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World Politics/Global Events

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If they target gangs and crims and take guns away from THEM, innocent people will be less likely to want to keep a weapon in the home.

What do you think they're doing? Twiddling their thumbs?
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afromanGT wrote:
If they target gangs and crims and take guns away from THEM, innocent people will be less likely to want to keep a weapon in the home.

What do you think they're doing? Twiddling their thumbs?

Yep, that's EXACTLY what I think they've been doing. It's a whole lot easier to take guns off the innocent, civilian population than off the gangs, which cause over 70% of America's gun deaths.

The whole gun publicity thing is just for show - some kid will go nuts with a gun and kill people and the next day it'll be all "ban the guns".

Except a gun ban won't stop the crims from using them. Only a concerted war on guns, targeting the gangs, will improve the situation.

For so long as the American people feel unsafe, they will find ways to purchase guns for what they erronously perceive to be self-defence.

Taking guns off the innocent gun owners will only band-aid the problem.
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Y'know what makes gang violence so hard to stop? How easy it is to appear like a member of th e"innocent civilian population". So unless you've got yourself a Minority Report machine that's going to tell you the who, what, when and were of a crime you're going to have a hard time doing battle on this front.
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afromanGT wrote:
Y'know what makes gang violence so hard to stop? How easy it is to appear like a member of th e"innocent civilian population". So unless you've got yourself a Minority Report machine that's going to tell you the who, what, when and were of a crime you're going to have a hard time doing battle on this front.
You and I aren't experts in this field but clearly what you describe is a good start. Yeah, do all kinds of reports and surveillance and then hit the gangs very hard.
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Yeah, do all kinds of Orwellian invasive reports and surveillance and watch the population turn against you for invading their privacy.

Edited by afromanGT: 11/6/2013 03:33:10 PM
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afromanGT wrote:
Yeah, do all kinds of Orwellian invasive reports and surveillance and watch the population turn against you for invading their privacy.

Edited by afromanGT: 11/6/2013 03:33:10 PM
Or do nothing and let more people die.

IMO not too many Americans will be upset at FBI doing massive surveillance on gangs and their members. Which I'm sure is being done anyway. It's more a case of being brave enough to take the gangs on by acting on the information.
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IMO not too many Americans will be upset at FBI doing massive surveillance on gangs and their members.

Are you serial? There's a massive shit-fight over there at the moment because government organisations have a few photos of people's backyards. Imagine if that was legitimate surveillance how much shit would hit the fan!
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Israeli PM warns of another Holocaust from Iran

WARSAW, Poland — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his two-day visit to Poland, which Germany's Nazis occupied during World War II and where they committed the worst crimes ever against the Jewish people, with a stern warning about a potential Holocaust from Iran.
Netanyahu said Wednesday the upcoming "so-called" Iranian presidential election will "change nothing" in the Islamic republic's quest for nuclear weapons and that the regime will continue to pursue a bomb aimed at destroying Israel. Iran insists its uranium enrichment program has only peaceful goals.
Iran's election overseers have approved a list of would-be hopefuls, most of them loyalists favored by both the theocracy and the military, and any future president will likely side with the supreme leadership's nuclear aspirations.

"This is a regime that is building nuclear weapons with the expressed purpose to annihilate Israel's 6 million Jews," Netanyahu said, alluding to the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during World War II. "We will not allow this to happen. We will never allow another Holocaust."
Israel considers Iran its greatest threat because of its support of Islamic militant groups, its arsenal of long-range missiles and primarily its advanced nuclear program.
Netanyahu's comments in Warsaw carried added significance since they came a day before he travels to the former Nazi death camp of Auschwitz in southern Poland, where he is to inaugurate a new pavilion meant to educate visitors about the Holocaust and the Nazi Germany's quest to exterminate the Jewish people.
Netanyahu, whose father was born in Warsaw, has an emotional connection to the Holocaust, although he has faced criticism for citing it frequently in the context of current events, notably regarding the potential nuclear threat from Iran. For years, Netanyahu has used his annual address on Israel's Holocaust remembrance day to caution about the danger of a nuclear Iran and vowing that "never again" will the Jews be powerless to defend themselves.
Speaking to reporters Wednesday, Netanyahu remained undeterred by the critics, insisting the intentions of the Iranians are just as murderous of those that existed in World War II.
"The comparison is intentional. Does Iran want to destroy the state of Israel, first and foremost its Jews? The answer is yes," he said in response to a question from The Associated Press. "Here is where the comparison diverges, since there was no state of Israel back then that could defend itself. The difference is not in the hatred of Jews and the will to destroy them. This is something that is pretty consistent in history and even modern history. The Holocaust didn't change this situation."
Netanyahu and a team of five ministers met with their Polish counterparts and discussed security in Israel's neighborhood, including the stalled peace talks with the Palestinians, the conflict in Syria and a series of bilateral issues such as Poland's possible purchase of Israeli armaments. Israel has been urging Poland, as a member of the European Union, to declare the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
Speaking alongside Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Netanyahu contrasted the painful Jewish history of the past in Poland with the current strong relations between Poland and Israel.
"The histories of our peoples are intertwined over thousands of years, in great achievement and also in great tragedy," said Netanyahu. "We are both shaped by our past and we are both focusing together on shaping our future."
Tusk concurred, saying: "We speak a common language with Israel."
The Germans carried out the Holocaust to a large extent in occupied Poland, because it had Europe's largest Jewish population and it was at the heart of a railway network that allowed the Nazis to easily transport Jews there from elsewhere in Europe. Many Israeli leaders are children of Holocaust survivors, and Israel has the world's largest population of survivors.
In recent years, Poland has become one of the friendliest states to Israel.
Auschwitz remains the most vivid symbol of the cruelty of Nazi Germany's genocide of World War II. The world marks its International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27, to coincide with the date of Auschwitz's liberation in 1945. The new exhibit Netanyahu will inaugurate will, for the first time, present Auschwitz in the larger context of the Nazis' systematic attempt to exterminate Europe's Jews.
More than 1 million Jews died in Auschwitz and the adjacent Birkenau death camp in gas chambers or from starvation, disease and forced labor. Auschwitz-Birkenau was the most notorious of a system of death camps that Nazi Germany built and operated in Poland.
"We will never forget the victims of the Holocaust, we will never forget the ultimate crime against humanity," Netanyahu said Wednesday. "And we will never forget our obligation to prevent this from ever happening again."
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What's going on with all this anti-G8 rioting in London?
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Netanyahu :oops: has the biggest nuclear arsenal in the region alongside the US military and their bases....

If Israel gets nuked it will have more to do with a certain little ongoing al-Nakba than just some simplified, holocaust narrative. Even most Israelis know that...

Beat those war drums....
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Hard to make yourself look like the victim with all those nuclear warheads...unless you play the holocaust card.
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afromanGT wrote:
Hard to make yourself look like the victim with all those nuclear warheads...unless you play the holocaust card.
Another six million dead Jews would be exactly that. It doesn't matter what anti-semites think or what Netanyahu says publicly, Israel can't rely on anyone to protect them and will do all it can to protect itself. And the rest of the world can condemn them as much as they like - the risk of a nuclear, sabre-rattling Iran is too great.

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blacka wrote:
Netanyahu :oops: has the biggest nuclear arsenal in the region alongside the US military and their bases....

If Israel gets nuked it will have more to do with a certain little ongoing al-Nakba than just some simplified, holocaust narrative. Even most Israelis know that...

Beat those war drums....

You don't know your history do you?

The only "nakba" is the million Jews who were kicked out of Arab countries post-1948. There were assaults, beatings, executions, nazi-style bans from working in certain jobs, you name it. They were nearly a million refugees, kicked out if Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Yemen, etc, etc. That's the real nakba or whatever you want to call it. Look it up.

And the reason Iran is wanting to nuke Israel has nothing to do with Arabs.

Btw, Israel has never threatened the sovereignty of another country, while the Arabs continually call for Israel's destruction.
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thupercoach wrote:
afromanGT wrote:
Hard to make yourself look like the victim with all those nuclear warheads...unless you play the holocaust card.
Another six million dead Jews would be exactly that. It doesn't matter what anti-semites think or what Netanyahu says publicly, Israel can't rely on anyone to protect them and will do all it can to protect itself. And the rest of the world can condemn them as much as they like - the risk of a nuclear, sabre-rattling Iran is too great.

It wouldn't be an issue if they'd shut the hell up about it. The only thing that makes Iran want to bomb Israel is Israel claiming that Iran want to bomb them every 3-4 months.
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RedKat wrote:
afromanGT wrote:
thupercoach wrote:
afromanGT wrote:
Hard to make yourself look like the victim with all those nuclear warheads...unless you play the holocaust card.
Another six million dead Jews would be exactly that. It doesn't matter what anti-semites think or what Netanyahu says publicly, Israel can't rely on anyone to protect them and will do all it can to protect itself. And the rest of the world can condemn them as much as they like - the risk of a nuclear, sabre-rattling Iran is too great.

It wouldn't be an issue if they'd shut the hell up about it. The only thing that makes Iran want to bomb Israel is Israel claiming that Iran want to bomb them every 3-4 months.

Youre a idiot. Israel saying Iran wants to bomb them is because of Ahmadinejad saying the Holocaust was fictional this one time many years ago

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Add in Irans clear hatred of Israel's biggest ally, USA, and Israel would be idiotic not to be watching Iran exceptionally carefully.

Watching them is one thing, accusing them of wanting another Holocaust is another thing entirely.
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Israel have issued similar rhetoric with regard to Iran. Don't pretend like they're innocent.
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...and it started with stickers.

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TheSelectFew wrote:
...and it started with stickers.

Stickers r srs biznus.
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Texan lawmaker raffles off assault rifle

June 14, 2013 - 5:45AM

Republican Steve Stockman in recent weeks has been peddling a bumper sticker on his website which reads: ‘‘If babies had guns they wouldn’t be aborted.’’

Washington: One of the most conservative members of the US Congress says he is raffling off an AR-15 assault rifle like the one used in a deadly school shooting last December.

Republican Steve Stockman of Texas will give the military-style weapon away on Independence Day next month, appalling those who have come to Washington to mark Friday's six-month anniversary of the massacre at Connecticut's Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 children and six adults dead.

"You don't need to be an IRS agent to get your own Bushmaster AR-15. I'm giving one away for FREE on July 4! Sign up!" Mr Stockman posted on Twitter.

Internal Revenue Service agents reportedly have been seen training with the weapons.

Mr Stockman is a frequent critic of President Barack Obama and his push for stronger gun laws. "Grab this gun before Obama does!" Mr Stockman posted in an earlier message.

Democrats in Congress led a push to tighten gun laws across the country in the wake of the Newtown shooting, including efforts to broaden background checks and ban military-style assault weapons including the AR-15.

The efforts were strongly opposed by lawmakers like Stockman and the powerful National Rifle Association, and the measures, watered down to attract Democrats from conservative states, failed to pass the Senate.

Mr Stockman is known on Capitol Hill for his strident or bristling comments.

In recent weeks, he has been peddling a bumper sticker on his website which reads: "If babies had guns they wouldn't be aborted."

The lawmaker's latest tweet came as Sandy Hook relatives were in the US capital making a renewed push for gun legislation, something Vice President Joe Biden has signalled the White House wants to see happen.

"Personally it is absolutely appalling," a volunteer from Newtown who works with some of the relatives on seeking common sense gun legislation, said of the timing of Stockman's tweet.

The "Stockman for Congress" web page said the gun winner will be drawn randomly but that he or she "must meet all legal requirements and will be subject to a dealer's background check."


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Afghan parliament upholds right to marry children

Afghanistan's parliament has rejected a measure that would have barred men from marrying girls younger than 16, saying the proposal ran counter to Islamic ideology.
The measure also would have banned “baad, [the] traditional practice of buying or selling women to settle disputes,” and outlawed criminal charges being imposed on rape victims, Breitbart reported. Rape victims in Afghanistan often are charged with fornication or adultery.
President Hamid Karzai reportedly supported the measures, but opponents said they “violate[d] Islamic principles,” Breitbart reported.
The failure of parliament to act in accordance with Mr. Karzai highlights a deep rift among the nation’s politicians. And it comes at a time when elections are set for April 2014 for a new president.
There is “a rift between conservative and more secular members of the community,” Sky News reported.

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TrueAnglo wrote:
Afghan parliament upholds right to marry children

Afghanistan's parliament has rejected a measure that would have barred men from marrying girls younger than 16, saying the proposal ran counter to Islamic ideology.
The measure also would have banned “baad, [the] traditional practice of buying or selling women to settle disputes,” and outlawed criminal charges being imposed on rape victims, Breitbart reported. Rape victims in Afghanistan often are charged with fornication or adultery.
President Hamid Karzai reportedly supported the measures, but opponents said they “violate[d] Islamic principles,” Breitbart reported.
The failure of parliament to act in accordance with Mr. Karzai highlights a deep rift among the nation’s politicians. And it comes at a time when elections are set for April 2014 for a new president.
There is “a rift between conservative and more secular members of the community,” Sky News reported.

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Meanwhile, back in the Stone Age...
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Grim milestone: shootings in America surpass death toll of troops in Iraq

June 15, 2013
Nick O'Malley

As America marks the six-month anniversary of the massacre of 20 children and six adults in the hamlet of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut, gun control advocates have noted that another milestone has been reached - more Americans have died by the gun since then than the total number of US troops killed in Iraq.

At the time of writing, at least 5109 had died by shooting in the US in the past six months, in comparison with 4409 soldiers lost in Iraq.

The figure is not exact because, at the behest of the National Rifle Association, Congress stripped funding from the Centres for Disease Control after that public body conducted research in 1993 showing that having a gun in the house increased, rather than decreased, the likelihood of a member of that household being shot.

While annual figures on gun deaths do eventually become available, no federal agency now keeps detailed track of shooting deaths across the US.

The CDC has finally begun research again, through the National Violent Death Reporting System, but it only covers 18 of the 50 states.

However, after Sandy Hook, one Twitter account holder started a crowd-sourcing project to keep track of the deaths, @gundeaths. The online magazine Slate has since taken over the tweeter's feed and maintains the associated database.

As Slate notes, its tally is necessarily incomplete. It is nonetheless confronting to scroll your cursor across the silhouettes of men, women and children to bring up details of their deaths.

At the time of writing, the most recent entries were four people shot dead in St Louis on Thursday in an apparent murder-suicide. As more information becomes available on them, it will be added to the database.

The most recent children included are Jennifer Andrus, 16, shot in Darien, Illinois on Wednesday, and Cameron Phillips, also 16, shot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, also on Wednesday.

Another blogger kept track of news stories of accidental shootings by children, normally of children. The blogger, known as teeshu, linked to 137 stories before giving up on May 3 with the story of a three-year-old boy who accidentally shot himself in the face with his grandmother's gun while she was in the next room. The 35-year-old woman has been charged in relation to the death.

But stories of accidental shootings keep coming, and they keep getting reported in national media. Just last week, a four-year-old found a loaded gun while visiting a friend with his father.

He accidentally shot his father dead, but no one has been charged because the gun's owner could not have known a child would have access to his weapon.

The prominence these stories receive is a mark of how the gun debate has changed since Sandy Hook. While the NRA again flexed its muscles on Capitol Hill and prevented a move to reinstate the ban on military-style semi-automatic weapons from coming to a vote - and then killed off proposed universal background checks in a vote - gun control activists have not given up.

Bolstered by billionaire New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is spreading and spending more on advertising.

New groups have joined the battle, including former congresswoman Gabby Giffords' Americans for Responsible Solutions, which last month revealed it had raised $US11 million since the Sandy Hook shootings.

Perhaps the most significant of the new groups is that formed by parents of children slain in Sandy Hook, the Newtown Action Alliance.

Not all the parents are involved - indeed, not all support gun control - but those that are can secure face-to-face meetings with any politician they approach and they have focused media attention that might otherwise have wandered by now.

On Friday they began a 100-day tour of 25 states in order to visit politicians to convince the Senate to reconsider background checks.

When the background checks bill failed in April, some of those who voted against it received a polling slump, including Arizona Republican Jeff Flake, who later said he was probably about as popular as ''pond scum''.

But there remain many states where a sturdy pro-gun stance is not just safe but crucial.

One of those is Texas, where Republican congressman Steve Stockman is enjoying media attention for raffling a Bushmaster AR-15 - the same make and model of gun that Adam Lanza used to kill the children in Sandy Hook.

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It looks bad, but it's a bit of a biased figure isn't it? Only counting one side of the Iraq conflict and including every tom, dick and harry who's shot in america?

Also, it doesn't state whether the figures include suicides.
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afromanGT wrote:
It looks bad, but it's a bit of a biased figure isn't it? Only counting one side of the Iraq conflict and including every tom, dick and harry who's shot in america?

Also, it doesn't state whether the figures include suicides.
True, but easy access to a gun can make the suicide decision easier.
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Cat runs for mayor of Mexican city

June 16, 2013 - 7:56AM

A mayoral hopeful in Mexico promises to eat, sleep most of the day and donate his leftover litter to fill potholes.

Morris, a black-and-white kitten with orange eyes, is running for mayor of Xalapa in eastern Mexico with the campaign slogan "Tired of Voting for Rats? Vote for a Cat." And he is attracting tens of thousands of politician-weary, two-legged supporters on social media.

"He sleeps almost all day and does nothing, and that fits the profile of a politician," said 35-year-old office worker Sergio Camacho, who adopted the 10-month-old feline last year.

Put forth as candidate by Camacho and a group of friends after they became disillusioned with the empty promises of politicians, Morris' candidacy has resonated across Mexico, where citizens frustrated with human candidates are nominating their pets and farm animals to run in July 7 elections being held in 14 states.

Also running for mayor are "Chon the Donkey" in the border city of Ciudad Juarez, "Tina the Chicken" in Tepic, the capital of the Pacific coast state of Nayarit, "Maya the Cat" in the city of Puebla and "Tintan the Dog" in Oaxaca City, though their campaigns are not as well organised as that of Morris.

Politicians repeatedly rank at the bottom of polls about citizens' trust in institutions.

Morris' cuteness, the clever campaign and promises to donate money collected from the sales of campaign stickers and T-shirts to an animal shelter has attracted cat lovers, but Camacho said most of his supporters were citizens tired of corrupt politicians and fraudulent elections.

"Morris has been a catalyst to show the discontent that exists in our society," Camacho said.

"Our message from the beginning has been 'if none of the candidates represent you, vote for the cat' and it seems people are responding to that."

Xalapa, a university city of 450,000 people, is the capital of the Gulf coast state of Veracruz, where residents have in last two years been beleaguered by drug violence, corruption scandals and the killings of at least nine reporters and photojournalists.

Morris has a website, a Twitter account and a Facebook page with more than 115,000 "likes", that makes him more popular in social networks than the five human mayoral contenders.

His website has a collection of memes that picture Morris yawning while describing his "ample legislative experience," an image that mirrors photographs of lawmakers sleeping during congressional sessions.

Morris' campaign managers are asking supporters to write-in "Morris" or draw a cat's face on the ballot to send a message to authorities, who are not taking the cat's growing popularity lightly.


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thupercoach wrote:
afromanGT wrote:
It looks bad, but it's a bit of a biased figure isn't it? Only counting one side of the Iraq conflict and including every tom, dick and harry who's shot in america?

Also, it doesn't state whether the figures include suicides.
True, but easy access to a gun can make the suicide decision easier.

True, but in Australia where we probably have a fairly similar suicide rate (as percentage of capita) most of those people slit their wrists or what have you.

In america they have access to the guns so they may use that, and if it's counted in the gun crime and murder statistics then that's just misleading.
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The creeping disease that threatens populations

Halting a desert with the ‘Great Green Wall’
Fighting desertification

In Burkina Faso, desertification has led to an estimated nine per cent loss in agricultural revenues (AFP)
by Luigi Jorio,

June 17, 2013 - 11:00
For the past 20 years, more and more countries have been affected by desertification – and not just because of climate change. Experts say that some agricultural practices have also had disastrous effects.

It’s not the desert on the move but farming land that is slowly disappearing, contrary to what most people believe.

“The mental picture we have is one of a sandy desert and dunes swallowing up villages and fields,” Gudrun Schwilch, a researcher at the University of Bern’s Centre for Development and Environment, told “But in most cases, it’s just not like that.”

According to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), desertification is “the degradation of land in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas. It is caused primarily by human activities and climatic variations”. Altogether, these regions represent 40 per cent of the earth’s land surface.

The latest UN data, published in April, shows that desertification has increased substantially over the past two decades. Today, 168 countries are affected, while only 110 were suffering from the problem in the 1990s; around 850 million people are directly concerned.

Desertification, says Schwilch, is the result of a number of factors, including climate change. “But it’s not a natural phenomenon. Its main causes are related to human activities.”

Halting a desert with the ‘Great Green Wall’

Advancing deserts are not unstoppable. By planting trees, it is possible to redevelop the soil and create an ecosystem that is more favourable for agriculture. The Swiss association Sylla Caap is convinced of this and in the savannah of Senegal has started building a Great Green Wall.

Global problem

Deforestation, intensive farming, overuse of pastures and inadequate irrigation practices have led to a degradation of agricultural land. Erosion due to wind and water, as well as extreme climatic events such as droughts only speed up the process, according to experts.

This results in the depletion of the soil’s nutrients and the disappearance of the arable layer of earth. Each year, around 120,000 square kilometres are lost (around three times Switzerland’s surface): land that could be used to grow 20 million tonnes of cereals, reckons the UN.

The most affected zones are regions where intensive farming is the norm and the effects of climate change are the most felt. “It’s happening in emerging economies such as China and India as well as in the least developed nations in Africa and South America,” says Schwilch.

In Africa, two-thirds of the productive surfaces have suffered from some form of desertification. But it would be wrong to believe that only countries with little industrialisation are facing the problem.

The whole of the Mediterranean basin is affected, she says. “The worst-hit is Spain, which has been struggling with the issue since the 1950s.”

Even Switzerland, often called Europe’s water tower, cannot say it is safe. “It wouldn’t be right to call it desertification since it is a humid zone,” Schwilch points out. “But if you’re talking about a general degradation of land surfaces, the whole country is concerned.”
Trees in the desert

The African Great Green Wall initiative aims to create a swath of vegetation stretching about 7,000 kilometres from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east. It would be around 15 kilometres wide, passing through Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Irrigation would be provided by dams and artificial lakes.

The goal is to slow the progression of the Sahara Desert, as well as improve the standard of living of local populations and reduce the number of climate refugees.

The trees planted will also help trap carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.

The initiative is backed by the UN and the World Bank, which are providing $1.8 billion in funding.

In Senegal, where the project has made the most progress, 12 million trees have been planted so far.

Similar initiatives have been launched in other parts of the world, including China (since the 1970s), Brazil, Russia, North America, India and Australia.

Although it is a local phenomenon, land erosion has global consequences that are not just ecological or climate-related, but also socioeconomic.

Lower food production leads to migratory effects and conflicts. In Mexico alone, up to 900,000 people leave its arid landscape every year to head for the cities or the United States, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization.

Some experts even go as far as linking desertification and terrorism in the Sahel region of northern Africa. Kouloutan Coulibaly, Mali’s director of forestry, recently told the BBC that poverty related to extreme heat, drought and a lack of food makes the Sahel a breeding ground for extremism.

“When you have no money and no job and the terrorists come and pay, people say yes,” he told the British broadcaster. "It's an opportunity for them."
Radical proposal

It’s the economy as a whole that suffers from the consequences of desertification. In a recent UNCCD background report, the convention’s experts estimated that the direct cost of the phenomenon was equivalent to three to five per cent of the global agricultural gross domestic product, or $64 billion (CHF59 billion) a year.

That share varies hugely from country to country, from 6.6 per cent in Paraguay to nine per cent in Burkina Faso and 24 per cent in Guatemala.

To turn the ship around and create new arable surfaces, Swiss engineer Jean-Edouard Buchter has a radical proposal. In his 2012 book, Reverdir le Sahara (re-greening the Sahara), he suggests irrigating the desert with water recovered at the mouths of major rivers and transported by pipelines or tankers.

Projects that can be realised in the shorter term including planting trees in affected zones.

Although Schwilch warns that simply planting won’t be any use. “We saw in Spain that non-indigenous species were planted – and in the wrong places. But if you involve the local population and you include proper sustainable land and water management, you might achieve something.”
Mobile applications

She says any action should take place where land is still productive rather than in zones suffering from desertification. “People need to see the benefits of an intervention. New technologies could be of great help there.”

Schwilch is thinking in particular about mobile applications. “We’re working with an American institute on developing such a tool. The idea is to give people easier access to solutions that will work long term,” she says.

The idea is that once a field’s parameters, such as rainfall or soil type, are entered into the application, it will draw up solutions for sustainable management.

Local formulas which don’t rule out global solutions, she adds. “What’s important is the exchange of knowledge and sharing as widely as possible local experiences.”

Fighting desertification

In 1994, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 17 the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.

The theme this year is drought and water scarcity, in particular “the drylands and beyond, calling attention to the importance of sustaining healthy soils as part of post Rio+20 agenda, as well as the post-2015 sustainable development agenda”.

Established in 1994, UNCCD is the sole legally binding international agreement linking environment and development to sustainable land management. The convention addresses specifically the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, known as the drylands.

In the 10-Year Strategy of the UNCCD (2008-2018) that was adopted in 2007, parties to the convention specified that they would "forge a global partnership to reverse and prevent desertification/land degradation and to mitigate the effects of drought in affected areas in order to support poverty reduction and environmental sustainability".

Switzerland is a party to the convention and donates around CHF50 million a year to combat desertification. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) manages 70 related projects, focusing mainly on problems in drought-affected areas.

(Sources: UNCCD, SDC)
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Why couldn't it be the fight against dessertification?

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