Quoting on iOS Fix

Quoting on iOS Fix

The Dudist
The Dudist
Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)Semi-Pro (1.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.5K, Visits: 0
If you have an iPhone like me and you're a bit over using '@name' or seeing 'null' on the screen, and would like to return to proper quoting again, here's a workaround:

The problem seems to be with the fact that it's a mobile version. So to enable quoting again, find the top right of the page where the reload/refresh icon is (or for anyone from a very past generation, that little circular arrow on the URL bar), and:

1) Press and hold the reload arrow
2) Select 'Request Desktop Site'
3) Done! You can now quote again. :)

The one downfall is that once you exit Safari it reverts to mobile version by default. But it's still a major fix. Much easier than having to go on my laptop just to reply to someone, haha.

Have fun! :D

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