The Australian Politics thread: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

The Australian Politics thread: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

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rusty - 3 Feb 2017 2:51 PM
JoffaTossa - 3 Feb 2017 2:26 PM

Fake virtue signalling.  You know full well there will never be any "negotiation" over the mass transfer of land (thanks to the righties) , but by lending it your support to this imaginary ideal you get to claim the moral high ground , as well as keeping the land you stole.  If you were serious you would approach the aboriginal land council to begin "negotiations" rather than hiding behind the likes of Pauline to defend your land rights.

Fake virtues!

Nah, its just your garden variety right wing low brow cliche attempt to trip up, thinking you wouldn't get a response. Oh so clever, you are.
The same as your black & white cliche pseudo intellectual statements on the environment such as, "well if you're serious you should go back to living in a cave" or "what is the thing made of that you are typing on right now"
derp, derp, derp

The strength of conservatism is the repression of knowledge

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JoffaTossa - 3 Feb 2017 3:47 PM
rusty - 3 Feb 2017 2:51 PM

Nah, its just your garden variety right wing low brow cliche attempt to trip up, thinking you wouldn't get a response. Oh so clever, you are.
The same as your black & white cliche pseudo intellectual statements on the environment such as, "well if you're serious you should go back to living in a cave" or "what is the thing made of that you are typing on right now"
derp, derp, derp

I knew you would back down you pathetic pussy. No way you would vacate the land you stole, no fucking way!  But it sure does make you feel all warm and cosy to say things like "oh we stole their land and should give it back. we need to negotiate the right terms though, and until that happens im going to go out feast on more aboriginal land and use their land to get privately wealthy.  but we should give it back though because im so humane shit"


Jong Gabe
Jong Gabe
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Condemned666 - 3 Feb 2017 1:28 PM
9GABmeme420 - 3 Feb 2017 1:07 PM

Then what did people expect under turnbull?

Gay marriage?
A republic?
Change Australia day?

The first one at the very least.


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rusty - 3 Feb 2017 5:27 PM
JoffaTossa - 3 Feb 2017 3:47 PM

I knew you would back down you pathetic pussy. No way you would vacate the land you stole, no fucking way!  But it sure does make you feel all warm and cosy to say things like "oh we stole their land and should give it back. we need to negotiate the right terms though, and until that happens im going to go out feast on more aboriginal land and use their land to get privately wealthy.  but we should give it back though because im so humane shit"


Same reaction when people say humans are poisoning the earth and should be completely wiped out.  Then please go ahead and start with yourself if you feel that strongly.
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rusty - 3 Feb 2017 5:27 PM
JoffaTossa - 3 Feb 2017 3:47 PM

I knew you would back down you pathetic pussy. No way you would vacate the land you stole, no fucking way!  But it sure does make you feel all warm and cosy to say things like "oh we stole their land and should give it back. we need to negotiate the right terms though, and until that happens im going to go out feast on more aboriginal land and use their land to get privately wealthy.  but we should give it back though because im so humane shit"


Typical illiterate right winger. No wonder the research shows you people are at the more dumb cnut end of the spectrum.
Misrepresent what is originally said to absolve yourself of having to engage with the complexity of an issue.

The strength of conservatism is the repression of knowledge

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Scotch&Coke - 4 Feb 2017 11:02 AM
rusty - 3 Feb 2017 5:27 PM

Same reaction when people say humans are poisoning the earth and should be completely wiped out.  Then please go ahead and start with yourself if you feel that strongly.

"same as your black & white cliche pseudo intellectual statements....."

- fcuk me. Even after I provide the heads up about being a dumb cnut, you still choose that path

The strength of conservatism is the repression of knowledge

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Joffatossa just cant overcome his ultrasimplistic binary categorising of people into smart and dumb based on their political affiliation, then in the next breath claims to be engaged in the "complexity" of issues. Weird..

Obviously hes not a very intelligent person but soothes himself by pretending to be intellectually superior to all right wing people.

He is also backtracking a million miles an hour at his claim that we should give the land back to indigenous. He's now in a state of denial that he ever said such a thing, and is struggling with his moral identity because he knows deep down that he has no intention giving back the land, and that he was merely just paying cheap, tacky lip service to the issue in order to signal his virtues. Virtues are worthless in the absense of action.

Man up Joffatosser, give gack the land you stole. Dont rationalise your inaction by pretending to wait for some mystery negotiation that will never happen, you are in possession of stolen land and its time to give it back NOW rather than making pathetic excuses that preserves your self interest.
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By saying I have to give back land (not sure which land I own) by implication you are admitting you have stolen land too.
Quite the pickle you've got yourself into, isn't it.....?

The strength of conservatism is the repression of knowledge

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I dont believe the land was stolen, therefore have no intention of giving back. Its my land, not theirs, I paid for it, i even got a piece of paper that proves its mine. My conscience is clear.

You believe the land is theirs, therefore doenst it follow that you are in possession of stolen land? Wouldnt it then follow that you would to give it back, or at least approach the indigenous land council and try to work something out? Perhaps they will allow you to rent their land, or they may determine that you transfer ownership to them. Or are you just gonna hide behind Pauline and other pollies to defend your property rights and spew fake virtues like " its their land, we stole it, we should give it back... some day... after im dead.."

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9GABmeme420 - 4 Feb 2017 8:54 AM
Condemned666 - 3 Feb 2017 1:28 PM

The first one at the very least.

If we gave you gay marriage, would you be willing to take Jesus as your lord and saviour? 

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Bernadi going to break away in the coming days to form his own party, will be very interesting if he takes Georgie C with him as it will upset the balance of power in the lower house.


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paulbagzFC - 6 Feb 2017 9:06 AM
Bernadi going to break away in the coming days to form his own party, will be very interesting if he takes Georgie C with him as it will upset the balance of power in the lower house.


I'm glad to see this guy break away from the Liberals only because it will give some distance between the Conservative minded Liberals and the Libertarian minded Liberals.

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So, Dumb & Dumber?

The strength of conservatism is the repression of knowledge

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rusty - 4 Feb 2017 6:32 PM
I dont believe the land was stolen, therefore have no intention of giving back. Its my land, not theirs, I paid for it, i even got a piece of paper that proves its mine. My conscience is clear.You believe the land is theirs, therefore doenst it follow that you are in possession of stolen land? Wouldnt it then follow that you would to give it back, or at least approach the indigenous land council and try to work something out? Perhaps they will allow you to rent their land, or they may determine that you transfer ownership to them. Or are you just gonna hide behind Pauline and other pollies to defend your property rights and spew fake virtues like " its their land, we stole it, we should give it back... some day... after im dead.."

 Of course the land wasn't stolen, don't want to have to feel guilt.

Just out of interest, what period of time has to pass for land to no longer need be considered 'stolen'?

The strength of conservatism is the repression of knowledge

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Now the the right wingers' beloved Murdoch Newspoll has them trailing 46-54
I wonder if he'll fall on his sword. The longer he leaves it, the harder it will be to win 2019

The strength of conservatism is the repression of knowledge

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Condemned666 - 5 Feb 2017 11:59 AM
9GABmeme420 - 4 Feb 2017 8:54 AM

If we gave you gay marriage, would you be willing to take Jesus as your lord and saviour? 

No as the Australian constitution protects our religious freedoms.
Jong Gabe
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I hope JoffaTossa's ban is permanent


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Bit of a fun survey at the bottom of this article. What's your political persona?
You'll all be shocked at mine :laugh:

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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9GABmeme420 - 6 Feb 2017 12:27 PM
I hope JoffaTossa's ban is permanent

lol what did he do now?


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mcjules - 6 Feb 2017 1:05 PM

No questions on guns, terrible poll.


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paulbagzFC - 6 Feb 2017 1:20 PM
mcjules - 6 Feb 2017 1:05 PM

No questions on guns, terrible poll.


Guns aren't a big enough issue here ;) I think it mostly got you though. 

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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mcjules - 6 Feb 2017 1:35 PM
paulbagzFC - 6 Feb 2017 1:20 PM

Guns aren't a big enough issue here ;) I think it mostly got you though. 

Tell that to overhyped media after the Adler fiasco lol.


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paulbagzFC - 6 Feb 2017 1:20 PM
mcjules - 6 Feb 2017 1:05 PM

No questions on guns, terrible poll.


Lavish Mod Con

Hey big spender. Lavish Mod Cons (i.e. moderate conservatives) like to splash out on luxury and enjoy looking good. They're proud of their country and generally satisfied with the status quo, so don't tend to be hugely politically engaged. Wary of change, they lean towards conservatism and are less likely to support climate action or a change to offshore processing of asylum seekers. Focused on their careers and the finer things in life, they differ from Prudent Traditionalists by being less in favour of traditional social values and government intervention.

7 Years Ago by Condemned666
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Condemned666 - 6 Feb 2017 3:52 PM
paulbagzFC - 6 Feb 2017 1:20 PM

Lavish Mod Con

Hey big spender. Lavish Mod Cons (i.e. moderate conservatives) like to splash out on luxury and enjoy looking good. They're proud of their country and generally satisfied with the status quo, so don't tend to be hugely politically engaged. Wary of change, they lean towards conservatism and are less likely to support climate action or a change to offshore processing of asylum seekers. Focused on their careers and the finer things in life, they differ from Prudent Traditionalists by being less in favour of traditional social values and government intervention.

I got ambitious saver.

I get the feeling that this poll is really dictated by answers to 2 or 3 questions and they're selling answers for $$$ for the rest :laugh: 

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BETHFC - 6 Feb 2017 4:01 PM
Condemned666 - 6 Feb 2017 3:52 PM

I got ambitious saver.

I get the feeling that this poll is really dictated by answers to 2 or 3 questions and they're selling answers for $$$ for the rest :laugh: 

That's not a terrible match for you 3 out of 4 ain't bad :laugh:

Insert Gertjan Verbeek gifs here

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More academics trying to make a buck by selling market segmentation to advertisers 😜
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I got lavish mod con. I noticed the activist egalitarian looks like a dishevelled, unemployed transvesite. Pretty accurate imo.
Jong Gabe
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paulbagzFC - 6 Feb 2017 1:12 PM
9GABmeme420 - 6 Feb 2017 12:27 PM

lol what did he do now?


Idk but idc


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The persona you most resemble is:

Ambitious Saver

Focused on the future, Ambitious Savers are going places. They watch their spending, value financial security and like life to be organised and predictable. Career-minded strivers, Ambitious Savers are positive about the future and tend to be less concerned with hot-button social or political topics. They generally favour free trade and more likely to support individual freedoms over big government.
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paulbagzFC - 6 Feb 2017 1:20 PM
mcjules - 6 Feb 2017 1:05 PM

No questions on guns, terrible poll.


Got same as you PB

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