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BETHFC - 4 Apr 2018 9:12 AM
sokorny - 3 Apr 2018 1:53 PM

Haha he is definitely not cut from the same cloth as other politicians.

I just find the constant satirical commentary on Trump (particularly John Oliver) so tiresome now. It's like get a new joke. 

I guess each week / day Trump says (or does) something else so "unique" on Twitter, in person, his actions that satirical commentary has such cannon fodder. He is politically incorrect as Borat, as megalomaniac as Admiral General Aladeen and as ignorant as Ali G ... the only character missing is Bruno (although I give Trump props for his wild time with Stormy).
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sokorny - 4 Apr 2018 10:37 AM
BETHFC - 4 Apr 2018 9:12 AM

I guess each week / day Trump says (or does) something else so "unique" on Twitter, in person, his actions that satirical commentary has such cannon fodder. He is politically incorrect as Borat, as megalomaniac as Admiral General Aladeen and as ignorant as Ali G ... the only character missing is Bruno (although I give Trump props for his wild time with Stormy).

They do but it just seems like they don't have to try so it's just boring to watch. 

Another shooting in the USA, can't wait to see the social media gun experts come out to play....

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BETHFC - 4 Apr 2018 9:12 AM
sokorny - 3 Apr 2018 1:53 PM

Haha he is definitely not cut from the same cloth as other politicians.

I just find the constant satirical commentary on Trump (particularly John Oliver) so tiresome now. It's like get a new joke. 

Yep. Half those late night shows have just been rehashing the same bollocks now. Not sure what they'd do if Trump got a 2nd term..
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Haha stumbled on this just now, pretty relevant to these posts


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paulbagzFC - 4 Apr 2018 8:20 PM
Haha stumbled on this just now, pretty relevant to these posts


They do realise they are comedians?? Or do American's see these guys as journalists??
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keep it up. i love watching these hordes of lefty liberal regressive late night "Comedy" activists continue their hissy fit over Trump!!!!!
biggest douchebags the whole lot of them.
at least letterman, leno were funny. these comedy activists are downright pathetic!!! trump is surely going to get re-elected in a landslide if he keeps making america great while these snowflakes continue their hysterical fury
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sokorny - 5 Apr 2018 12:04 PM
paulbagzFC - 4 Apr 2018 8:20 PM

They do realise they are comedians?? Or do American's see these guys as journalists??

The standard of comedy is poor. It's just ripping the same Trump jokes over and over
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aufc_ole - 5 Apr 2018 5:59 PM
sokorny - 5 Apr 2018 12:04 PM

The standard of comedy is poor. It's just ripping the same Trump jokes over and over

Very much agreed. It's like they're not even trying because the anti-Trump chorus will line their pockets anyway. 

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Seth Meyers 'A Closer Look' is quality though.  That's generally a fact based skewering of that orange clown and whatever he's been up to i the last day or 2. 

Take for example his attacks on Amazon.  Everybody has said, including the postal service themselves and shock horror, even Fox news, it's not true that the postal service is getting shafted and yet he still persists in lying and dragging the share price down.

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Munrubenmuz - 6 Apr 2018 8:23 AM
Seth Meyers 'A Closer Look' is quality though.  That's generally a fact based skewering of that orange clown and whatever he's been up to i the last day or 2. 

Take for example his attacks on Amazon.  Everybody has said, including the postal service themselves and shock horror, even Fox news, it's not true that the postal service is getting shafted and yet he still persists in lying and dragging the share price down.

Can't say I've heard of it i'll check it out. 

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John Oliver is atrocious. "I'm gonna yell obnoxiously in my British accent about how high my horse while is spewing liberal propaganda like a man who has drunk too much coffee, oh yeah did I mention DRUMPF? Geddit? I watch Bill Maher so I'm a fucking genius!"

He was a man of specific quirks. He believed that all meals should be earned through physical effort. He also contended, zealously like a drunk with a political point, that the third dimension would not be possible if it werent for the existence of water.

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marconi101 - 6 Apr 2018 10:38 AM
John Oliver is atrocious. "I'm gonna yell obnoxiously in my British accent about how high my horse while is spewing liberal propaganda like a man who has drunk too much coffee, oh yeah did I mention DRUMPF? Geddit? I watch Bill Maher so I'm a fucking genius!"

He's a liberal Milo but with less intelligence haha

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aufc_ole - 5 Apr 2018 5:59 PM
sokorny - 5 Apr 2018 12:04 PM

The standard of comedy is poor. It's just ripping the same Trump jokes over and over

Welcome to late night tv for as long as I can remember (HW Bush era but I'd be shocked if they weren't doing the same to Reagan). Very little to do with Trump and definitely not "OMG Letterman and Leno were so much better than the new guis". 

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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BETHFC - 6 Apr 2018 8:52 AM
Munrubenmuz - 6 Apr 2018 8:23 AM

Can't say I've heard of it i'll check it out. 

Here's a couple.   Like I said it's hard to argue against actual facts.

If you actually watch any of his speeches for anything more than a minute or 2 you'll see he's virtually functionally illiterate.  We get little snippets on the news here and there but if you watch any clips of him talking at length you'll be amazed.  (Watch him rabbit on about the economy to a bunch of kids on the white house lawn and then tell the same kids the 'white house' doesn't have a name.  It's mind bending stuff.)  It's the first clip.

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it's pretty sad if you're getting your "news" from late night liberal comedy shows. if i had been watching all these shows the past 2 years I would also be hating Trump and getting on my self righteous high horse using mockery to insult the orange man and all the backward redneck racist xenephobe homophobic transphobic mysoginist bigots who voted him in and support him!
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And that's why Conan is best haha


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aufc_ole - 5 Apr 2018 5:59 PM
sokorny - 5 Apr 2018 12:04 PM

The standard of comedy is poor. It's just ripping the same Trump jokes over and over

Thats my gripe. It was funny a few years ago before the election but now its just a ongoing vendetta that has become very stale. 


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Strayan - 6 Apr 2018 3:27 PM
it's pretty sad if you're getting your "news" from late night liberal comedy shows. if i had been watching all these shows the past 2 years I would also be hating Trump and getting on my self righteous high horse using mockery to insult the orange man and all the backward redneck racist xenephobe homophobic transphobic mysoginist bigots who voted him in and support him!

Who's getting 'news' as you put it from late night television shows?

 It's comedy.  And it's even more funny because you couldn't make half the shit up he says or does.  I mean he said at the wall prototypes 'these are good but we need to be able to see through them to see what's happening on the other side.'. Fucking hell.

 What's even funnier comedy is Fox which has become nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Trump government.

Read this.

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6 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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Ugh.  I just read what you had to say about Suminic.  #SAD

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6 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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Munrubenmuz - 7 Apr 2018 5:51 AM
Strayan - 6 Apr 2018 3:27 PM

Who's getting 'news' as you put it from late night television shows?

 It's comedy.  And it's even more funny because you couldn't make half the shit up he says or does.  I mean he said at the wall prototypes 'these are good but we need to be able to see through them to see what's happening on the other side.'. Fucking hell.

 What's even funnier comedy is Fox which has become nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Trump government.

Read this.

Was in the USA last year and I couldn't find what i'd call a balanced media channel. Its either Fox singing his praises like he parted the red sea or the plethora of liberal stations claiming that the way he holds a water bottle is evidence he colluded with Russia to win the election. 

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Bloodiest day on the Gaza strip in 4 or so year, who would have seen that coming?


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They have carte blanche from America to do what they want now.  
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paulbagzFC - 15 May 2018 9:08 AM
Bloodiest day on the Gaza strip in 4 or so year, who would have seen that coming?


So sick of seeing this happening. Both sides are as bad as each other but Israel has the bigger stick and it western so obviously they're the worst. 

What I do love is the international condemnation from the middle eastern states and yet they do absolutely fuck all to help their Palestinian 'brothers and sisters' out. 

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BETHFC - 15 May 2018 11:01 AM
paulbagzFC - 15 May 2018 9:08 AM

So sick of seeing this happening. Both sides are as bad as each other but Israel has the bigger stick and it western so obviously they're the worst. 

What I do love is the international condemnation from the middle eastern states and yet they do absolutely fuck all to help their Palestinian 'brothers and sisters' out. 

This is pretty much the reason Al Qaeda came into existence. Al Qaeda believed(s) that the reason so few Arabic countries help (well openly) Palestine is because they fear "retaliation" from USA (/ the 'West').
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sokorny - 15 May 2018 2:26 PM
BETHFC - 15 May 2018 11:01 AM

This is pretty much the reason Al Qaeda came into existence. Al Qaeda believed(s) that the reason so few Arabic countries help (well openly) Palestine is because they fear "retaliation" from USA (/ the 'West').

I think it's more self interest. They haven't opened their arms to Syria's problems or the associated humanitarian crisis either. 

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BETHFC - 15 May 2018 11:01 AM
paulbagzFC - 15 May 2018 9:08 AM

So sick of seeing this happening. Both sides are as bad as each other but Israel has the bigger stick and it western so obviously they're the worst. 

What I do love is the international condemnation from the middle eastern states and yet they do absolutely fuck all to help their Palestinian 'brothers and sisters' out. 

Israel continually use their power to occupy and take over Palestinian regions, they're massacring protesters but you think they're as bad as each other?


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BETHFC - 16 May 2018 8:11 AM
sokorny - 15 May 2018 2:26 PM

I think it's more self interest. They haven't opened their arms to Syria's problems or the associated humanitarian crisis either. 

Maybe they don't feel it is their place to interfere with international matters?? I know plenty of Australian's don't think we should be concerned with such matters either, e.g. anti-refugees, anti-foreign aid etc.
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Pure unadulterated genius.

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I love Beetoota Advocate so much. One of the few satirical outlets that isn't afraid to have a dig at anybody, regardless of where on the political spectrum they are.


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sydneyfc1987 - 17 May 2018 9:13 PM

I love Beetoota Advocate so much. One of the few satirical outlets that isn't afraid to have a dig at anybody, regardless of where on the political spectrum they are.


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