The FFA Women’s Football Council was established in late 2018, as a FIFA requirement of the FFA restructure. 

At the top of the list when the Council drafted its strategic pillars with the FFA Board and management, was a request for a dedicated communications campaign and a 2019-2029 women’s football plan. 

However, eight days ago the football community imploded and no one saw it coming. 

FFA Chair Chris Nikou and David Gallop announced that Stajcic, the Matildas most successful coach in the teams history, had been sacked over alleged "workplace culture" issues.

The Women’s Football Council had no prior knowledge this would happen with an apparent leak from a news outlet late on Friday night the only heads up something was happening.

"There can be no dispute that player welfare and wellbeing must always be paramount," Moriarty said.

"However, the details are missing as to why, when and how an irretrievable position hastily erupted about the Matildas workplace.

"Neither the 2018 PFA review exercise nor the simultaneous FFA Our Watch survey, advocated a dismissal".

This weeks leadership workshop in Coogee would address the findings from the PFA review undertaken in December while the later survey was an organisation-wide poll across the whole of FFA and national teams.

Moriarty has spoken with Women’s Football Council Member and experienced Matilda, Elise Kellond-Knight, FFA Deputy Chair Heather Reid, Chair Chris Nikou, Head of Women’s Football Emma Highwood, PFA CEO John Didulica and Deputy CEO Kate Gill over the past week but says before PFA there "are still more questions than answers". 

These questions surround FFA's governance, due diligence and transparency however the need for the strategic plan couldn't be clearer. 

"In its pages there needs to be a blueprint for a female talent pipeline from grassroots to elite, and a pathway for growing participation by women at every level of the game."

"At its centre there must be the checks and balances to hold accountable those responsible for administering and controlling the game."