Stajcic shock: Matildas lose coach ahead of World Cup [Comments]

Stajcic shock: Matildas lose coach ahead of World Cup [Comments]

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moops - 20 Jan 2019 7:31 PM
Lydia Williams
The achievements we succeeded in with him guiding us were monumental. The stuff dreams are made of. Thank you doesn’t cover it. I’m still in shock. But for those questioning our World Cup campaign.... never underestimate the power of a team with a point to prove

The trouble is now if the new coach comes in and wins the World Cup or gets very close then the decision is justified by the good performance.
But if the team fails it is Stajcic's fault because the FFA were forced to sack him and the new coach did not have enough time to rebuild the team.

That is unless the FFA are exposed for wrongly sacking Stajcic. 
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So the consensus of the board is "toughen up princess, Stajcic is your fucking king and a genius. In my day, they used to throw boots at players, but now they even complain when you call em a fucking useless bitch even tho it's true! Fucking sjw's running amok. Also fuck Gillette for telling men not to be mean to women. How dare they. I'll treat my slut any way I damn well want to. I already flushed my razor down the toilet in protest."
5 Years Ago by Derider
clockwork orange
clockwork orange
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Whereas the consensus of Derider is “I’ll believe whatever Gallop tells me even if every Matilda player has no idea whatsoever about a toxic environment.”
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Derider you forgot to make your text blue for sarcasm.
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moops - 20 Jan 2019 6:22 PM
I've been working the Stajcic story for 24 hours now & it simply doesn't add up. Players to have posted who are *seemingly* pro Staj -CarpenterCrummerKennedyPolkinghorneButtKellond-KnightLogarzoDe VannaGielnikKerr Simon It's a full eleven.

We can add Williams, Alleway, Butt, Harrison and apparently Van Egmond

Also Melissa Barbieri seems to against the decision.

Brenton Speed on twitter "Wonder if the Matildas survey asked the question “do you want Staj to remain as coach?” Probably not - didn’t want to get into specifics..."
5 Years Ago by Test_Fan
clockwork orange
clockwork orange
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Kosmina just reported that according to his sources Stajcic has not been told exactly what he was sacked for. Ned Zelic stating the obvious “If the culture is so toxic why so much support from the team?”
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CanberraHarry - 20 Jan 2019 5:45 PM
This is very fishy. I am not usually a fan of conspiracy theories but am starting to wonder whether Gallop is actively trying to wreck football in this country. The next CEO cannot be from another code.

Well Gallop was Murdoch's in house Lawyer back during 1995-97 Rugby League wars. Joke around Sydney Soccer Types is that Gallop is a Murdoch Plant.
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clockwork orange - 20 Jan 2019 9:18 PM
Kosmina just reported that according to his sources Stajcic has not been told exactly what he was sacked for. Ned Zelic stating the obvious “If the culture is so toxic why so much support from the team?”

And Tara Rushton saying "I've heard some quite scathing things that were going on" 
But the players are supporting him. 
It makes no sense.
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Test_Fan - 20 Jan 2019 6:38 PM
It is starting to look like Our Watch have fooled the FFA into sacking a brilliant coach 

It stinks.

I think the above sums it up perfectly.
So, what are the fans going to do about this?
Are we going to act like we are living under a Totalitarian dictatorship, and can't do anything about it?
I suspect most of the people on this forum who think this situation totally sucks, at the same time, feel there is nothing the masses of us can do anything about this.

You realise, of course, that the forces that are far larger than this issue in football.

Whilst you guys are whining about this, you do realise that the polls show that more than half of Australians support the side of politics that are going to make this more and more the reality of Australian life?

If, through your voting at elections, you are complicit in entrenching this sort of thing in Australia, I think you should just suck it up when the ramifications of this sort of behaviour filters down into an area that kinda matters to you, i.e. sports.
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johnsmith - 21 Jan 2019 12:46 AM
Test_Fan - 20 Jan 2019 6:38 PM

I think the above sums it up perfectly.
So, what are the fans going to do about this?
Are we going to act like we are living under a Totalitarian dictatorship, and can't do anything about it?
I suspect most of the people on this forum who think this situation totally sucks, at the same time, feel there is nothing the masses of us can do anything about this.

You realise, of course, that the forces that are far larger than this issue in football.

Whilst you guys are whining about this, you do realise that the polls show that more than half of Australians support the side of politics that are going to make this more and more the reality of Australian life?

If, through your voting at elections, you are complicit in entrenching this sort of thing in Australia, I think you should just suck it up when the ramifications of this sort of behaviour filters down into an area that kinda matters to you, i.e. sports.

Why did you only quote part of my post? 
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An outside consultancy service brought it to find any excuse to sack a coach.

The only thing toxic is the pieces of shit at the FFA who have alienated another coach who refused to kowtow to them.  

Fuck the FFA, fuck them all. 

clockwork orange
clockwork orange
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Geez.  When even the ABC seems to be giving the old, white male the benefit of the doubt, you know Gallop and the FFA are in real trouble.

5 Years Ago by clockwork orange
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Tom Smithies is suggesting that some of the Matildas are going to challenge the sacking and demand Staj be reinstated. That will be very messy indeed, especially if it isn’t unanimous.
5 Years Ago by thewitness
miron mercedes
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We will never know what happened here ...
Here's how it will play out ....people will ask Stajic and the FFA what happened and why.....both will say they can't comment for "legal "reasons....FFA will eventually pay Stajic out without it ever going to court .A condition of the pay out will be a "confidentiality" clause ( another term for "we don't want anyone to ever know the shit we pull behind the scenes ).
Stajic will say nothing .
We the fans will never know what happened .
FFA will assume fans are stupid and forget all about it in time (about a week) 
Fans are not stupid and will remember this and some will bring it up at the time of the next FFA leadership Coup in about 2 years .
Rinse and repeat....

miron mercedes
miron mercedes
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thewitness - 21 Jan 2019 9:20 AM
Tom Smithies is suggesting that some of the Matildas are going to challenge the sacking and demand Staj be reinstated. That will be very messy indeed, especially if it isn’t unanimous.

They will say that until told by Gallop they will not be going to the World cup if they don't shut up.
How many will say "Ok I am not going to the World Cup then " ?
Nil .

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Yet everyone agrees not all details are out but let’s continue on with our agenda

In a resort somewhere

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paulc - 21 Jan 2019 9:37 AM
Yet everyone agrees not all details are out but let’s continue on with our agenda

Not really an agenda to ask questions when the vast majority of the squad has shown their support for him.

Would they be doing that if something serious had happened? 
clockwork orange
clockwork orange
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paulc - 21 Jan 2019 9:37 AM
Yet everyone agrees not all details are out but let’s continue on with our agenda

Yep. But most people are starting to see how illogical it is to claim the existence of a 'toxic environment' that the player group seems totally oblivious to.

If it's a single issue that is bordering on a criminal action so be it - he deserves to be sacked.  But it is pretty clear that the wheels are falling off the 'toxic environment' fantasy at a great rate.

5 Years Ago by clockwork orange
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For all you know it could be a couple of disgruntled players making the reports.

Tara Ruston said there was some funny business that had gone on detrimental to the coach.

But let’s just look at an opposing theory detrimental to Gallop to suit a bitter agenda shall we.

In a resort somewhere

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mdm - 20 Jan 2019 10:23 PM
CanberraHarry - 20 Jan 2019 5:45 PM

Well Gallop was Murdoch's in house Lawyer back during 1995-97 Rugby League wars. Joke around Sydney Soccer Types is that Gallop is a Murdoch Plant.

Wouldn't surprise me 1 iota.
I'd like Gallop to be sacked for trying to ruin the code in Australia, there's something deep & dark there!
Time for a change to someone who has been a football supporter all their life and who has the game in their veins.
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Test_Fan - 21 Jan 2019 5:58 AM
johnsmith - 21 Jan 2019 12:46 AM

Why did you only quote part of my post? 

Because it is commonplace, when one author quotes another person, to merely excerpt a portion that lends support to the point which the authors wants to make.

For instance, if you were to quote the Bible, you merely quote a chapter and verse, not the entire book.

I hope that my quoting of you was consistent with what you wanted to say, and that I did not distort you.

If I misrepresented you, let me know, as it wasn't my intention.
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"Though FFA bosses referenced a “wellbeing audit” conducted with the players’ association (PFA) as being one of the factors prompting their action against Stajcic, it’s understood the results of that audit were about improving the high-performance environment of the Matildas, rather than questioning the specific behaviours of the coaching staff.

Stajcic approved the questions and was shown the responses to the audit, but has not been given the results of the gender-equality survey."

Though Stajcic will be paid out the remainder of his contract, he will be taking legal advice this week over the damage to his reputation from the sacking.

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“I’m not saying that’s right but the thing is, this wasn’t clean by any stretch of the imagination. There’s a school of thought that Alen Stajcic wasn’t given due process. That there had been no previous meetings or any discussions about this where you can get your first warning in HR. The other side of it is, I’m of the understanding that he was contacted by a journo on Thursday.

“He only had the meeting with the FFA before the announcement yesterday, so somebody’s been leaking stuff. Then the other side of it, is there a witch-hunt going on here? I’m just playing devil’s advocate looking at the whole thing because I can’t conclusively say yes he deserved to be sacked or no he didn’t.

“If you look at results only, that’s an old school way of thinking, he got the results. But there seems to be, looking at the organisations involved, a lot more to it. The thing I don’t like about it is it was confidential stuff.

“From my understanding, Alen Stajcic hasn’t actually been given an exact reason why. Now that’s only what I’ve been told by a very reliable source, whether it’s true or not I don’t know. I’m just saying we need to see or hear a lot more to get a definitive judgment on this.”

“It’s a messy business and its not good timing.”

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      3h3 hours ago 
"The football-watching public no longer trusts the FFA. And very few people involved in the game feel like the FFA are capable of making the right decisions," via
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Arthur - 21 Jan 2019 10:55 AM

"Though FFA bosses referenced a “wellbeing audit” conducted with the players’ association (PFA) as being one of the factors prompting their action against Stajcic, 

Stajcic ... has not been given the results of the gender-equality survey."

This is the new norm. For instance, when Google and Twitter ban someone, they never give the details of the exact instance that caused their decison. Rather, they hide behind generalities. There's a good reason for them not giving reasons, because it opens them up to being criticised for making the wrong decision.

You remember the Niemöller quotation:

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Well, for the last few years, the majority have not risen up in major protest against this sort of behaviour, and now the people in power feel no need to give reasons, even in a public platform.

The #metoo movement is based on this approach of believing one side without giving the other side a chance to defend themselves.

During the Judge Kavanaugh vs Ford hearings, if you sided with the woman solely based on #metoo principles, and ridiculed people who tried to stand for the need of evidence, well, this is the consequence of society operating like this as being "normal".

It is against justice to sack someone and not tell the reasons, and it is unfair to not give him a chance to defend against the specific accusations.

Sack Gallop.

5 Years Ago by johnsmith
clockwork orange
clockwork orange
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paulc - 21 Jan 2019 9:37 AM
Yet everyone agrees not all details are out but let’s continue on with our agenda

So paul, I trust that from here on you will cease to comment on any coaching decision, transfer decision, team formation, tactics etc until you know every detail of why that decision has been made, eh?

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This has become a bit Stalinesque. I agree with those that believe we will never know the true story. Interesting that quite a few players are shocked and not at all happy. Is the toxic culture actually within FFA? Canberra missing out was based on ‘metrics’ and now Stajic’s sacking is based on a ‘survey’ and ‘culture’! Note it was not based on ‘football culture’. We hear little about ‘football’ or ‘fans’ from the FFA but lots of corporate speak. I am not sure how much more of this i can take.
5 Years Ago by CanberraHarry
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Arthur - 21 Jan 2019 11:33 AM

“I’m not saying that’s right but the thing is, this wasn’t clean by any stretch of the imagination. There’s a school of thought that Alen Stajcic wasn’t given due process. That there had been no previous meetings or any discussions about this where you can get your first warning in HR. The other side of it is, I’m of the understanding that he was contacted by a journo on Thursday.

“He only had the meeting with the FFA before the announcement yesterday, so somebody’s been leaking stuff. Then the other side of it, is there a witch-hunt going on here? I’m just playing devil’s advocate looking at the whole thing because I can’t conclusively say yes he deserved to be sacked or no he didn’t.

“If you look at results only, that’s an old school way of thinking, he got the results. But there seems to be, looking at the organisations involved, a lot more to it. The thing I don’t like about it is it was confidential stuff.

“From my understanding, Alen Stajcic hasn’t actually been given an exact reason why. Now that’s only what I’ve been told by a very reliable source, whether it’s true or not I don’t know. I’m just saying we need to see or hear a lot more to get a definitive judgment on this.”

“It’s a messy business and its not good timing.”

Fucking shambolic.


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@clockwork orange

Big difference between accepting or commenting on normal football stuff and yes sometimes details are sort if important enough. Before the relentless agenda driven crucfication of Gallop I would suggest it would be prudent to wait for better information (details). I believe there are those like Kosmina who are of the same opinion.

In a resort somewhere


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