the "hypersensitivity" comes from frustration of a government not listening to the people. Polls consistently report strong support for marriage equality and it would have been done and dusted ages ago if the government put a bill up and left it to a conscience vote.

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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Great posting Muz regarding Coopers. Good read.

I agree with you. Coopers did nothing wrong and didn't owe anyone an apology.
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mcjules - 14 Mar 2017 11:47 PM
paulbagzFC - 14 Mar 2017 11:29 PM

Gas plant is only one part of the solution. You can read more about it here

I feel part of this is a ploy to allow more fracking in SA but apart from that it's a brilliant plan IMO.

I don't know if it'd break any rules but pursuing that would not be popular at all here gauging from the reaction of people I know of a variety of political backgrounds.

Yeah, I'm sure the feeling in SA is that people just want a stable power grid, can't blame them either.

It's like we hear about you at least once a week with issues.

Has made other states wake up to EMO issues as well which is a good think, shame it took another state to get so bad to make them realise.



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