All FTBL links on facebook has been wiped.

All FTBL links on facebook has been wiped.

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paulc - 18 Feb 2021 12:56 PM
Love how the Lefties like this Globalization thing where foreign external sources that match their ideology sits well. They have the hide to point the finger when the government and opposition collaboratively put the national interests first. Yes the government led the way and has been assessing the problem for a long time, but the hypocrisy is beyond belief.

Anyone who brings up left or right immediately in any conversation falls straight into the unintelligent discourse in my book. Trying to claim the internet... A global product by its very nature and the point of its existence is somehow left wing is beyond me. Is entire sky right wing? What  absolute nonsense. Facebook make a product they sell it to a foreign country, foreign country interfears with their product so pull part of their support. That's how capitalism works, it's a free market. Liberals want them to pay so they refuse to. No the libs have nothing. Pretty basic. It was always going to end up this way and I started laughing when the liberals first announced it and thought it would work.
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Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 1:07 PM
Balin Trev - 18 Feb 2021 12:59 PM

It's like he believes no one can have a nuanced opinion on anything. 

Spot on. These types are so grating. 

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GDeathe - 18 Feb 2021 1:18 PM
Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 1:16 PM

yes, but it's not their liability it is the individual who posted it you go after

I see what you're saying but to me it's like this.  You create an artwork.  I take that artwork and put it in my art gallery then charge people to see it.  That ain't right.

Posted this in ET but copied here ===>  It's comparable to blokes here copying articles in full and posting them here.  There's an unwritten rule on 442 that you post the link and maybe the first paragraph?  Why?  Because the clicks help the author produce more content.  Posting the full article means no clicks, no eyes on the original work, no credit and no ad revenue.  

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Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 12:57 PM
Nunya - 18 Feb 2021 12:51 PM

What if somebody copied your work holus bolus from your website and published it elsewhere so they read it there instead of on your website and you were uncredited, dudded ad revenue and denied monetary compensation?

You aren't going to stop that, this very forum I see not just the article link from other football websites posted, but people copy paste the entire text contents from the page they are linking also.

What are you going to do? Ban the copy paste function from all search browsers? You can't stop that from happening in fact you still can't on Facebook because you can just use tiny url or bitly links to get around the issue. I could find a way to post a news article there in 5 minutes it isn't going to stop.

Maybe if the government sunk billions in subsidising tech companies to build our own platforms instead of subsidising dying industries Australia could be making absolute bank like America is via these websites. The biggest companies on the world build technology and information platforms of the future. You can't even get government help for making video games these days yet they are so profitable overseas but our entire AAA industry died in this country under the liberals, they are so out of touch with how to make money from the internet it's laughable. Dinosaurs are running this country. It's like they aren't aware I can get Australian news from non Australian sources. People in here are absolutely desperate from some quazi 1984 reality like that's something to aspire to.
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Nunya - 18 Feb 2021 1:38 PM
Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 12:57 PM

(1) You aren't going to stop that, this very forum I see not just the article link from other football websites posted, but people copy paste the entire text contents from the page they are linking also.

What are you going to do? Ban the copy paste function from all search browsers? (2) You can't stop that from happening in fact you still can't on Facebook because you can just use tiny url or bitly links to get around the issue. I could find a way to post a news article there in 5 minutes it isn't going to stop.

Maybe if the government sunk billions in subsidising tech companies to build our own platforms instead of subsidising dying industries Australia could be making absolute bank like America is via these websites. The biggest companies on the world build technology and information platforms of the future. You can't even get government help for making video games these days yet they are so profitable overseas but our entire AAA industry died in this country under the liberals, they are so out of touch with how to make money from the internet it's laughable. Dinosaurs are running this country. It's like they aren't aware I can get Australian news from non Australian sources. People in here are absolutely desperate from some quazi 1984 reality like that's something to aspire to.

(1) I do believe that's the intent of the legislation.

(2) Yes you can.  I'm on other forums where they automatically truncate other site's articles. 

Member since 2008.

3 Years Ago by Munrubenmuz
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tsf - 18 Feb 2021 10:55 AM
Also, since when was it a liberal policy to get involved in the free market at the behest of corporations?

Pretty much the same as conservatives crowing on about free speech. Only when it suits them.

Not a fan of Facebook and Google's bully boy tactics though.


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Imagine using facebook.

By now, American Samoa must have realised that Australias 22-0 win over Tonga two days earlier was no fluke.

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Nunya - 18 Feb 2021 1:27 PM
paulc - 18 Feb 2021 12:56 PM

Anyone who brings up left or right immediately in any conversation falls straight into the unintelligent discourse in my book. Trying to claim the internet... A global product by its very nature and the point of its existence is somehow left wing is beyond me. Is entire sky right wing? What  absolute nonsense. Facebook make a product they sell it to a foreign country, foreign country interfears with their product so pull part of their support. That's how capitalism works, it's a free market. Liberals want them to pay so they refuse to. No the libs have nothing. Pretty basic. It was always going to end up this way and I started laughing when the liberals first announced it and thought it would work.

Yep!!! 100%!!!

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If you can't get it from facebook, go directly from the source!!!! Eg go directly to FTBL.

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Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 1:37 PM
GDeathe - 18 Feb 2021 1:18 PM

I see what you're saying but to me it's like this.  You create an artwork.  I take that artwork and put it in my art gallery then charge people to see it.  That ain't right.

So you're going after the building trust/management rather than the art gallery/promotion it self this doesn't seem to be a fair response and which is why TOS should not exist on us based platforms because a platform should not be editorial control of other peoples content as what was intended use of the US Section 230 c of the communication decency act.
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tsf - 18 Feb 2021 1:26 PM
Also, it just goes to show nobody reads more than headlines. Essentially, to read the full article that's posted on facebook you need to click and it then are sent to the publisher's site. 

In the main I'd say that's modern journalism's own fault for being shit.
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sydneyfc1987 - 18 Feb 2021 1:50 PM
tsf - 18 Feb 2021 10:55 AM

Pretty much the same as conservatives crowing on about free speech. Only when it suits them.

Not a fan of Facebook and Google's bully boy tactics though.

It’s amazing how the liberals suddenly care about misinformation on Facebook 
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This could easily be fixed by extending  copyright to cover news related media.But then news media might have to pay individuals for using them in video and pictures.
Oh what a tangled web.
Who gets their ‘news’ from FB anyway?
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paladisious - 18 Feb 2021 4:41 PM
tsf - 18 Feb 2021 1:26 PM

In the main I'd say that's modern journalism's own fault for being shit.

That's rather trite.  There's plenty of good journalism still out there.

Do you pay a subscription for news?

I'd say it's a combination of hardly anyone reading as much anymore, people not interested in complex ideas where they can't quickly pigeonhole something (see paulc), the dumbing down of society and general discourse and not being willing to pay for content.

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Nunya - 18 Feb 2021 1:27 PM
paulc - 18 Feb 2021 12:56 PM

Anyone who brings up left or right immediately in any conversation falls straight into the unintelligent discourse in my book. Trying to claim the internet... A global product by its very nature and the point of its existence is somehow left wing is beyond me. Is entire sky right wing? What  absolute nonsense. Facebook make a product they sell it to a foreign country, foreign country interfears with their product so pull part of their support. That's how capitalism works, it's a free market. Liberals want them to pay so they refuse to. No the libs have nothing. Pretty basic. It was always going to end up this way and I started laughing when the liberals first announced it and thought it would work.

So Facebook bans WA liberals but not WA labour, but that’s not being left hey? Just look who initially raised the politics in the second post, not me but I did respond and like a good lefty you want one side to keep quiet. When communications are controlled to consistently favour one side of politics, it is serious to our democracy. Lefties and big tech go hand in hand.

In a resort somewhere

3 Years Ago by paulc
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Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 12:57 PM
Nunya - 18 Feb 2021 12:51 PM

What if somebody copied your work holus bolus from your website and published it elsewhere so they read it there instead of on your website and you were uncredited, dudded ad revenue and denied monetary compensation?

That isn't what happens. The news organizations pay for it to be available of Facebook to  generate traffic on their own sites. This is purely an argument between two American billionaires that our Government should be staying right out of. This is another case of our politicians bending over backwards to help Murdoch out. 

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Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 5:13 PM
paladisious - 18 Feb 2021 4:41 PM

That's rather trite.  There's plenty of good journalism still out there.

Do you pay a subscription for news?

I'd say it's a combination of hardly anyone reading as much anymore, people not interested in complex ideas where they can't quickly pigeonhole something (see paulc), the dumbing down of society and general discourse and not being willing to pay for content.

Australia has in the last few years seen the most laziest journalism in living memory. Don’t look at facts, don’t follow through and don’t adequately research their subject matter. Not to mention how gutless they are to ask the tough questions when it matches their own ideology. The ABC is a perfect example.

In a resort somewhere

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paulc - 18 Feb 2021 6:13 PM
Nunya - 18 Feb 2021 1:27 PM

So Facebook bans WA liberals but not WA labour, but that’s not being left hey? Just look who initially raised the politics in the second post, not me but I did respond and like a good lefty you want one side to keep quiet. When communications are controlled to consistently favour one side of politics, it is serious to our democracy. Lefties and big tech go hand in hand.

They also banned a children's cancer page and NSW fire and rescue.  Are they 'lefty' causes.  What the fuck is wrong with you?  They've taken a giant scattergun approach and this is what's happened.  Scomo's page is still up BTW..

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paulc - 18 Feb 2021 6:35 PM
Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 5:13 PM

Australia has in the last few years seen the most laziest journalism in living memory. Don’t look at facts, don’t follow through and don’t adequately research their subject matter. Not to mention how gutless they are to ask the tough questions when it matches their own ideology. The ABC is a perfect example.

Yep.  Guaranteed you don't pay a news sub.

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patjennings - 18 Feb 2021 6:31 PM
Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 12:57 PM

That isn't what happens. The news organizations pay for it to be available of Facebook to  generate traffic on their own sites. This is purely an argument between two American billionaires that our Government should be staying right out of. This is another case of our politicians bending over backwards to help Murdoch out. 

Or 7, 9 and 10 who have been pushing just as hard. Murdoch doesn’t have the viewership of FTA so has the most lose. 

In a resort somewhere

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Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 6:36 PM
paulc - 18 Feb 2021 6:13 PM

They also banned a children's cancer page and NSW fire and rescue.  Are they 'lefty' causes.  What the fuck is wrong with you?  They've taken a giant scattergun approach and this is what's happened.  Scomo's page is still up BTW..

Don’t worry, they know how to target politics. There was no scattergun approach in WA which coincidentally almost always seems to favours the Left as the Republicans have found out in the USA. Big tech has become a cancer to Democracy.

In a resort somewhere

3 Years Ago by paulc
Balin Trev
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paulc - 18 Feb 2021 6:44 PM
Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 6:36 PM

Don’t worry, they know how to target politics. There was no scattergun approach in WA which coincidentally almost always seems to favours the Left as the Republicans have found out in the USA. Big tech has become a cancer to Democracy.

Yep Trump is a massive loss to world democracy 😓
You really should invest more of your time in political forums rather than football forums 
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Munrubenmuz - 18 Feb 2021 5:13 PM
paladisious - 18 Feb 2021 4:41 PM

That's rather trite.  There's plenty of good journalism still out there.

Obviously I was utilising a bit of levity there. Sure there's great journos out there (some are in jail for it), but they're definitely drowned out by a sea of garbage, much of which in our country is from a few very powerful outlets.

Do you pay a subscription for news?

I primarily use the ABC, which I happily contribute to with my taxes. Naturally they are far from perfect and have their own agenda (every outlet does). For example, coverage on this very issue has been quite biased in my view.

I'd say it's a combination of hardly anyone reading as much anymore, people not interested in complex ideas where they can't quickly pigeonhole something (see paulc), the dumbing down of society and general discourse and not being willing to pay for content.

Yeah I'd pretty much agree with most of this paragraph, the irony is though that Murdoch's empire bares a lot of responsibility for these factors being put in play in the first place.
3 Years Ago by paladisious
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If it was such an imposition these news outlets to have links to their articles shared on Facebook, then why did they all have buttons on all their articles asking their users to do just that? 🤔
3 Years Ago by paladisious
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FB and big tech in general need to be taught a lesson and we should start by banning FB in Australia.

Kids will cry for a week then realize how good it is without those vultures invading your life. 

Then the rest of the world needs to follow suite.
Enzo Bearzot
Enzo Bearzot
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Suckerberg and Big Tech is about to find out you don't fuck with government.   The one thing every politician wants more than controlling the flow of information is controlling the people who control the flow of information. They might have been useful idiots to Biden and the Democrats, but make no mistake, every politician everywhere is watching this. 

Government makes the rules. Not Suckerberg:

3 Years Ago by Enzo Bearzot
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sethman75 - 18 Feb 2021 8:10 PM
FB and big tech in general need to be taught a lesson and we should start by banning FB in Australia.

Kids will cry for a week then realize how good it is without those vultures invading your life. 

Then the rest of the world needs to follow suite.

In a perfect world this 
Enzo Bearzot
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sethman75 - 18 Feb 2021 8:10 PM
FB and big tech in general need to be taught a lesson and we should start by banning FB in Australia.

Kids will cry for a week then realize how good it is without those vultures invading your life. 

Then the rest of the world needs to follow suite.

Kids already don't use it. It seems to be mainly bloomers and gen-x that are still on it. The millennials don't even really use it and gen-z definitely doesn't care about facebook. 
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So just to get this straight "big tech" companies are either:
a) Right Wing capitalistic greedy monsters
b) a Left Wing agenda driven social revolution movement (that is also all about raising capital)
Dont panic about the decline in journalistic integrity in this country worry about the fuck1ng education system that is churning out a bunch of feeble minded shitheads.

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