Stajcic shock: Matildas lose coach ahead of World Cup [Comments]

Stajcic shock: Matildas lose coach ahead of World Cup [Comments]

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"It’s good for me – but it’s not so good for you’’. These are the words that Football Federation Association chief executive David Gallop said to Matildas coach Alen Stajcic in November last year when a new board was installed."


Oh, nuvo new dawners...
5 Years Ago by libel
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I expect that after the heads up from Gallop, Stajcic will have kept very careful diarised notes of every discussion with the feminists.... lawyers’ picnic on the way.
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libel - 22 Jan 2019 10:41 PM
"It’s good for me – but it’s not so good for you’’. These are the words that Football Federation Association chief executive David Gallop said to Matildas coach Alen Stajcic in November last year when a new board was installed."


Oh, nuvo new dawners...

Oh surprise surprise !.....any sniff of the term "new board" and we have Steven Lowys favourite defender on the case you are predictable

dirk vanadidas
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Does FFA have child welfare officers at the camps to deal with any issues for players aged under 18.
Here in blighty fa have them at camps and also at the elite club's and also pro club's .

Europe is funding the war not Chelsea football club

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Besides everything else in that article I'm still spun out by the line that some of the players were in relationships with each other.  I knew a few of them were gay and good luck to them but I didn't realise there were couples in the team.

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Yeah...probably not a good idea to hook up with someone who plays in your position...could make things awkward....haha. And what about breakups n shit....not passing to ex’s or favouring your lover over other players on the park.....freaky shit.

Staj would have to be careful with the use of certain football terminology during half-time talks......’.Matilda’s...we need more thrust and I mean we need to improve our passing in attack......
5 Years Ago by Boca J
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The more things change ,the more they stay the same.
Sometimes i dont want to follow football anymore.It really is a basket's run by a lot of psycho inbreds ,driven by personal agendas,that constantly tear down any progress we make.

This Reid person seems to be at the heart of what is going on with Stajcic.Female or male ,she is leaving a bad impression in a very short time.Making comments .then denying what she said.
Which seems very unusual for a board member.
Why is a board member talking outside of FFA authorised statements anyway?

If the agenda is to rid the womens game of males,then so be it.But own it rather than backstab and character assassinate someone ,who really has done a lot of womens football here?

I can imagine all male board members cowering in a corner at any suggestion of improper conduct involving women.Reid could easily have made any accusation and all the males in the room would have run scared in every direction.It's not something any male wants to be accused of.
But how easy to ruin someones career.
5 Years Ago by crimsoncrusoe
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‘‘It’s a pity that there aren’t more parents and players prepared to speak up about some of his behaviour,’’ Reid said. ‘‘If people knew the actual facts, they would be shocked. I can refer you to some people who were involved with the Green and Gold Army who were in Jordan for the Asian Cup and talked to parents and heard their concerns about the welfare of their daughters. And talk to players about their situation in the team.

Well, here’s the thing Heather.
We are asking for the fucking facts, so don’t tell us if we knew the facts we would be shocked, and then not tell us and complain that we are pointing fingers because we don’t know facts. I know you did a lot for football in this area, especially for Women. But if you’re going to make a statement like that, fucking back them up with THE SUPPOSED FACTS.
Boca J
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Message here is that it is totally acceptable, and encouraged, for women to become involved in overseeing men’s sport.......but it’s not acceptable for men to hold high positions within women’s sport......such hypocrisy!
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Munrubenmuz - 22 Jan 2019 11:12 PM
Besides everything else in that article I'm still spun out by the line that some of the players were in relationships with each other.  I knew a few of them were gay and good luck to them but I didn't realise there were couples in the team.

Couldn't give a stuff about any players being in a relationship with other players, but players being in relationships with staff or staff and other staff, coaches etc, is the sort of shit that should be disclosed. Whether it's a same sex or opposite sex relationship is of course irrelevant.
5 Years Ago by paladisious
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clockwork orange - 22 Jan 2019 10:36 PM
So Reid says she has nothing against Stajcic, but then goes on to say: “‘‘It’s a pity that there aren’t more parents and players prepared to speak up about some of his behaviour,’’ Reid said. ‘‘If people knew the actual facts, they would be shocked. I can refer you to some people who were involved with the Green and Gold Army who were in Jordan for the Asian Cup and talked to parents and heard their concerns about the welfare of their daughters. And talk to players about their situation in the team.”

Hardly the comments of someone without an agenda. This stinks to high heaven.

Sounds like Gallop knew it was coming but was too gutless to defend Stajcic. Typical of this overpaid messenger boy.

And good to see Stajcic has his lawyers looking at Zelic and co for their defamatory accusations of homophobia and bullying.

No she is saying that she did not have an agenda to get rid of Stajcic but was convinced by the evidence of what occurred, evidence that would convince anyone he should have been sacked. Maybe she is just talking shit or maybe something really was wrong, I lean towards the first but cannot entirely dismiss the later.
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Munrubenmuz - 22 Jan 2019 11:12 PM
Besides everything else in that article I'm still spun out by the line that some of the players were in relationships with each other.  I knew a few of them were gay and good luck to them but I didn't realise there were couples in the team.

Looking on line there is talk of one couple which could be a former couple if they ever were a couple. I don't think either player is widely known to be gay. Heyman and Logarzo are both in relationships with people outside the team.
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Our watch now saying they doing intervene on individuals, just culture and enviroment, so whos drawing the conclussions
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Test_Fan - 23 Jan 2019 5:19 AM
clockwork orange - 22 Jan 2019 10:36 PM

No she is saying that she did not have an agenda to get rid of Stajcic but was convinced by the evidence of what occurred, evidence that would convince anyone he should have been sacked. Maybe she is just talking shit or maybe something really was wrong, I lean towards the first but cannot entirely dismiss the later.

Thats interesting, given that Gallop has stated publicly AS wasnt directly responsible for the "alleged" behaiviour, OurWatch has come out and said they didnt recommend any action against anyone, majority of FIRST TEAM players individually coming out in support and the PFA posting a thanks to AS on behalf of the Matildas for all he's done for the womens game. He certainly seems like a real monster....

Also if AS was so bad, why not sack him for gross misconduct immediately rather than paying him out 9 months notice.

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This Dom Bossi article is an interesting addition to the story.

"FIFA tipped off FFA over playing standards before Stajcic sacking"

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thewitness - 23 Jan 2019 8:33 AM
This Dom Bossi article is an interesting addition to the story.

"FIFA tipped off FFA over playing standards before Stajcic sacking"

>Declining performances from the team overall with FIFA expressing concern directly to the FFA.
>PFA receives 'higher than normal' number of complaints about Matildas than other teams (what the normal number is, I don't know - how often would a player complain to the union about their club unless they're not being paid?).
>FFA initiates review of the setup (appropriate if performances have declined) and have presumably contracted this OurWatch organisation to conduct the voluntary surveys.
>Of those who responded to the surveys, less than 20% said they experienced issues with the setup, ranging from psychological distress to not being supported by the coaching staff.
>As a result, in order to set the Matildas on the straight and narrow, the FFA Board have decided to simply remove Stajcic, presumably because they felt he couldn't change the environment.
5 Years Ago by walnuts
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walnuts - 23 Jan 2019 8:40 AM
thewitness - 23 Jan 2019 8:33 AM

>Declining performances from the team overall with FIFA expressing concern directly to the FFA.
>PFA receives 'higher than normal' number of complaints about Matildas than other teams (what the normal number is, I don't know - how often would a player complain to the union about their club unless they're not being paid?).
>FFA initiates review of the setup (appropriate if performances have declined) and have presumably contracted this OurWatch organisation to conduct the voluntary surveys.
>Of those who responded to the surveys, less than 20% said they experienced issues with the setup, ranging from psychological distress to not being supported by the coaching staff.
>As a result, in order to set the Matildas on the straight and narrow, the FFA Board have decided to simply remove Stajcic, presumably because they felt he couldn't change the environment.

"the group described Australia's tactics as having become "one dimensional" "

Jesus!....Arnie better keep an eye out.

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thewitness - 23 Jan 2019 8:33 AM
Sources suggest Stajcic's dismissal has been met with mixed reviews from staff members, players and union officials, who claim the manner of the dismissal – not the decision to sack the coach – has caused grief for the players.

Good one Gallop.
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Can someone clarify this for me please.
I was of the understanding that the Our Watch surveys were conducted right across the organisation (FFA Board, employees, female & male players at both youth and full international levels), and would have been done regardless as part of Our Watch's project into elite athletes across various sports.

Is this the case or were they specifically to target to those in the Matildas set up? There were certainly a large number sent out 230 or so, with 140 returned. 
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I love how skin folds are now fat shaming. This is the world we now live in.
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That’s what I’ve read witness.

I believe the survey was sent to approximately 280 people across both Socceroos and Matilda’s players, coaching staff, etc, and 140 were returned.
clockwork orange
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So fifa now responsible for advising federations if they think the NT is not playing the way they think it should? Really?
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tsf - 23 Jan 2019 9:02 AM
I love how skin folds are now fat shaming. This is the world we now live in.

I mentioned on Twitter, that is almost sounds like there are some within the Matildas setup who aren't prepared to become fully professional - I mean, skinfolds have been standard in every professional sport for the last 20+ years lol.

I'd also love to compare the environment of the Matildas to other elite women's teams such as the Opals and the Hockeyroos and see how they compare - rarely hear of those ladies complaining.
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clockwork orange - 23 Jan 2019 9:31 AM
So fifa now responsible for advising federations if they think the NT is not playing the way they think it should? Really?

I must admit, that caught me off-guard! I could understand FIFA probably having a coaching department to help out poorer nations who need extra resources, but actively tapping up Federation's who they believe are under-performing? Seems bloody strange...
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tsf - 23 Jan 2019 9:02 AM
I love how skin folds are now fat shaming. This is the world we now live in.

If true, it would seem to be indicative of the environment that is prevalent in the Matildas.  The Matildas can forget about ever winning anything except a shiny participation award.

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clockwork orange - 23 Jan 2019 9:31 AM
So fifa now responsible for advising federations if they think the NT is not playing the way they think it should? Really?

It would appear to be more FFA backgrounding with some of their mates in the media and trying to white ant Stjcic. 
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clockwork orange - 23 Jan 2019 9:31 AM
So fifa now responsible for advising federations if they think the NT is not playing the way they think it should? Really?

Looks like Arnold is f_cked then!!!

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walnuts - 23 Jan 2019 9:36 AM
clockwork orange - 23 Jan 2019 9:31 AM

I must admit, that caught me off-guard! I could understand FIFA probably having a coaching department to help out poorer nations who need extra resources, but actively tapping up Federation's who they believe are under-performing? Seems bloody strange...

did FIFA do that in an official capacity or was it just some people at FIFA having a quiet word to ask wtf is going on with our performances?
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FFA have delegated blame to four or five parties now. (They’re even throwing in the GGArmy now ffs)

Absolutely rudderless leadership.

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maxxie - 23 Jan 2019 10:11 AM
walnuts - 23 Jan 2019 9:36 AM

did FIFA do that in an official capacity or was it just some people at FIFA having a quiet word to ask wtf is going on with our performances?

FIFA normally issue a technical report after each tournament that summarises each participant's performance.  Perhaps it was something like this?

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5 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz

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