Stajcic shock: Matildas lose coach ahead of World Cup [Comments]

Stajcic shock: Matildas lose coach ahead of World Cup [Comments]

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@ miron merc, I'd suggest this is more about a certain director being happy, more than anything else.

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Media Statement – Football Coaches Australia – 07/02/2019

Thursday 7 February 2019
Sydney, Australia

Football Coaches Australia (FCA) remains fully committed to supporting its member, Alen Stajcic, as he seeks to finalise a settlement with Football Federation Australia (FFA) in relation to his termination by FFA as coach of the Australian Women’s National Team, ‘The Matildas’.

FCA would again like to highlight its profound disappointment at the process undertaken by FFA to terminate Alen. Almost three weeks on, Alen remains in the dark for the reasons behind the decision. Simply put, this is not good enough.

Disappointingly, there has been a milieu of leaks and media reports, which all appear designed to undermine Alen’s outstanding reputation. He has not spoken to the media and has stayed away from men’s and women’s football matches. Despite possessing a deep frustration at losing his job, and having his character repeatedly questioned, Alen is looking to pursue new opportunities elsewhere in the sport.

The (lack of) process in relation to this decision has once again highlighted the need for Australian football to adopt grievance procedures for coaches in line with the practices provided in all sophisticated football associations.

One of the core objectives of FCA since its inception has been the adoption of a standard national grievance resolution process and standard contract for A-League, W-League, Y-League, NPL and Member Federation coaches and technical directors.

Currently, Australian coaches employed by Australian clubs can only resolve employment-related disputes at last instance in the court system. This is a non-specialised, expensive, and inefficient for the resolution of sporting issues which require speed, specialist expertise, and protection through a sporting sanction system to enforce judgments. As is stands, non-Australian coaches employed by Australian clubs have those protections in that they the option to resolve employment-related disputes before a FIFA employment body. This is unacceptable.

It is time for Australia to adopt a formal dispute resolution process for all coaches within its football regulatory framework. Professional players and clubs may currently resolve their employment-related disputes at last instance before the FFA National Dispute Resolution Chamber or state-level football tribunals. There is no logical reason for professional coaches to be excluded from the Australian football family.

FCA has today written to all Member Federations, the Australian Professional Football Clubs Association, and the Australian Association of Football Clubs to further the discussion regarding the implementation of standard grievance procedures and standard contracts for professional coaches as soon as possible.

Alen’s termination has demonstrated the ongoing lack of respect, empathy and understanding that Australian football administrators have provided to coaches. Now is the time for change.

FCA Chief Executive Glenn Warry:

“This manner in which this incident has played out demonstrates precisely why we have formed FCA. It is yet another example of the profound disrespect that has been repeatedly shown towards coaches.”

“We need to ask ourselves why coaches are subject to this kind of treatment, over and over. Sadly it is nothing new in Australia, but this is a most galling instance. FCA will not tolerate any more efforts to sully the reputation of our coaches.”

“The rights of coaches are protected by FIFA and in the vast majority of football associations as a matter of moral conscience and good governance. Australian football has made great strides protecting players and now it is time to protect our coaches.”

FCA President, Phil Moss:

“As a football community, this incident proves we have a mountain of work to do before coaches are treated with the level of respect that befits our status in the sport.”

“We’ve been in operation for just over a year, but FCA has already been involved in advocating on behalf of its female and male members in more than 20 cases – with National Teams, A-League clubs, W-League clubs and National Premier League clubs – where Australian coaches have been treated unfairly.”

“The truth is that the problem may be even worse than we first feared. As an association, we’re doing all we can to support coaches. It’s now time for our fellow stakeholders to step up their game. Just as we protect our players, we must protect our coaches.”

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clockwork orange
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So it looks like a Survey Monkey survey that could be accessed by the general public was one of the inputs to Stajcic’s dismissal.
Why wouldn’t people walk away from this game - your average local club is more professional than the FFA - and more accountable.
5 Years Ago by clockwork orange
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There seems to be a theme throughout those links, perhaps you can draw your own conclusions. 

Also the youtube of the open to the public Survey Monkey that was used to sack a national coach, have a good think about the incompetence, idiocy, non accountability & appalling unprofessionalism that would allow a national team coach to be sacked.

Two coaches now either bludgeoned into leaving or sacked by survey by the FFA. 

What a shit fucking culture & bunch of total fucking piece of shit c**nts that wanted this, that wanted all of this.  The FFA is only interested in maintaining their own bloated bureacracy & paypackets & have zero interest forwarding Australian football at all levels.  Fucking scum. 

5 Years Ago by ErogenousZone
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Just a query of a non-discriminitive yet investigative nature.

How many of the current Matilda's are homosexual ? that is, in a female-female relationship.

Perhaps this played some part in the firing of the 'male' coach. 

5 Years Ago by highkick05
Uncle Sepp
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highkick05 - 10 Feb 2019 11:37 AM
Just a query of a non-discriminitive yet investigative nature.

How many of the current Matilda's are homosexual ? that is, in a female-female relationship.

Perhaps this played some part in the firing of the 'male' coach. 

If Stajcic had given a directive that he did not want players sleeping together, would an organisation such as OUR WATCH treat that as a toxic environment?

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Uncle Sepp - 10 Feb 2019 3:23 PM
highkick05 - 10 Feb 2019 11:37 AM

If Stajcic had given a directive that he did not want players sleeping together, would an organisation such as OUR WATCH treat that as a toxic environment?

Wouldn't it be deemed not to be professional to be banging while on NT duty?


clockwork orange
clockwork orange
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Just imagine if there was a suggestion that a few Socceroos were upset because the coach wouldn’t let them sleep with each other .... anyone think the coach would get sacked?
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clockwork orange - 10 Feb 2019 6:13 PM
Just imagine if there was a suggestion that a few Socceroos were upset because the coach wouldn’t let them sleep with each other .... anyone think the coach would get sacked?

I was thinking more along the lines of the femistic nature of lesbian homoesexuals. How they are quite critical of things like some of the more male-like character traits. etc

5 Years Ago by highkick05
clockwork orange
clockwork orange
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I was just putting the case for equality 😏
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clockwork orange - 10 Feb 2019 6:29 PM
I was just putting the case for equality 😏

Equality in Sport, where everyone wins.

miron mercedes
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clockwork orange - 10 Feb 2019 6:13 PM
Just imagine if there was a suggestion that a few Socceroos were upset because the coach wouldn’t let them sleep with each other .... anyone think the coach would get sacked?

I was going to post this exact comment the last week and then decided against it as I figured every virtue signaller in Australia would use it as a "look at me I am not homphobic" moment.
You are a braver man than I.
The simple fact is ...regardless of sexual orientation ...players in any sporting team in a camp should not be sleeping together. They are there for the sport not personal recreation .
It is only rumour that Stajic's sacking was influenced at all by this scenario ..but if it was it is a disgrace.

clockwork orange
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@mm. I was simply pondering whether guys in the same situation would be judged similarly to the girls, or differently.
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miron mercedes - 10 Feb 2019 9:47 PM
clockwork orange - 10 Feb 2019 6:13 PM

I was going to post this exact comment the last week and then decided against it as I figured every virtue signaller in Australia would use it as a "look at me I am not homphobic" moment.
You are a braver man than I.
The simple fact is ...regardless of sexual orientation ...players in any sporting team in a camp should not be sleeping together. They are there for the sport not personal recreation .
It is only rumour that Stajic's sacking was influenced at all by this scenario ..but if it was it is a disgrace.

Coming from someone left of Lenin, that's not a controversial statement at all. Same reason why Socceroos aren't allowed to have their partners stay with them in camp regardless of their orientation; they're there to play football. Professional standards must be maintained to focus on the goal at hand.

Highkick's comments, however, on the "femistic nature of lesbian homoesexuals" (sic), are harder to justify, and frankly I think life is too short to deal with anyone putting ideas like that into the world.

The million dollar question: is there any truth in the claims of predatory "bed hopping" by senior players; did Stajcic have anything to do with that in terms of did he oppose it, turn a blind eye for the good of the team, or be none the wiser, and was this involved in his sacking?

Maybe none of this is true and a way to sack him was found just out of a personal grudge by someone on the board?

Maybe they're actually so incompetent that a Survey Monkey questionnaire with loaded negative questions that anyone could access and answer multiple times was considered enough data to warrant a dismissal?

We can only thank the abysmal handling of the situation by the FFA for the fact that we're even asking these questions. They could have given him a golden payout and had him say he was taking off for "personal reasons" but instead we got potentially slanderous leaks from a coincidentally absent FFA board member and this press conference:

NONE of the real questions about this has anything to do with sexual orientation, but about the ethical behaviour of all parties concerned.

Let's get this out of the gutter and focus on the actual issues, please.
5 Years Ago by paladisious
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I know the name of one of the players that was pressured into trying to have relations with other team mates even though she's fully heterosexual. Obviously I won't say who it is out of respect to her and privacy but I feel sorry for her and anyone else caught up in this. If this was the men's team it'd be a national outcry. Instead it's being swept under the rug.


This isn't about sexual orientation though. No one is trying to define their sexuality. It's the behaviour within a professional environment that is in question. Would this behaviour that has been discussed be tolerated in any workplace?
5 Years Ago by n i k o
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n i k o - 11 Feb 2019 12:45 AM
I know the name of one of the players that was pressured into trying to have relations with other team mates even though she's fully heterosexual. Obviously I won't say who it is out of respect to her and privacy but I feel sorry for her and anyone else caught up in this. If this was the men's team it'd be a national outcry. Instead it's being swept under the rug.


This isn't about sexual orientation though. No one is trying to define their sexuality. It's the behaviour within a professional environment that is in question. Would this behaviour that has been discussed be tolerated in any workplace?

Yeah pala , you're reading into the question wrong.

For me, this seems like a player problem -- not a coach problem. I really want to know what happened. Saying the coach was way too intimidating is absolutely stupid,  especially with all the first hand accounts of there being no problem whatsoever.

Anyway, I can get how you would think it would create negative stereotyping. Just an observation about behaviour. 

5 Years Ago by highkick05
clockwork orange
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Stajcic to take legal action:

This must be a record even for Australian football. Only three months in and the new board is to be sued by the national team coach.

And there goes paulc’s claim that Stajcic must be guilty because he hasn’t said anything in public.
5 Years Ago by clockwork orange
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clockwork orange - 11 Feb 2019 7:11 AM
Stajcic to take legal action:

This must be a record even for Australian football. Only three months in and the new board is to be sued by the national team coach.

And there goes paulc’s claim that Stajcic must be guilty because he hasn’t said anything in public.

Behind a pay wall, anyway it looks like the truth might come out. 
clockwork orange
clockwork orange
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Stajcic press conference at 11:00 apparently.
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Meanwhile the world wide search of new Matildas coach is narrowing down to...who?

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Summerteeth - 11 Feb 2019 7:38 AM
Meanwhile the world wide search of new Matildas coach is narrowing down to...who?

Does the board okay the new coach? 
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Sack the board, throw the CEO out and reinstate Staj. How to make that happen? 
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Savic - 11 Feb 2019 9:14 AM
Sack the board, throw the CEO out and reinstate Staj. How to make that happen? 

This is the best-case scenario.

Last time it happened, it was because Lowy - a person loaded with cash - financed it.

Craig Foster, any ideas?

By the way, I suggest to everyone that as news stories develop, that they are placed or eventually consolidated under this thread, so there is a flow and continuity of what the football community is talking about. The tendency is that every time SBS posts a new story, someone starts a new thread.

5 Years Ago by johnsmith
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Stajcic and his lawyers have played this by the book.
Nobody knows what correspondence has been happening between FFA and his lawyers already.
It seems to me his lawyers have all the information they need and now are ready to take action.
Text book process.
5 Years Ago by crimsoncrusoe
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Hiring an international coach now would be a massive mistake imo.
They would not know of any of our players beyond maybe the starting 11.

n i k o
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Yep fair point you did say that, questions need to be asked and brought out into the open about exactly what this culture was. Unfortunately it touches on one of the most sensitive topics in the history of this country, sexual proclivity toward the opposite sex.
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Well you know Gallop and Co will just take the 'We can terminate a contract for no reason at any time' stance.

No reason required an then just point out that they never mentioned anything about a poor culture and etc. 

Or play down never mentioning anything to the degree of seriousness that would hurt his reputation.

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Live presser on now.


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20min chat with Gallop and then he was sacked the next morning.

Holy shit.



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