Liverpool Football Club - Welcome, Jürgen!

Liverpool Football Club - Welcome, Jürgen!

Captain Haddock
Captain Haddock
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In terms of the score, it was a flashback to the BR era, and lots of character to go with it.

But LFC were all set to finish with a 2-goal advantage before Jimmy got sent off, against a team who were good enough to win at the Etihad. Historically it's looking increasingly good for them from here- and form has been good not just this season, but for the past 18 months at least.

There are only two intellectually honest debate tactics: (a) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts, or (b) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic. All other debate tactics are intellectually dishonest - John T. Reed

The Most Popular Presidential Candidate Of All Time (TM) cant go to a sports stadium in the country he presides over. Figure that one out...

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yes true before Millys 2nd card.
It did have something like BR's tenure. On the road to win then we lost the plot late, either a draw or loss and those vital points gone. Not like it used to be.
Importantly everyone is fighting to the last whistle and with 10 the last moments Klopp quoted how good 18yrs Camacho's crucial late tackle on Zaha was another moment.
60points from 23 games, a new club record but we have 15 more battles ahead of us.
8days recovery for those with injuries before the Fox's.

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5 Years Ago by LFC.
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Missed opportunity but 1 is better than none and who would complain having a 5point gap.
Snow didn't help but we created enough to win, Firmino's 2 close range efforts saved by a good keeper.
What a soft goal we let in on HT.
One of those days but in the end who wouldn't take the draw.

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Captain Haddock
Captain Haddock
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Newcastle handed them a golden opportunity yesterday, against a side like Huddersfield or Fulham I'd expect nothing less than a comfortable win. But against Leicester- they're a good side, better than their ladder position indicates. They regularly have earned draws or even wins against the top teams more recently, I'd have loved LFC to wipe them but was realistically thinking a 2-1 or 1-0 win. The draw itself still earns them an extra point gap over City. Didn't play their best and some contentious refs calls (or non-calls) that could've earned LFC the win- but that's the mark of a genuinely good side, to be able to still get a point or a win when they're not playing to full potential and calls go against them.

Looking at City's past 6 weeks they've dropped a few games. I can't see that changing in the next 6 weeks all of a sudden, and every point they drop hurts them twice as much as it does LFC from here on. I'd say they're more "battle hardened" than City, after the past 18 months where they've been in plenty of pressure games or tight situations and emerged winners. City coasted to the title last year but haven't been challenged as much, and it's starting to show. They remind me a bit of Sebastian Vettel in the F1- when they're out in front and cruising, they look unbeatable. But put pressure on them and they get rattled. 

There are only two intellectually honest debate tactics: (a) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts, or (b) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic. All other debate tactics are intellectually dishonest - John T. Reed

The Most Popular Presidential Candidate Of All Time (TM) cant go to a sports stadium in the country he presides over. Figure that one out...

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Well, always expected Hammers giving us a run for the points.
Milly in at RB.
Lallana first start up game in sometime.
Injuries are having a affect but we still have enough on the bench to cover but........
Hammer set pieces had us not thinking quick enough from the get go.
Their equaliser we just stood still.
Then park the bus 2nd half we just couldn't break the dead lock mind you I'll take the draw.
We need to get back to breaking out faster so as we force the advantage opponents running back.

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5 Years Ago by LFC.
Captain Haddock
Captain Haddock
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As the haters were saying a month ago: "There's a long way to go this season".

Controversial opinion time: Regardless of whether LFC win the league this season or finish 2nd, even 3rd- the most important thing is what happens next season- and the one after that.

Could've gunned for the title again in 2009/10 with the right owners (and Rafa staying)

Could've gunned for the title again in 2014/15 and quite possibly usurped Leicester had Klopp been there the whole time instead of Rogers.

LFC have a couple of players due back and have still been picking up points where City get losses (3 losses against teams outside the top 6 vs 0 losses and 2 draws against teams outside the top 6). It's only February and I'm getting a groundhog day feel-

2015/16: "The pressure's on LFC to make the Europa League Final"

2016/17: "The pressure's on LFC to make the top 4"

2017/18: "The pressure's on LFC to make the CL final"

2018/19: "The pressure's on LFC to win the title"

There are only two intellectually honest debate tactics: (a) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts, or (b) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic. All other debate tactics are intellectually dishonest - John T. Reed

The Most Popular Presidential Candidate Of All Time (TM) cant go to a sports stadium in the country he presides over. Figure that one out...

5 Years Ago by Captain Haddock
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Now that was back to the Pool we've known - great start line up, especially the mids having Wijnaldum back !
Our pressing was brilliant and winning back ball much better than the last 3wks.
A very strong 1st half once we settled whilst Fulham did start off very well.
Good save by Allison.
Great ball by Milly Mane header was very well taken we had been pumping them for sometime sooner or later it had to come.
Robertson's perfect ball for Wijnaldum to run on, the control and lob was superb, loved his huge smile after that effort.
The throw to Mane who deflected it to his left then through ball to Bobby was brilliant as it was BUT Bobbys back heel blew everyone away for Salah to run on and push the angled ball into the left side of goal, what play by the 3 of them But Bobby's unselfish back heel was so unselfish says it all about the guy !
Overall very sound performance and back to City to counter punch.

Good news TAA came on late and will be ready to go for next game likely Bayern.
So Wijnaldum TAA back, now waiting on Lovren we will be in a much stronger position again, then we still have Hendo available I'm feeling better looking ahead overall.

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5 Years Ago by LFC.
Captain Haddock
Captain Haddock
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Consideering Chelsea's form, Everton's form and Spurs historical record at Anfield, this match-up at Old Trafford looks to be the one major potential banana-skin left on the run home.

Would be awesome to hand Jose his last defeat as Man United manager and Ole his first loss as Man United manager in the same season. Hope Klopp uses that as motivation...

There are only two intellectually honest debate tactics: (a) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts, or (b) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic. All other debate tactics are intellectually dishonest - John T. Reed

The Most Popular Presidential Candidate Of All Time (TM) cant go to a sports stadium in the country he presides over. Figure that one out...

5 Years Ago by Captain Haddock
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Agree looking ahead - as long as we come out of the Bayern game with no injuries ( a win) at full strength this game at OT I feel were the better team and we pip them.
IF not city need to go through undefeated imo and IF so good luck to them but I don't think so.
Their bubble has to burst again us neck and neck.

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The Juve rumour record figures for Salah is mind boggling.
Keita/Mane making noise for Werner - come to Melwood over the summer.

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LFC. - 14 Feb 2019 2:28 PM
The Juve rumour record figures for Salah is mind boggling.
Keita/Mane making noise for Werner - come to Melwood over the summer.

Juve aren't mucking about. Their recent success* in the champions league is making them want it more.

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Oh I know they are not mucking about - their on a huge mission now.
No matter how strong they are in their League they want to finally get back on top in CL.
Hopefully Pool also has a say in this as well between drinks.

Looking forward to Bayern @ home tomorrow, its a must win.

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My biggest concern was no VVD vsing Lewandowski but got to say Matip/Fabinho pairing done good overall.
Every game you got to expect threats and there were a few but in the end I didn't feel Bayern deserved anything.
They got what they wished for and we have all to play for return leg away incl VVD back and I expect Klopp will plan to be more attacking possibly Shaqiri starting up.
Hendo covered the centre well as always but I would have thought having Wijnaldum C and shift Hendo wide would have been better.
We lacked a bit more creativity, Keita had a good 1st half being quite involved but didn't play the same 2nd half.
Bayern got back in numbers many times crowding the box for Salah/Mane and Bobby had alot of traffic trying to break through.
Had enough chances imo to take the win but wasn't to be.

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I was watching parts of the match with my mate at work. JFC did Liverpool get sucked into playing Bayern's game.

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yes and no, the difference is with our high pressing game opponents sit back.
As I said Bayern chances were minimal, weren't attacking in large numbers much relying on a counter - evident with their long balls once winning possession deep in their half.
Stats show it clearly in our favour in shots/on target/outside of box to inside of box.
The diff between winning and draws is us putting away a % of chances created that came up blank - last season we did it well this season not no matter Bayerns or anyones tactics.
I feel were over playing it - Salah so many times with his usual back in off his right to his favoured left, last season near edge of the box he would have a go for that far post or even inside near post shots, this season he's looking to play Bobby in or whoever more like as if their playing futsal. Mane is guilty of this play as well, or again over playing it cutting down his angle for a decent shot he gets smothered whereas even this game a few times Robertson was the perfect next pass on wide in the open.
Our thought errors are punishing us more than anything in attack imo.

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Well that was hard and frustrating to watch......
You'd take a draw any day under normal circumstances but this seriously was a game for our taking given what occurred during the 1st half.
Even before the 3 united changes we actually settled and were looking good at times but then again lacked that fluency up front once again, forcing that last pass was repetitive.
No one could put themselves in position for a shot.
Sure they stayed deep but overall we played too slow !
Our starting line up was a safe choice especially the middle and granted covered ground very well but we lacked the zest in creating chances in front of a crowded united box.
Didn't help that Salah was out of sorts all game, Bobby had to come off that takes away some flair and Mane just didn't have enough room to use his pace....
Millys distribution was terrible, near on messed up every single cross, he just wasn't his usual self.
Matip and VVD were typically sound thankfully for they did have some chances better than us.
Fabinho also was very reliable in front of the CB's and Wijnaldum was brilliant defensively but not much going forward.
Says it all when Allison's Brilliant diving save on Lingard coming through was the highlight of our game.
We'll happily take the point and back top of the league.
Grinding out results is good - its a cycle making a season, city maybe looking strong but can they go 10 more undefeated and or can we find our form again soon and finish on the high.

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LFC. - 25 Feb 2019 9:41 AM
Well that was hard and frustrating to watch......
You'd take a draw any day under normal circumstances but this seriously was a game for our taking given what occurred during the 1st half.
Even before the 3 united changes we actually settled and were looking good at times but then again lacked that fluency up front once again, forcing that last pass was repetitive.
No one could put themselves in position for a shot.
Sure they stayed deep but overall we played too slow !
Our starting line up was a safe choice especially the middle and granted covered ground very well but we lacked the zest in creating chances in front of a crowded united box.
Didn't help that Salah was out of sorts all game, Bobby had to come off that takes away some flair and Mane just didn't have enough room to use his pace....
Millys distribution was terrible, near on messed up every single cross, he just wasn't his usual self.
Matip and VVD were typically sound thankfully for they did have some chances better than us.
Fabinho also was very reliable in front of the CB's and Wijnaldum was brilliant defensively but not much going forward.
Says it all when Allison's Brilliant diving save on Lingard coming through was the highlight of our game.
We'll happily take the point and back top of the league.
Grinding out results is good - its a cycle making a season, city maybe looking strong but can they go 10 more undefeated and or can we find our form again soon and finish on the high.


Though I personally am not a fan of Klopp's changes.

I would have subbed Milner off for Keita and moved Hendo to right back. Milner's crosses all game were rubbish and he was sitting on an early yellow. Hendo was actually playing a lot better than Milner and without the card threat; and Keita would have provided attacking spark in the midfield against a team struggling injury wise.

I would have also brought Shaq on instead of Sturridge and moved Salah forward. Sturridge and Origi have shown (apart from a few fluke wins) to not have it anymore and we can't keep turning to them. 

Personally, I'm starting to give up and fear we may have bottled it :(

Obviously Sturridge and Origi are leaving in the summer, but we desperately need to find some genuine competition for places in the front 3. Earlier in the season we asked whether players would be willing to sign and then just sit beyond those 3 - I think we've seen in 2019 that form slumps happen to everyone and you need to be able to rotate even your stars if form warrants it.
Captain Haddock
Captain Haddock
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Game plan went out the window with United's casualties. They started out going for the win but then spent the second half aiming for a draw instead, at which point Klopp had two choices-

a) Keep pushing for the win against a side hanging back deep, parking up

b) Play it safe and go for the draw, with a win being a bonus

Going with a) might've netted all 3 points, but it would leave the team more vulnerable on counter attack and somebody like Rashford could've scored. For all the complaining I've seen this morning on s/m, imagine the backlash if they'd lost to that depleted side? If this was 5 years ago, BR would've gone with option a), kept the original gameplan and maybe they run riot- or maybe they get overturned on the counter instead and lose. Funny seeing people on s/m saying they wish we could have last seasons' team back. Last seasons' team would probably get beaten- Karius doesn't make those key saves Allison does, and the defence doesn't hold up the same.

Injuries aside, United have been in good form since the last match-up at Anfield. Results this morning won't dictate winning the league or not either. In the "nearly" runs of 2008/09 and 2013/14 LFC did the double over United but it still didn't clinch them the title.

This was their most challenging away fixture left in the season, and they emerged with a point and regaining the lead in the league. Got Everton on the weekend and then that's about it, with all due respect to the other games to follow. United play City at OT late in April, and this rescheduling may very well work in our favour. 

There are only two intellectually honest debate tactics: (a) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts, or (b) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic. All other debate tactics are intellectually dishonest - John T. Reed

The Most Popular Presidential Candidate Of All Time (TM) cant go to a sports stadium in the country he presides over. Figure that one out...

5 Years Ago by Captain Haddock
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yes good points.
I thought about Keita during the game, and this is Klopp's mind set just as the starting line up, safe.
I did think of Hendo going RB but Klopp sees Millsy is a sure thing, he is normally but when your not on like he was all game he should have made the move I would have thought TAA would have been fine going into his spot in the first place.
I understood putting Studz (mind you he did f all) on but who would have pictured Salah not doing much the whole game.
With Bobby off and Salah blank screwed our whole front attack, don't get why Mane wasn't his usual self either.
Shaw, I don't rate him tbh owned Salah all game ffs.
So yer imo TAA and Keita on could have changed the game.
Shaq once on also didn't play his usual game, I expected he at least to give us something but united parking the bus well stifled any movement up front therefore our play from the back was slow/to each more often than not.
Origi, waste of time.
1 shot on goal whole game with most possession and 7 corners to 3.
Were going into games with a safe don't risk mentality - I get that when were just 4-5 games out not right now, we need to get back to attacking faster football, our backline is solid incl keeper, still best defense in the league, we need to go for it to break some shackles.
City still have Spurs/United to play back to back late in the season and CL prior - anything can happen incl some bogey mid table games, Burnley away could be a Spurs result.
We have a challenging run to the end if were still playing like at OT, after Watford Toffees then Burnley at home, Bayern away, then major 2 to play at home is Spurs/Chelsea.
2nd last game at Toonville could be another banana skin lol.......

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Captain Haddock
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2nd last game at Toonsville to a side managed by Rafa?

If they're safe above relegation, he may decide to do us a favour. It'd be special to seal the league against a side managed by him, thankfully there's no hard feelings mutually since he was given the arse by the old owners. Seeing him and Klopp shake hands at the end, as the title officially returned to Anfield, would be poetic. Plenty to go still, but.

3 draws in the last 4 league matches doesn't help, but where City hit this form and lost, LFC are picking up points and have remained on top (for now). I think consistent scheduling works better for them, when they have a constant run of matches they can build steady momentum knowing there's a week between games. I suspect an irregular run of games over the last month or so (and that training camp away) hampered their form and their momentum a little. I haven't checked, but there's no more fortnight breaks without a game between now and the end of the season is there?

There are only two intellectually honest debate tactics: (a) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts, or (b) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic. All other debate tactics are intellectually dishonest - John T. Reed

The Most Popular Presidential Candidate Of All Time (TM) cant go to a sports stadium in the country he presides over. Figure that one out...

5 Years Ago by Captain Haddock
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Not a bad spin re Toonville game, I feel Rafa has them in a position to survive, especially by then fingers crossed.

Yep I agree I don't like the long breaks between games, just as this OT game was.
We play Fullham 18/3 - Spurs is next at home 1/4 ! too long a break.
6/4 Southampton away - Chelski at home 15/4 ! not too bad.
Toonville 5/5 - last game at home vsing Wolves 13/5.

All other remaining games within a week.

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LFC. - 25 Feb 2019 2:41 PM
Not a bad spin re Toonville game, I feel Rafa has them in a position to survive, especially by then fingers crossed.

Yep I agree I don't like the long breaks between games, just as this OT game was.
We play Fullham 18/3 - Spurs is next at home 1/4 ! too long a break.
6/4 Southampton away - Chelski at home 15/4 ! not too bad.
Toonville 5/5 - last game at home vsing Wolves 13/5.

All other remaining games within a week.

I agree but at the same time, we've seen that we don't really have the depth that City has so it might be essential to manage niggling injuries (e.g. Firmino?) .
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The depth divide was always there between us and city.
To date have to say we have been very lucky re injuries.
Bobby, I saw the reply this morn whilst on the run he rolled his ankle, I sure by now xrays have been done haven't heard anything to date, at worst hoping he's just out for the coming game.
This is where Sturridge needs to finally pull his finger out if so !!!
OR stuff him, make more use of Shaq in the start up squad.
If injury luck remaining games is with us - when is Lovren back ? thats an extra man back that really helps.

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Now wasn't that a good tension pill reliever.
A Watford team beaten just once in their last 11 matchs and lets face it, this could have been a banana peel the way we have been playing the last month. Solid but not enough conviction.
Kloppy, you saw not starting TAA against united was an error, his work rate and crossing was sensational, 3 assists.
The kid has stepped up again imo.
What a all round performance by the team and one proved me wrong, thats Origi this game.
I actually thought ok good move instead of Studz.
Fabinho, like wow. A huge game by him and reads the game just as good as VVD.
Matip, partnering VVD has really improved his game.
Now Milly was perfect back in the mids.
The front was so much better what we've all been waiting on.
Salah despite no goal was menacing and Mane, yer well what a well taken header from TAA's perfect cross for his 1st.
His 2nd was just arrogance at its best.
Watford had one major moment that Allison deflected as you expect, could have been in far left side if any other keeper barring Degea.
VVD double how good were they taken from more perfect cross's Kop end.
35 games undefeated.
Bring on the derby.
Lovren soon to comeback, been quoted Gomez may be ready after International break.

Spurs is out of it pretty much dropping to Chelsea, our games against them and chelsea are going to decide our finish imo whereas city have spurs and united to play as their key remaining ones.

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The highs and the lowssssssssss......
9 to go, still in it and all to play for.

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Captain Haddock
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Everton played their Cup Final this morning and made it to penalties. 

Who have LFC drawn with since the start of the year?

Leicester at home
West Ham away
Man United away
Everton away

Leicester are a good side but I'd expect to have got the win against them (unlucky not to be awarded a penalty that could've changed the result)

The other 3 are fixtures I'd look at before any given season and go "Those are going to be tricky games". And LFC have played two of them in the past week. 

The run home now looks notably easier than City- who also have a crowded fixture list between now and the end of the season. Hope Mo gets a goal or two next time out, he looks a little down on confidence atm or something?

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Funny were all getting picky yet we've lost just 1 game of 29 in the league and we know that loss.
7 draws all up no matter the last weeks is the drag.
Mo is trying too hard, thinking too much, understandable no matter what any player would be saying now about the pressure.
Its there no doubt about it.
Mo has 2-3 players pressing him yet he still makes space but unlike last year where he'd just keep his head down this season being a marked man and once open he's thinking too much.
The club record of goals in one season is in the press as well, been sitting on 49 for what 2-3 games now.
Klopp was quoting to the journos about the question of safe subs today, Milly for Wij and then Lallana who is so out of touch instead of either Keita/Shaq.
He said at this stage why would we trow everything into it and possibly get caught out.
Makes a point and I'm sure he's keeping in mind keeping those 2 fresh for Bayern And what was out there today was good enough to win but........
Fabinho's loose control in front of goal of the that loose ball was another winner today to be taken, we wouldn't be talking about this right now.
9games anything can happen to either side, I agree they being busier is more on them, FACup, CL incl League.
I'm looking ahead now that united are in the 4 mix their derby could be our hole to slide up, fancy that.
Could they win every single game ? man IF they do all power to them but I can't believe it will go all their way every week fingers crossed.

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What a miss by officials re their first goal Allison impeded from their corner.
One player in front obstructing and another his arm over Allison's shoulder as the ball goes into the net.
At least it gave us the wake up call.
Initially surprised Lallana starting up but having trained the house down during the week Klopp felt to start him.
Have to say best game he's played in yonks, wish he could keep this type of form consistent.
Overall pretty solid and never in doubt but the 2 soft goals were annoying in tuff conditions between rain/light hail and wind.
Mane/Bobby double, Salah causing havoc and the openings/chances but for himself still just trying to hard imo getting ont he score sheet.
Mids/backs worked hard against a never say die Burnley fighting relegation.
Good response to city.

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Captain Haddock
Captain Haddock
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It was the sort of game that would've had the death-riders frothing at the mouth:

- 4 points behind City and needing to bring it back to a 1 point gap with a game in hand next weekend

- Win, rain and even hail

- Burnley go 1-0 up within the first 10 minutes

But it didn't phase them and they did the job in clinical fashion. Should have been a final score of 4-1, even Troopz on AFTV pointed out it was a rubbish non-penalty for the grab on Allison in-goal. Both he and Robbie also pointed out that LFC would've felt hard done-by considering Watford played a weakened side against City the day before (in preparation for their FA Cup game) while Burnley threw everything they had at it.

Onto Fulham...

There are only two intellectually honest debate tactics: (a) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts, or (b) pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic. All other debate tactics are intellectually dishonest - John T. Reed

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Congrats LFC !
What a controlled away performance against an inform Bayern coming off a 6nil win previous bundas game.
Mane what a touch for the first goal and what a way to show up Neuer love it.
VVD another smashing header.
Matip was brilliant.
Dont think Allison really had much to do, they had 2 shots on target.
Only bummer Robbo got a yellow miss's 1st leg next.
Top 8 4 EPL clubs in, imagine we draw city lol.....

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